Let You Support Your Wife, Not Your Boss

Chapter 13 I Don’T Eat Beef

After making the decision, Lu Nan did not delay, and soon he brought Xiao Youwei to the location on West Street.

Almost as soon as he stepped into this land, Lu Nan successfully discovered Xu Sheng, who had not deliberately hidden his whereabouts in his territory.

The target targeted by the company was wearing an expensive custom-made suit and a gold watch. There was almost no part of his body that was not brand-name.

There were no gang members following him. There was only a mature woman in her thirties dressed as a ninja.

This seems to be a condescending attitude, which seems a bit out of place in the fraternity.

"...It's a bit stupid, but it's similar to the setting in the game. Although Xu Sheng and the gang have achieved mutual success, the relationship between them is actually relatively subtle."

Lu Nan held his chin and looked at the man in front of him. The scene of dealing with him when he was playing games came to mind.

A temporary plan has emerged in my mind.

"Lu Nan...can I kill him?"

While Lu Nan was thinking, his sleeve was suddenly pulled slightly by Xiao You next to him.

"What's wrong?" Lu Nan asked with a puzzled expression.

"The look in his eyes made me feel uncomfortable."

Xiao Youwei directly wrote down a reason that seemed to be somewhat reasonable.

"Hey, hey, hey... don't mess with the mission given by the company, um, but if that guy wants to do bad things to you, it doesn't matter if you just kill him."

Lu Nan was stunned at first, but after looking at Xiao Youwei's barren figure, he seemed to suddenly think of something, and emphasized each word to the girl.

"I know, because I belong to Lu Nan, so... I have to protect myself. I can't let other men touch me."

Xiao Youwei's ears perked up, and then she wrote this paragraph with a blushing face, and turned her head away shyly.

"This is also my promise and I will do it."

"...Hiss, that's not what I meant! I'm just telling you that you can protect yourself."

Lu Nan pressed his forehead. The moment he saw this line of text, his brows twitched twice.

He subconsciously wanted to defend his words and tell the girl that he didn't mean to express control like a yandere.

However, seeing the inexplicable weird attitude of this Sanwu loli, and feeling the strange emotions rising in his heart... Lu Nan found it difficult to explain.

Just when the guardian and the ward were entangled with each other.

Xu Sheng made a move. He turned his head and said something to the female ninja following him.

The mature woman dressed as a ninja behind him walked to the right, pulled out a ninja sword without warning, and cut off the head of a little boy next to her.

The blood erupted like a waterfall in an instant, and strange flowers bloomed.

The child's head rolled down to Xu Sheng's feet. Due to the speed of the knife, there was still a sense of confusion on his face, "Why is this ninja sister coming to me?"

"Ah!!! Kill, kill someone."

"Hurry up and call the brotherhood guys over. Damn it, didn't our family just pay the protection fee? My son... why?"

The screams of fear came belatedly.

This vicious incident of killing people on the street undoubtedly attracted the attention of those around them.

But after Xu Sheng pointed his finger at his face and fired three shots into the sky, the gang members and the ordinary lower-class residents became quiet.

Only the child with his head cut off was left, lying alone on the street where no one cared.

"...This Xu Sheng is an uninteresting person!"

Lu Nan looked at this scene that did not appear in the game plot, shook his head, and showed disappointment.

At the same time, he once again confirmed his previous view that there are no good people in this federation.

Well...including himself of course.

"Lu Nan is very interesting."

Xiao Youwei immediately wrote a line of text and sent it to Lu Nan diligently.

"Weapon, can you feel the aura of the evil god from this Xu Sheng?"

Lu Nan ignored this Sanwu loli who didn't understand the art of flattery. He opened his mouth and asked her about business.

"Didn't feel it."

Xiao Youwei closed her eyes, and after sensing it for a while, she gently shook her head, and wrote down a text to inform Lu Nan.

"No? It's strange... His brain has not been affected by the evil god, and he still behaves like a madman. Is it because he simply likes to kill, or does he have some other purpose."

Lu Nan frowned when he heard the news.

According to the setting of the game and the statement given by the company, if a person uses the power of the evil god within three days, then they will have a smell of blasphemy.

But... Xu Sheng is not abnormal now.

So is this situation happening now because of the deviation caused by the game becoming reality, or is it due to other reasons?


"That's the feeling of ordering your subordinates to kill. It doesn't feel good."

Xu Sheng was so disgusted that he used the pants on his left leg as a rag and wiped them with the blood-stained shoe on his right foot.

The reason why this middle-aged man behaves differently from the game settings is actually very simple.

"Tsk, enter... It is said that only one lucky player has played the closed beta. The game has not yet been released, which is really boring. What's the difference between me and NPCs?"

"Speaking of it...when I entered this world, did I hear a sentence, hiss, it seems to be...I hope your death can make my prince understand what true meaning is. The pleasure, patricide is an important part of people's growth...inexplicable."

Different from clearing the first game, I plan to start the second game of Lu Nan.

Xu Sheng has a completely blank view of this world. He doesn't even know what the protagonist and heroine look like.

However... this does not affect Xu Sheng's self-confidence.

"Player? The original protagonist! Haha, now I am the protagonist in the story."

Xu Sheng pulled out a special Glock pistol, put it to his mouth and blew on it.

Even though he hasn’t played [The Savior].

However, Xu Sheng is quite satisfied with his role as transmigrate.

If you are rich and powerful, in the setting, the lurking protagonist will find an opportunity to kill you with the weak defeating the strong.

Isn’t this the protagonist in a pure villain web novel?

Then what you need to do next is very simple.

It's just like those villain novels on the Internet, stepping on the original protagonist and taking away the heroine.

"Young Master... I would like to ask you what you just ordered me to do to kill that child."

The female ninja returned to Xu Sheng's back.

"Don't you see what that little beast is eating?"

Xu Sheng said with a contemptuous tone.

"Coarse grain cakes...don't all poor people eat these?"

The kunoichi frowned.

"That's different. This little beast is not an ordinary poor man. If he dares to eat coarse grain cakes today, he will dare to eat people tomorrow."

"Besides... I hate children so much. Hey, I had a son whose surname was not mine but his mother's surname was Lu. When he was just an adult, I used He and his mother spent hundreds of thousands on gambling, causing my mother-in-law to die of illness, and he no longer recognizes me as his father. "

Xu Sheng showed a sarcastic smile, and then he kicked the child who rolled next to him hard on the head like a football.

After a while, a nearly full trash can fell to the ground next to it.

"Young master is wise."

Naturally, the female ninja has no sense of justice so much that she would ruin her job because of a stranger.

After seeing that Xu Sheng didn't want to explain, she bowed her head in humility and said in compliment.

"Oh, of course I'm smart. I'm a brain guy, and I'm different from your muscular barbarians who only know how to fight and kill."

Xu Sheng accepted the compliment without any courtesy.

Then, he turned his attention to the crowd of people watching next to him.

Of course, everything Xu Sheng is doing now is not just to kill people for fun. He wants to use this method to make Lu Nan, or the protagonist in the game, fall into the trap.

"Generally speaking, there is nothing wrong with the setting that the protagonist of a game... must be a good person."

"As long as I don't make a big mistake and continue to legally shape the characters of Cao Ying, I should soon be able to see the protagonist of the game reveal his identity as an undercover agent and try to stop me out of a sense of justice."

Xu Sheng was thinking in his mind while looking around with sinister eyes.

In the end...it stopped at Lu Nan, who was walking towards his location with a false smile.

PS: Except for the murder scene, the rest of the story is based on the author's father.

The previous explanations have been deleted for the time being. Putting a lot of them here would affect the perception too much.

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