Let You Support Your Wife, Not Your Boss

Chapter 62: As For The Tail, It Can Change But It’S Not Necessary

"Lu Nan really guessed it."

"Cough cough cough cough... No, I don't know much about wolves' ways of showing love. I'm just guessing. By the way, Youwei, the injury on your body... is a little better. Yet?"

Lu Nan had just finished replying when he felt Xiao Youwei's eyes become a little fiery inexplicably.

So... Out of the feeling of being panicked after being seen, the guardian quickly coughed twice, revealed the answer to himself, and turned his attention away. When it came to the Sanwu loli in front of me, the topic changed.

While talking just now, Xiao Youwei's injuries had already recovered a lot due to his excellent self-healing ability.

Although...the right arm is still in a state of use due to broken bones.

However, those more obvious wounds have become scarred and no longer seep blood.

Compared with just now, this look can make people feel more at ease. At least they don't have to worry about the sequelae of Xiao Youwei's excessive blood loss.

"It's better than just now, but it will take some time to fully recover."

"I may not be able to fulfill my responsibility of protecting Lu Nan well in the next few days."

Xiao You lowered her head slightly, looked at her body carefully, and gave an answer that made her feel a little confused.

This Sanwu Loli obviously didn't expect that she would be so seriously injured not long after she was reborn.

However, considering the situation of facing the evil god just now, it seemed quite lucky that there were no wounds that could not be healed like this.

As an artificial god in the "Fairy Tale" series, Xiao Youwei's strength is certainly quite astonishing.

It is difficult for low-level Transcendents and technological creations not involved in the occult to cause harm to her.

But if faced with beings of the same level, the artificial god's physical strength and defense that are particularly high in the eyes of others... are not so reliable.

Every raid and every attack by the evil god may directly kill Xiao Youwei.

If you explain this situation in game terms.

That should be seen as...the armor of the fifth-level Transcendents is not as high as expected. They just come with high-injury immunity that is only for low-levels and is invalid for the same level.

"That's it! It's okay."

"Don't worry too much about the work arranged by the company. I can take care of myself."

Lu Nan let out a long breath, then stretched out his hand and rubbed Xiao Youwei's chin.

"It's not a job, it's my responsibility and my obligation."

Xiao Youwei held up her notebook and corrected Lu Nan's statement.

"....Okay, I remember."

Lu Nan nodded with complicated thoughts, and then he slightly accelerated the speed of rubbing his chin.

This kind of action was quite popular with Xiao Youwei, and after a while... this Sanwu loli closed her eyes in comfort and didn't feel like she was rubbing against the palm of her guardian's hand.

In a sense, this child really looks like a domestic animal.

"Compared with pets, Youwei... seems to be missing only a tail." Lu Nan murmured to himself.

"I'm not a pet, and I have a tail."

Xiao Youwei seemed to have not woken up from her comfortable state. She was so confused that she wrote a line of text that could be called self-exposure.

"Do you have a tail...?" Lu Nan was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but look behind Xiao Youwei.

There is no bulge behind the black shorts.

No matter how you look at it, this Sanwu loli doesn't look like a girl with a tail.

"Theoretically it's possible... If I wear wolf ears, I can temporarily simulate a big fluffy tail by consuming part of my power."

Xiao Youwei first gently straightened the wolf ear hanging on her head, and then silently wrote down the reason.

"Then why didn't you use it before?" Lu Nan asked doubtfully.

"...Because it's not needed! It's not helpful in fighting, and it's not as comfortable as Lu Nan to hold."

Xiao You tilted her head slightly.

The additional wolf tail that can be transformed by consuming power is different from the original wolf ear headdress.

[Little Red Riding Hood] cannot improve its strength through this.

And...Xiao Youwei is not the wolf grandmother just now.

As a humanoid creature that stands on its legs instead of using all four limbs at the same time.

The tail or something... was more like an extra vulnerability to her than an attack method.

"That's it!"

Lu Nan turned his head away regretfully.

He has a very low level of interest in tails and things like that.

But...if he spoke directly, he seemed to want to see it.

"Forget it, Youwei, we don't have much time. Let's leave the different space first. Can you still walk now?"

Lu Nan shook his head, and he was silent for a few seconds as he looked at the cracks he had left behind when he came back to the Federation.

He turned his back to Xiao Youwei, using this gesture to hint that he could provide help at this time.

It's just that... this Sanwu loli didn't get such a subtle hint.

"It's a bit reluctant, but if you work hard, there should be no problem."

Xiao Youwei gently put her arm around Lu Nan's shoulders and supported herself to stand up.

Then, she took a deep breath and tentatively took a few steps forward.

The petite figure with blond hair also appeared in front of Lu Nan.

Seen from this perspective, Xiao Youwei... was still limping just like before, swaying a few steps while walking, and seemed to have the possibility of falling at any time.

"...Pfft, so stupid."

Salisi's sneer came from the unknown void and pierced deeply into Lu Nan's heart.

"Youwei, do you know? Girls who are too aggressive...are not lovable."

Lu Nan's voice, along with the sound of sneers, came faintly from behind Xiao Youwei.

A rare sense of resentment appeared in it.

"Showing off? I'm not lovable...Is Lu Nan angry?"

Xiao You slightly turned her head. She didn't understand why her guardian just said such words.

It wasn't until he saw that...Lu Nan was still squatting and arching her back that this Sanwu loli showed a look of realization.

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