Let You Support Your Wife, Not Your Boss

Chapter 64: People Like Lu Nan Should Be Snatched Away By Wolves

Xiao Youwei is a child who is very simple and rude in his thinking.

You can tell one thing or two from the attitude she just showed towards those who assassinated her.

The only thought this Sanwu loli has when killing is to kill the opponent quickly.

Even when facing someone with a deep hatred, all Xiao Youwei can think of... is just to swing a few more swords to make the enemy feel more physical pain before they die.

That kind of slow, rhythmic method of killing people and killing people is really in the blind spot of this girl's knowledge.

"It's normal that you can't understand...canines and felines are still different at the end of the day."

"Only cats can tease and torture their prey repeatedly. Wolves can choke and kill with one blow."

Lu Nan was not surprised by Xiao Youwei's answer. He just concluded with his own views on animals.

After he finished speaking, a slightly confused look appeared on his cheek.

Speaking of which, why should I talk to Xiao Youwei carefully about things that might cause trouble at this time?

"That's it...then, can I treat Lu Nan as a big cat?"

Xiao Youwei's eyes lit up and she hurriedly wrote down the query.

Out of trust in her lover and lack of intelligence, the focus of this Sanwu Loli suddenly shifted to a rather strange place.

Hey, speaking of it...Lu Nan does have some cat characteristics.

Arrogant, tiring, seemingly indifferent, and difficult to get along with, but in fact, she is not really difficult to get close to.

Such a big cat should be picked up by a wolf! ! !

"No, I'm just giving an example casually... You don't need to pay too much attention to it." Lu Nan held Xiao Youwei's thigh and lifted her up a little to express himself dissatisfaction.

"Besides, let's put aside my evil plans for the time being. We don't need to discuss such unpleasant topics now."

"Lu Nan doesn't want to talk anymore?"

Listening to Lu Nan's helpless tone, Xiao Youwei obviously misunderstood something.

So after hesitating for a moment, this Sanwu loli stretched out her hand and wrote on Lu Nan's chest.

"Well, Lu Nan, I just didn't express myself well enough... It's not that I don't support you, I just don't understand such behavior."

"You don't need to worry about me having bad thoughts. Lu Nan just needs to do what Lu Nan wants to do."

"No matter what you do, I will believe in you and support you."

Xiao Youwei's idea seemed very straightforward.

This Sanwu loli really cannot understand the bad taste of "betrayal".

However, Xiao Youwei felt that as a lover, she did not need to understand, she only needed to silently support Lu Nan.

Anyway...everyone in the Federation deserves to die, and there is no way Lu Nan would bully her in such a way that she couldn't understand.

"Don't bring up this topic. If this continues, I really won't be able to bear the pressure."

What Xiao Youwei wrote down obviously had the opposite effect.

After Lu Nan gave a hasty answer, he stopped talking to the girl and looked upward.

At this time...it suddenly started raining in the sky.

The rain diluted the smell of blood in the alley and wetted Lu Nan's forehead.

This made him somewhat unclear whether the liquid on his forehead was sweat or rain.

"Are you stressed?"

Xiao Youwei couldn't understand why the person she liked felt like this at this time.

With a puzzled look on her face, she wrote again and asked.

But Lu Nan didn't give any more answers.

He just remained silent, acting like the most common pedestrian on a rainy day.

And when both hands are used to hug people and there is no way to use an umbrella to protect them from the rain, the only thing such pedestrians should do is to speed up and try to get back to their home as soon as possible where they can protect themselves from the wind and rain.

Lu Nan just held Xiao Youwei and walked faster and faster.

The rain also fell heavier and heavier.

The dark clouds in the sky gathered together with the sound of rain and tears.

If you look from the bottom up at this time, it is easy to see the scenery above as... a smiling face that is crying.


Upper area, accommodation villa area.

Lu Nan did not choose to take Xiao Youwei back to the lower-level area to continue pretending to be a disguised identity, but went directly back to the employee dormitory arranged by the company.

As for the first thing he did after entering the house... he took out the first aid kit from the room and used it on Xiao Youwei.

Although I have said before, the injuries caused by the evil god cannot be treated by medical equipment and drugs.

However, it is still necessary to put on plaster and bandages for fractures.

"Youwei, you need to pay attention to rest recently. Until your bones are healed, try to do anything with your left hand."

"Don't worry, as a fifth-level Transcendent, an injury of this degree will only bother you for a week at most."

Lu Nan carefully fixed Xiao Youwei's right hand.

He knows the resilience of the artificial god and knows that it does not require correction and that his bones can grow back in a normal way. There is no need to worry about whether unprofessional means will cause Xiao Youwei a second injury.

"Besides your right arm, are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere else?"


Xiao Youwei shook her head gently.

"Okay, wait, why are you holding me back?"

Lu Nan stopped trying to put the first aid kit back into the room, then lowered his head and asked again.

"Don't you need bandages elsewhere?" Xiao Youwei held a gel pen in her hand and wrote a question on the bandage on her right arm.

"There's no need...everywhere else on your body is scarred and doesn't bleed anymore, so why should you put on a bandage?"

Looking at this Sanwu Loli who seemed to be able to use anything as a writing board, Lu Nan's eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

"The problem you have now is that you are a little dirty. In this case, you should quickly take a shower. I have just prepared the hot water for you."

"......Lu Nan."

Xiao Youwei did not directly follow the instructions. She just continued to write on the plaster with a troubled look.

"Well, my hand is broken, so I might be a little inconvenient."

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