Let You Support Your Wife, Not Your Boss

Chapter 56 The Decisive Xiao Youwei

"What, why are you looking at me like this? You little girl still want to kill me!"

"You have such fierce eyes at a young age. You'll get better when you grow up! You look like the kind of loser who can't get married. No wonder you're mute! This is God's punishment for you."

Among curses... this kind of behavior that is full of gunpowder, not very qualified, and can easily damage the image, there are two ways of attacking that are the most uncomfortable.

The first is to give up attacking the other party directly, shift the target of abuse to the other party's relatives, and use the most vicious language to evaluate the people the other party values.

A common example can be seen as slandering the other party's wife, mother, and daughter, saying that they are the kind of people who are engaged in customs and go to sea to make money.

The second is to poke people's pain, such as scolding the lame at the lame, scolding the lame at the blind, scolding the mute at the mute, scolding the deaf... and writing down words to scold him for being deaf.

The method Old Mrs. Sun is using now is the latter.

After insulting Xiao Youwei so shamelessly, the old man coughed again and threatened in a dissatisfied tone: "Little girl, it is not good to disrespect the elderly."

"Don't even think about hitting me. If I lie down here now... and tell others that you broke my legs, guess what will happen next."

For most people, moral kidnapping is certainly an unsolvable problem.

But... Xiao Youwei's heart did not have any fluctuations.

The idea of ​​this Sanwu loli is very simple.

Now she just wants to kill Old Mrs. Sun in front of her.

If anyone tries to accuse me from a moral perspective, I will kill them all.

It's nothing more than the difference between killing more people and killing less people.

"Ahem, little girl, I guess you don't want to see this happen."

"But, I think...you might not be happy after being scolded by me, and I happen to be unhappy too, otherwise...you come with me over there, Let's resolve this conflict properly? I'm so angry after being so disgusted by a little girl like you."

Old Mrs. Sun looked at Xiao Youwei coldly and didn't seem to answer.

She thought this Sanwu loli had been frightened by her.

So the old woman stood up quickly, waved, and walked towards a dark corner.

Obviously... everything this guy who wanted to assassinate [Little Red Riding Hood] just did was to deceive the girl named Xiao Youwei in front of him into a place where no one is.

"...The killer is annoying. I'll kill them all in one go."

Xiao Youwei didn't hesitate, she put her hands into her pockets and followed directly.

This kid is not stupid.

Although she was also annoyed by the other party's bad mouth, this did not prevent Xiao Youwei from discovering the other party's true identity and intentions.

"Okay, little girl, we're here, right here."

The two of them walked quickly, and soon they were far away from the crowd and arrived at a remote place.

Seeing that she had accomplished her goal, Old Mrs. Sun stopped pretending. She suddenly turned around with a dark expression and looked at Xiao Youwei fiercely.

The old woman's chosen location for the assassination was a gray area in the upper-class area that was nominally called an "entertainment venue."

If you use this place to kill someone or do anything illegal or criminal, it will not affect the outside world and cause trouble to other upper-class people.


Xiao Youwei nodded silently.

"Huhuhu, little girl, if you come here now, you probably want to beat up this old woman like me, but... I want to kill you!"

Old Mrs. Sun opened her hands, with obvious pleasure in her tone.

She had always loved killing people here.

Hey, a dark environment can easily awaken the fear deep in people's hearts.

People who are killed in this kind of environment usually show a rather "delicious" expression.

Mrs. Sun's thoughts were very beautiful.

Only...this time, she didn't see the things that fascinated her.

The evil old man only saw Xiao Youwei raising her hand with an expressionless face.

The red sword light followed the movements of this Sanwu Loli and slashed in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, wailing sounds echoed throughout the alley.

Blood splattered with broken limbs.

This small alley, which was already smelling of stench of blood, now smelled a bit more fresh and rusty.

Almost all the killers lurking here died under the casual blow of this Sanwu Lolita.

"I know...you want to kill me, but maybe I should thank you for choosing to come here at this time."

"I was not in a good mood just now."

"Now, feel better."

Xiao Youwei raised the notebook and displayed the words she had prepared.

Then, she lowered her head again and moved her gaze to her calf.

The old woman named Sun reacted quickly.

The moment she saw the red sword light, she immediately tried her best to dodge back, hoping to save her life.

However, this approach did not produce any effect.

Xiao Youwei swung it so fast that it was almost impossible to catch it with the eyes... The red sword light was so precise that it cut most of her throat.

There seems to be only one level difference between beta level and alpha level.

But in fact, the gap here is the gap between gods and mortals.

"You, you are...a fifth-level Transcendent?"

Mrs. Sun was bleeding while looking at Xiao Youwei, and said words mixed with fear intermittently.

" ......yes."

Xiao Youwei nodded while writing these words on the cardboard.

Seeing this, Mrs. Sun's eyes were instantly wrapped in resentment and malice.

She couldn't help but think of the scene when this mission was assigned.

Xu Sheng...that beast didn't explain anything at all.

All he said was that he wanted to control an obedient subordinate, and to achieve that he needed to kill the man's wife.

Damn, damn! What on earth is that idiot thinking? That idiot was definitely deceived!

Old Mrs. Sun had a look of resentment in her eyes, thinking viciously.

But for her now, resentment is a luxury.

As blood flowed out of her throat, Mrs. Sun's consciousness became increasingly blurred.

She is dead.

"Just... I accidentally soiled the coat that Lu Nan gave me."

Xiao Youwei didn't care about how embarrassed those who tried to kill her were now.

She just lowered her head to check the situation on herself.

As his eyes caught a dazzling stain of blood, a hint of sadness flashed in the eyes of this Sanwu Lolita.

"Go back...you have to clean up quickly."

Xiao Youwei withdrew her weapon and walked outside, thinking silently in her heart.

But just at this moment, a wooden statue suddenly rolled down from the arms of the dead old lady Sun, making a crisp sound.

Xiao Youwei stopped, and a hint of uneasiness appeared in her eyes.

This aura is...the evil god?

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