Let You Support Your Wife, Not Your Boss

Chapter 70 Shalis: Am I Xiao Youwei’S Substitute?

"Salise, what you said...is only half right."

The moment Lu Nan was held by the princess whose little head only reached his chest, Lu Nan couldn't help but show obvious disgust and resistance on his face.

As the two entered the clothing store located in the middle area, the disgust on the expression of the former gamer could not be hidden at all.

Originally...he would not have any problems if he entered here alone to buy clothes.

But now there's some trouble.

Salis' overly intimate behavior caused quite a bit of misunderstanding among the passers-by.

"You don't look mature at all. I'm afraid you will be misunderstood as a lolita control again." Lu Nan complained in a low voice.

"Is this... a misunderstanding?" Shalisi showed a confused expression.

"Well, I think His Highness the Prince should reflect on his own problems at this time. Why don't others encounter this misunderstanding?"

"The theory of victim guilt is meaningless!" Lu Nan expressed great dissatisfaction with Shalisi's views.

"Huh, it's true."

Shalisi shook her head, and then suddenly seemed to have thought of something. She stood on tiptoes and leaned towards Lu Nan's shoulder and spoke softly.

"By the way, Your Highness, I forgot to tell you a secret. As a god, I have the ability to change my body structure and become a big mature girl."

While talking, Salisi did not forget to put her hand on her chest and draw a pattern the size of a balloon.

"Then why don't you use this ability?" Lu Nan asked in confusion.

"Because... girls will not show the side they don't like to the person they love. This is common sense."

Shalis hugged Lu Nan's wrist. She deliberately showed that she really couldn't do anything about it, trying to put some psychological pressure on her prince.

"There is nothing wrong with that, but you are obviously looking at me with a stereotype. Well, if you change it, you will understand that I may not be as bad as you think."

"Is that so? Then I have changed."

"Wait a minute, Salisi, don't worry...I'll take you to a place where no one is around first."

"Is His Highness the Prince's attitude so resolute? Okay, but let me explain in advance that if I get older, it will take at least a month to return to the petite look I am now."

"Forget it, it's too troublesome to change back and forth. Just keep it like this. I can use you as a hanger to try on clothes."

Lu Nan is a man with strong self-control.

The "temptation" of getting bigger that Salis mentioned had no effect on him at all.

After rejecting the princess, Lu Nan was not idle. After dismissing the shopping guide, he chose a set of clothes with red as the main color and a pair of fishnet stockings, and put them all in Sha's store. In front of Liz.

There is not much difference in body shape between this princess and Xiao Youwei.

Come to think of it...the clothes that fit her can be given directly to Xiao Youwei.


Salis couldn't help being stunned when she heard this.

"Yes, aren't you going to help Xiao Youwei buy clothes with me? Then you can help Xiao Youwei try them on first and let me see if they fit."

Lu Nan nodded and urged.

"Wait a minute, Your Highness, what I mean is that I can provide advice on buying clothes and help Xiao Youwei try on the clothes to see if they fit... Hey, I am being used as a meal replacement in the literature of stand-in Are you done?" Shalisi blinked and pretended to be sad.

"...I don't object to your thinking this way."

After Lu Nan thought for a while, he gave a serious reply.

"That's too much. Your Highness, am I not your only princess? So, it turns out that I have always been the shadow of others?"

Salis retracted her hand and took two steps back. After a while, she raised her head and said in a tone of great pain.

Her Royal Highness the Princess's eyes suddenly turned red.

"I should answer at this time... Is it okay if you know?"

Lu Nan looked at the girl in front of him who was in an acting state for a second. After being silent for a long time, he began to ask about his lines at this time.

Although...he is also considered to be a relatively good performer.

But the sad drama and so on are a bit difficult.

Lu Nan felt that if he played this role, he would probably laugh in the middle.

"I have been working hard. Whatever you like, I will find a way to become what you like."

"But I'm really confused now. I really don't know... what to do so that you will no longer regard me as the shadow of other girls."

Shalis held her heart and stood there trembling.

Silent tears ran down her cheeks.

This look looks really pitiful in the extreme.

However, Lu Nan, who understood beforehand...that Shalis was just improvising for fun, was not touched by such a scene.

Now he only felt that the scene in front of him was a bit funny.

"What's wrong? Did the couple quarrel?"

"No, this is obviously the man who made the little girl cry on purpose."

"Tsk, this kind of scum deserves to fall in love."

"Looking at his clothes, the man must be from the upper class... Tsk, he's a body double, rich people know how to play tricks on girls."

The surrounding customers and shop assistants looked at what was happening in the clothing store and looked more or less indignant.

Such public opinion and situation will bring a certain degree of pressure to the parties concerned.

However...Lu Nan was not affected by it.

The former gamer just looked at Salis with the eyes of a capitalist looking at Palu in front of everyone, and slowly said such a rather cold and heartless sentence.

"But no one is forcing you to do it. If you don't do it, leave. If you don't do it, there will be others who will do it."

"I didn't say I didn't want to~♥, you must be using me as a substitute because you like me, otherwise why don't you use someone else as a substitute!"

Shalis' attitude immediately changed 180 degrees. She hugged Lu Nan's arm and rubbed her head against it as if to please him.

Following the actions of the Princess, who had no position at all, the surrounding whispers that were mixed with the intention of avenging injustice suddenly stopped.

The people who were accusing Lu Nan just now showed uncomfortable expressions as if they had eaten shit.

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