The compound bow is the crystallization of modern wisdom. It uses multiple mechanical principles and can produce the strongest lethality with the smallest force. The hunting team members are already strong. Combined with the power of the compound bow and the arrows used are almost all made of pure alloy, the lethality of the two can be imagined. Arrows whizzed through the air and landed on the bodies of silver moon wolves. The sharp arrows pierced their thick skin under the huge force, stuck on their bones and deformed their movements in pain. Then the short-range warriors stepped forward, stabbed with spears and lances with all their strength, and pierced their flesh again to form huge wounds. "Aohou~~~"

The silver moon wolves, whose fur glowed with a faint silver light and whose foreheads had a small crescent moon mark, roared fiercely.

The trauma did not completely deprive them of their fighting power, but instead stimulated their inherent ferocity.

Teeth, claws, tails, and even hair infused with demonic power...

Everything around them became a means of attacking their opponents.

However, they were now facing well-equipped elite human warriors wearing helmets and half-body armor to protect their vital parts, so they could roar and fight back no matter how they wanted.

Under Mu Sheng's calm command, they had no chance of turning the tables.

Rolling on his back.

Feng Hao calmed its somewhat restless emotions while observing the changes around him.

He did not care too much about the silver moon wolves who had suffered a heavy blow when they rushed up, but he was more concerned about the silver moon demon wolf hiding in the dark.

Ordinary Silver Moon Wolves are only stronger and more ferocious than ordinary giant wolves. They have certain demonic powers, but not many. The demonic powers can only be used to improve their own blood.

But the Silver Moon Demon Wolf mentioned by Mu Sheng is different. This thing can be regarded as a demon. It not only has extremely high intelligence but also can release some powerful magic.

Moreover, in Mu Sheng's memory, this Silver Moon Demon Wolf commanded hundreds of Silver Moon Wolves, but now there are only more than ten wolves on the battlefield.

And they are all injured, and they are old, weak, sick and disabled.

"This is testing me."

"Let's see how much you can endure."

Feng Hao murmured, with a hint of coldness in his calm eyes.

"You are all hungry, let me grill some meat for you first!"

As soon as his voice fell, the exposed merit furnace rotated and spit out flames.

The flames directly enveloped the Silver Moon Wolves that were still breathing and not dead.

In an instant.

The seriously injured Silver Moon Wolves struggled violently, uttering the last shrill howls of their lives.

Resounding throughout the fields.

The merit bellows blew out breezes, spreading the smell of burning to the forest ahead, making the Silver Moon Wolves hiding in the forest and waiting quietly gradually anxious and angry.

In the forest.

A demon wolf with an extremely large body, like a small mountain, with an obvious silver crescent moon mark on its forehead stared at Feng Hao sitting on the back of Gungun from a distance.

The narrow eyes were full of cold and cunning light.

Facing Feng Hao's obvious deliberate provocation, the Silver Moon Demon Wolf actually held back and did not directly issue an attack order.

Instead, it soothed the emotions of the wolf clan with a howl, and let the Silver Moon Wolves slowly retreat and disappear into the forest again.

On the grassland.

Feng Hao found that after the wolf howl, no Silver Moon Wolf appeared, and his heart sank immediately.

It is true that wolves are cunning. The Silver Moon Demon Wolf could actually endure his obvious provocation. He did not expect it.

But you can endure it, I will make you unable to endure it!

Feng Hao's eyes flashed with cold light, and he immediately transmitted his thoughts with the power of merit: "Chop off all the heads of these wolf cubs, pee on them and stick them on the spears and lances.

Then everyone divide the meat, and kill those wolf cubs after eating."

Mu Sheng and other hunting warriors did it without hesitation after hearing the words, cut off the burnt wolf heads, and peed on them.

Then they also stuck the wolf heads on the spears and lances, showing them high in the air.

Finally, a group of human warriors cut the meat of these Silver Moon wolves with knives, and the skeletons were thrown together and burned slowly on the grassland like firewood.

The wolf tribe has an extremely sensitive sense of smell and a very strong vision, even though the sky has gradually darkened.

The Silver Moon Wolves hiding in the dark and observing almost all saw what happened to the Death Wolf Clan. Their eyes were bloodshot, and extremely anxious and angry emotions were brewing.

As the leader, the Silver Moon Demon Wolf keenly sensed the emotional changes of its subordinates, but after looking up at the gradually dimming sky, it again forcibly calmed the emotions of these subordinates with a howl.

It is waiting.

Waiting for the night to fall!

Feng Hao also knew what it was waiting for. Seeing that it still had not been lured out in advance, his vigilance was raised to another level.

This Silver Moon Demon Wolf is very intelligent! And it has absolute control over the wolf clan under its command.

The demon clan...cannot be underestimated!

Just such an unknown little demon that has not even transformed has such wisdom and cunning.

How terrible the truly powerful demon clan will be can be seen from this.


The wind is howling.

The night is already deep.

The Silver Moon Wolf is a very patient hunter, always waiting for the right time.

But Feng Hao is not bad either. As a beta player who traveled through time in the modern information society, he also predicted the Silver Moon Wolf's actions.

Since the other party has been patient, there is a high probability that it will not attack in the first half of the night.

The best time to attack in the second half of the night is the time before dawn when people are most tired and the sky and the earth are the darkest.

So Feng Hao has been conserving his energy.

Time flows.

The darkness before dawn enveloped the earth. This time there was no wolf howl, but the rolling on the ground suddenly had his hair standing up.


"There are so many fierce breaths approaching! So many! So many!"

Feng Hao opened his eyes instantly.

The power of merit turned into a light golden thread, running through the eyebrows of all human beings.

"Wake up!"

"The wolf is coming!"

These few short words made all human warriors wake up instantly, and all of them tightened their weapons.

Feng Hao stood on the back of Gungun, the furnace of merit rose from behind him, and the billowing flames illuminated the night sky.

Under the cover of the night, the Silver Moon Wolves, which were not much smaller than elephants, rushed over one by one, and the biting cold could be felt from a long distance.

At the same time, the morning mist on the ground quickly solidified under the cold breath emitted by these Silver Moon Wolves, and turned into a little frost and spread over.

It quickly enveloped the surrounding area and spread towards the area where Feng Hao and his team were standing.

Feng Hao, who was standing on Gungun's back, still did not move. He was counting the number of these Silver Moon Wolves.

There were actually hundreds of them!

The leading Silver Moon Demon Wolf was obviously very smart and did not use the so-called refueling tactics. Instead, he went all out at the beginning of the battle and mobilized all the Silver Moon Wolves under his command to rush over!

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