Let You Support Your Wife, Not Your Boss

Chapter 43: The Truth Behind Last Week’S “Betrayal”

"Our first encounter was no different from this life, except that at that time I didn't listen to you like I do now, I didn't trust you, and I even did a lot of things that would hurt you."

"It wasn't until Lu Nan that you made a lot of efforts and saved me, that I became what you know now."

Xiao Youwei saw that Lu Nan did not react to what she had written. She shook her head gently and continued writing.

A feeling of disappointment or joy suddenly spread quietly in her heart.

"If nothing unexpected happens, at that time, I should have the opportunity to slowly become happy with Lu Nan."

"But...a group of cunning sneaky cats just happened to arrive at this moment, and they appeared next to you one by one as if they had made an appointment...including that abominable Anna. ”

When Xiao Youwei wrote this, the intensity of holding the pen tip increased significantly.

If it weren't for the fear of waking up Lu Nan, this Sanwu loli would probably break the pen in her hand.

"I hate those guys."

"This kind of hatred is not only due to a girl's jealousy and possessiveness, but also... the anger caused by betrayal."

"The betrayal I'm talking about is related to an incident three years later."

"While traveling together, we saw... [the content on the note was distorted and blocked by an unknown force]"

"At that time, Lu Nan suddenly told us that a terrible disaster was about to sweep the entire world. Only by sacrificing you can we save the entire federation."

Xiao Youwei paused her pen tip, and there was a hint of sadness in her eyes that could not be resolved.

"Then you called all the girls around you and got a vote."

"You want to ask our opinion, you want to let us vote to decide...whether you will sacrifice yourself for the Federation."

"I think Lu Nan must have been particularly scared at that time and wanted us to choose a choice that was particularly selfish in your eyes, so that you could live."

"But after the vote came out, you said... only one person voted to let you live, and everyone else voted to let you die."

Xiao Youwei's petite body trembled slightly.

While writing this, this Sanwu Loli couldn't help but think of the scene where she last saw Lu Nan before her rebirth.

At that time... all the girls present were shocked by the voting results, and looked at the others with anger and disbelief.

They both seem to view each other as betrayers.

But only Xiao Youwei knew that their appearances were all fake.

Because Lu Nan said, only one person voted to refuse to let him die at that time.

"So...Lu Nan, do you understand? I am the only one who loves you in this world, and I was the only one who wanted you to continue living at that time."

Xiao Youwei wrote these words softly and looked at Lu Nan with sick and gentle eyes.

Because of what happened last week, Xiao Youwei regarded everyone in the world as his enemy.

But these enemies...are different in nature.

Those unrelated residents were only the indirect murderers of Lu Nan.

The other girls, including Anna, were directly responsible for forcing Lu Nan to death.

"Lu Nan, luckily I have another chance to come back. No matter what the cost, I will protect you this time."

"Sooner or later I will kill everyone in this world except you. As long as there are only two of us left in this world... we will definitely be happy."

"By the way, there's something I forgot to ask Lu Nan. Why did you make that choice at that time...you knew I didn't want you to sacrifice yourself, but you still made that choice."

"You don't want me anymore?"

After Xiao Youwei finished writing these words, she reached out her hand and gently touched it a few centimeters away from Lu Nan's face.

Her eyes looked like those of a patient driven mad by great fear.

Full of despair, madness, and... pitifulness.

There is only one antidote for treating such patients.

Lu Nan turned over again and pointed his face directly at the Sanwu loli.

His slender eyelashes looked particularly long in the moonlight.

Xiao Youwei was slightly stunned when she saw this scene, and then she felt that a soft place in her heart was touched, and a feeling of peace of mind slowly came up.

Finally, this Sanwu loli put down her crazy thoughts, leaned her little head over, and gently rubbed against Lu Nan's cheek.

"Good night, dear."


"Phew, the church is quite lively!"

The next day, early morning.

After Lu Nan woke up from his sleep, the first thing he did was to take his Sanwu Loli to the church to confess to Anna as agreed.

Compared to companies, the image of the Church, an organization that is more inclined to study mysterious fields, is not that mysterious.

This organization has opened up quite a few places for others to visit.

Of course... the so-called visits are not unlimited, and the people who visit here are also divided. Most of the believers who come here to visit are residents of the upper-class and middle-class districts.

Only a handful of lower-class members have the opportunity to visit this special place.

God’s light does shine equally on everyone.

However, the exception is poor people who cannot bring value to the church.

"Youwei, aren't you going in?"

Lu Nan shook his head, no longer thinking about these topics about class, and turned his attention to Xiao Youwei.

When this Sanwu loli arrived at the gate of the church in this city, it stopped and stopped moving.

"It... feels strange inside. There is a force that refuses my entry."

Xiao You shook her head slightly. After she wrote the reply, she stretched out her hands as if pushing something, and walked forward in this posture.

There seemed to be an invisible wall of air between the church and her.

After exerting a lot of effort, this Sanwu Loli only managed to move forward a few centimeters.

At this speed, I'm afraid I won't even be able to enter the church door until the sun sets.

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