Let You Support Your Wife, Not Your Boss

Chapter 116 The First Meeting With Azusa Kazama In Real Life

"[Stepmother], what do you want from me?"

Middle area, inside the cat cafe.

While waiting for Lu Nan to come over, Azusa Kazama was holding a communication device and chatting with another senior member of the resistance organization.

The hacker loli's reaction at this time seemed a bit strange, as if the person she was talking to was not a companion, but some indescribable horror.

But this is not too strange, unlike companies and churches where Salis has different vests.

The resistance organization is the ideal political system of the Orthodox faction of the church. The structure of this organization is relatively loose, the status of the top leaders is theoretically equal, and there is no real leader.

The members who make up the top management also appear to be complex.

There are defectors from companies and churches, as well as fifth-level Transcendents from the outside world...evil gods.

The [Stepmother] who is currently chatting with Azusa Kazama is one of those dangerous outsiders.

"[Stepmother], if you don't make it clear what's going on with you, then I won't be able to accompany you for the time being. I'll be very busy next time."

Kazama Azusa looked at the evil god who had asked about her absence in the chat history but had not given a reply, and her expression became a little more nervous.

Right now...she was just preparing to meet with corporate legal persons like Lu Nan.

Other senior leaders of the resistance organization came over.

The truth of this situation made Azusa Kazama have a strange association.

In addition, the terrifying power of [Stepmother] also makes Hacker Loli fearful.

This evil god with a weird code name also has a lot to do with fairy tales.

She corresponds to the sum total of all the evil stepmothers in fairy tales.

Theoretically, this kind of fairy tale character with a wider coverage is stronger than single fairy tale characters such as [Cinderella] and [Little Red Riding Hood].

Of course...this statement is not particularly absolute.

At least judging from the currently known information, Anna, who represents [Saintess], is not very strong, and is only average to lower than the fifth level Transcendent.

"Xiao Zi, don't be so anxious. I just want to ask you a question."

After waiting for a while, the stepmother finally responded.

She tapped the keyboard gently, and her red lips followed the corners of her mouth, showing a rather seductive arc.

"You have been operating in the third city-state before, right? I am very curious about the charm of the seventh city-state, which makes you eager to give up your years of planning and come here regardless of the consequences."

"This is my private matter and has nothing to do with you, [stepmother], don't go too far."

Kazama Azusa quickly typed this text in a panic.

The girl seemed particularly anxious at this time because she did not want Lu Nan to receive extra attention from the resistance organization.

However, as the saying goes, caring leads to chaos, and Azusa Kazama's behavior inadvertently exposed many fatal flaws.

But... fortunately, the stepmother didn't care too much.

After she received the news, she did not continue to dwell on the topic, but got down to business.

"Forget it, since you don't want to say it, it's useless for me to force you, but I want to ask you for something."

"What's wrong?"

Kazama Azusa frowned, she could instinctively sense something was wrong.

"[True Love]... is a very important strategic material. Since you are in that city, can I ask you to help those two gays capture it?"

The stepmother wiped her lips with her fingernails covered in red nail polish and typed with a playful expression.

The resistance organization attaches far greater importance to [true love] than the church and the company.

"I understand, [Stepmother], since you also think this thing is important, do you have any plans to leave the Second City-State and come here?"

Azusa Kazama asked tentatively.

"It depends on the situation." The stepmother sent a rather vague message with a playful expression.

"Well, remember to contact me if you plan on coming over."

Azusa Kazama rubbed her eyes and typed a reply carefully.

Although after returning from rebirth, this hacker loli has no good feelings towards the resistance organization, and even plans to completely draw a line between them.

However, she does not plan to take action for the time being. Instead, she plans to maintain a certain degree of contact with this organization.

Anyway...before Lu Nan accepted him, his undercover status was still very useful.

"I understand, wait a minute...Xiao Zi, I also want to ask you a question."

Just when Azusa Kazama felt that her stepmother was about to leave, the lady sent another message.


Azusa Kazama answered succinctly.

"Speaking of it, you seem to have been looking for a master who can realize your ambition...or let's say lord. I wonder if I can win your favor."

The stepmother behind the screen showed a vicious smile like a poisonous snake.

"...If you want to welcome the end, then I will give you a grand enough exit."

Azusa Kazama gave an expressionless reply of rejection.

The hacker loli's lavender eyes flashed with quite obvious anger.

She couldn't tolerate her stepmother's offense at this moment.

This week she will not be fooled no matter what, there is only one person who can become her master.

"It's such a pity that I thought I had a chance to become your mother!"

"Hey, lord, I'm so nervous. Why haven't you come yet? There are many people rushing to get it, Xiaozi. If you don't come, what will happen if I get kidnapped by others?"

Azusa Kazama ignored the message from her stepmother again. She opened another chat box so pitifully that she started shivering while holding her communication device.

Don't look at the fact that this hacker loli showed quite a majestic appearance when she faced a big shot on the Internet that could make the entire federation fear her.

But in fact, she was a little afraid of society in reality, and she was so aggrieved that she was about to cry.

Wow, wow, it's really scary to be alone in a cat cafe, talking to the clerk and ordering coffee or something.

Lord, why haven’t you come to save Xiaozi! You won't be entangled by Sister Anna, Sister Youwei... those two shameless vixens again, right? You don't want this kind of thing!

"I've been waiting for a long time. Well, maybe I should just say it's our first meeting, Miss Kazama."

When Azusa Kazama was about to lose control due to nervousness.

A message marked with special concern suddenly popped up on the communication device.

Kazama Azusa subconsciously raised her head and looked out the door.

Lu Nan was standing not far away, waving to her with a smile.

"No, no, I just arrived."

Azusa Kazama waved her hands in panic, lowered her little head, and whispered softly.

Unlike the other two bold Yu Sanjia, this hacker loli didn't act like an old married couple when she saw Lu Nan.

She was like a little girl who was just starting to fall in love, and her face instantly turned red with embarrassment.

"Miss Kazama, don't be nervous. According to the agreement, I came 'alone'. Well, then we should have a good discussion about your change of ways."

Lu Nan pushed away the stool, imitated Xiao Youwei's way of speaking, wrote the words he wanted to express on the paper, and showed it to Azusa Kazama in front of him.

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