Let You Support Your Wife, Not Your Boss

Chapter 114: Follow Up Secretly, Don’T Let The Shooter

"...No matter what, life is more important than face."

Lu Nan didn't want to answer directly this question, which he knew was particularly bad at first glance.

But right now...it's really hard to be vague about it.

So the former gamer had no choice but to poke his cheek with his hand and force himself to tell the slightly embarrassing truth.

As his words fell, Xiao Youwei and Anna's breathing became a little faster.

Sometimes, girls are no worse than boys in terms of sexual desire.

"Um...Lu Nan, it's still unknown how powerful this book [The King's New Clothes] is. Do you want to try it at home first?"

Xiao Youwei wrote these words with trembling hands while calming down her mood.

Her wolf ears stood straight up.

"That's right, brother Lu Nan, for the sake of safety, Anna also recommends that you try it at home first."

Anna also helped and urged.

These two lolita instantly "closed" their relationship with each other and became allies who could trust each other.

Lu Nan did not give any response.

After all...these two little guys' plans almost jumped right in his face.

And he is not some perverted exhibitionist, so what should he do in response to these two requests at this time?

"Okay, Youwei, Anna, let's stop this topic."

"I'm going to say another important thing... Well, I'm going out alone in the afternoon. You two should be good at home and don't quarrel or break up the house."

Lu Nan put on a tired expression while whispering his plans for the afternoon trip.

This gamer is being pretty candid.

When people do bad things, it is best to keep them secret.

But it is not an easy task to get rid of these two clingy little guys and have an affair alone... bah bah bah, go see Kazama Azusa.

Lu Nan could be sure that if he really ran out without saying a word, then these two lolita in front of him... would definitely turn the city upside down.

"You two, can you promise me?"

As the former gamer finished speaking, the two little guys who were still clamoring to see O's body fell into silence for an instant.

"Lu Nan, do you want to go out alone again?"

"...I don't think this is a good idea, Lu Nan, you are weak and I am strong, so you need my protection."

After a brief silence, Xiao Youwei was the first to express her objection. She raised the notebook full of words high and expressed her dissatisfaction at the moment with this action.

This Sanwu loli really had a psychological shadow on Lu Nan going out alone.

The last time, his guardian went out alone and brought Anna home.

This time...who does he want to bring back?

Is it Xiaozi? Or the third girl who entered the room? Or maybe it's someone else you don't know?

"Brother Lu Nan, what Little Red Riding Hood said is right. The current city-state is not particularly safe. As a non-fifth-level Transcendent...it's best not to act alone."

Anna also shook her head.

This white-haired Saintess chose to continue to stand on a united front with Xiao Youwei.

"I know it's not safe, but...some things are worth taking a certain amount of risk."

Lu Nan didn't hesitate, he answered directly.

"What specifically happened that made Brother Lu Nan take such a big risk?"

Anna held her chin with her hands, and there was a bit of obvious uneasiness on her gentle cheeks.

"How should I put it? I plan to meet a girl who will have a great influence on the next situation. If I can convince the other party, the probability of winning [true love] will be much higher."

Lu Nan spread his hands and replied slowly.

"Does the other party not agree to Lu Nan bringing others with him anyway?" Xiao Youwei wrote quickly.

"Yes, that very important girl asked for it, so... on the surface, I can only be alone. Well, on the surface, I can only be alone. You know what I mean."

Lu Nan took a deep breath, letting some obvious helplessness appear on his cheeks.

As I said before, this former gamer is not very comfortable meeting Azusa Kazama alone.

But if you take people directly with you, problems can easily arise.

Then, the best way is to hint these two lolita to follow you secretly.

"I see."

"Ana...understands too."

The two lolita responded quickly.

But compared to Xiao Youwei, who has already finished tearing apart the mistress, ah, no, the mistress.

After listening to the explanation, Anna showed some hesitation.

The word "important" in Lu Nan's mouth reminded her of the terrible scene she saw last night.

If... Brother Lu Nan plans to meet that important person, the pink-haired girl who is suspected of being [the Lord].

It seems that neither I nor Youwei can do a good job of protecting Brother Lu Nan in secret!

Meet, so... how did that adult get in touch with Brother Lu Nan.

The only contact between them should be that time in the confessional!

The more Anna thought about it, the more puzzled she felt.

She tried to pray silently in her heart, asking the gods she believed in for answers.

However, [the Lord] never responded to her.


While Anna was struggling, Xiao Youwei suddenly made a move. She silently stretched out her little hand and placed a note full of words in the hand of the white-haired Saintess.


Anna was surprised for a moment, and then she concentrated on it and read the information written by Xiao Youwei.

"Anna is responsible for looking after the house, and I secretly follow Lu Nan to prevent any accidents."

There seems to be no problem with the words Xiao Youwei wrote.

However, this Sanwu Lolita is not just a very well-behaved little wolf cub that only flatters its owner.

Just like carnivores will actively hunt competitors in the same ecosystem to ensure their position in the food chain and snatch more prey.

Xiao Youwei's fierceness and possessiveness are still very high.

The tracking protection she wrote down was no ordinary security protection.

As long as the bad woman who seduces Lu Nan is not Anna or Xiaozi, then she can definitely take action secretly and kill potential competitors.

"Your idea is good, but..."

Anna thought for a while, took the pen from Xiao Youwei's hand, and wrote a reply.

"What's wrong? Anna, do you have any questions?"

"Why can't it be the other way around? Let Anna track it... Generally speaking, it should be the job of canines like little wolf cubs to look after homes and nursing homes."

Anna was so calm that she wrote this line.

As a girl who managed to move in in front of this Sanwu lolita, she didn't quite trust Xiao Youwei's ability to follow her.

And if the girl Lu Nan wants to meet is really the [Lord], Little Red Riding Hood... Youwei will definitely suffer a big loss because of her reckless behavior.

Therefore, it is better to let Anna handle this matter.

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