Feng Hao flicked his finger. The holographic projection instantly enlarged, and the rest of the area disappeared, replaced by the area he selected, as well as the area containing the Youchao tribe and the Suiren tribe. Then. The golden light flashed. Lines were drawn one after another, turning into a 3D image that looked like a real thing. Ancient and modern multi-story buildings rose from the ground in the image, and clean and tidy streets stretched in all directions. The tall city walls wrapped the entire city, and there were moats outside. From the perspective of the Xia people on Blue Star, this is a city full of contradictory atmospheres of the present and the past. But in the eyes of the two primitive people, Suirenshi and Youchaoshi, this is an existence that they could not imagine even with all their imagination.

"Is this... a city?"

"So beautiful!"

The leaders of the two large human tribes were shocked by an image at this moment and were already stunned.

Youchaoshi's thoughts were erratic, as if he was in a dream: "Is this something that our human race can have? This... looks too beautiful and luxurious."

"The place where the immortals in the sky live is just like this, right?"

"I can think of the wall outside that can be used to defend against wild beasts or fierce beasts, but what is the purpose of the river that is dug outside to look around?"

Feng Hao explained: "These rivers are also part of the defense. Ordinary fierce beasts cannot pass through. Only four gates are left in the entire city.

On weekdays, the suspension bridge is lowered for passage. If an enemy invades, the four bridges will be raised. Ordinary fierce beasts will find it difficult to cross the river no matter how many they are."

What is a bridge?

Youchaoshi and Suirenshi were a little confused.

But they could probably understand Feng Hao's meaning, and they all thought that this design was truly amazing.

Suiren sighed: "The leader's idea is really great."

"It is indeed difficult for ordinary beasts to cross the river. Even if they succeed in crossing the river, they will face high walls on all sides, and they... cannot pass directly."

Feng Hao chuckled and said: "Not only that, if we build a city here, we can kill the ferocious fish hiding in the river.

The next day, we will connect the tribe and the city with boats, so we don't have to rely on our two legs to run."

Suiren and Youchao's eyes lit up again.

There was even a sense of pride in my heart. Although we gave up the position of leader, we brought a brighter future to our respective tribes.

The regret and remorse in my heart have faded a lot now.


Blue Star Xia Country.

A group of onlookers who were watching Feng Hao run wildly were already very excited at this moment.

"Feng Dad is going to build it directly in the primitive society!"

"But I think it's too fast? These primitive people are uneducated. No matter how well the city is built, it won't work without maintenance."

"What is education? It's just teaching them the rules. Feng Dad has Chengtian Network, which is more buggy than the Internet. I think it's completely fine with a little high-pressure rule."

"That's true. I don't know when Feng Dad will create characters? Really spread education? I see their eye contact every day and I'm confused."

"Who isn't, but Feng Dad is speeding up the progress. I believe it won't be long before he creates characters to spread culture."


For the Xia people, what is the most powerful thing when encountering these primitive people?

Of course it's thought!

Arm the mind with Chinese thought, and then arm the body with other things, and the human race will be invincible.

Feng Hao certainly understands, but you can't panic about this kind of thing, you have to take it step by step.


The next day.

Feng Hao personally took Suirenshi and Youchaoshi, as well as important people from the two tribes, and sailed down the river from Suiren tribe.

It didn't take long to reach the place where the two rivers met that he had chosen.

Along the way, these important people from the two tribes were quite surprised by the existence of the boat, but they still had many doubts about Feng Hao becoming the new leader after the merger of the two tribes.

After all, they had almost no contact with Feng Hao and didn't know how powerful he was.

The ship of merit rose from the water and landed on the side where the two rivers met and the three waters merged.

Feng Hao stood on the shore and first bent down to pick up a piece of soil from the ground.

It turned out to be extremely fertile black soil.

Suirenshi pulled up a withered weed and observed it carefully for a while before sighing: "The leader has chosen a good place. Even this grass grows bigger than other places.

It can be seen that if farming is carried out here, the growth of crops will definitely be better than in other places. "

Youchao looked around and sighed: "Although this place is open, if there is a city wall to protect it, it should be able to protect the safety of the human race.

And the speed of the ship is so fast, the leader has taken almost all the factors that can be thought of into consideration. "

The two leaders sighed, but the others around them were confused.

Will we move here to live in the future?

What will we eat here? There are wolves everywhere on the plains. Won't we be harassed by wolves every night?

What are you talking about, two leaders!

Youchao asked: "Leader, where are you going to build the city? Left or right of the river? Or the triangular enclave there?"

Suirenshi pondered and replied: "I think it's best to build in that triangular enclave. The natural barrier of the river can isolate more threats from the plains. "

But Feng Hao shook his head and pointed to the vast expanse of water where the two rivers meet, which looked like an endless lake.

"I think it would be best to build the city there."

Suiren was stunned: "But that's in the water, how can we build a city?"

Youchao was also confused: "Building a city in the water is like floating duckweed without roots, isn't it? ”


As primitive people, even though they had gained merits for inventing nests on trees and drilling wood to make fire, their actual vision was still not much higher than that of ordinary primitive people.

Or they valued their merits very much, so they had not considered directly relying on the power of merit to promote the merit treasures to solve these seemingly extremely difficult problems.

And building a city in the lake is extremely difficult even in modern times, let alone in this primitive society with extremely low productivity.

But this is not difficult for Feng Hao, who can now restore more than 150,000 points of merit power every day and has many merit treasures!

Because the land on both sides of the river is very fertile, no matter where you choose to build a city, it will occupy a large area of ​​fertile land. It is better to build a city directly in the water.

"Building a city in the water is impossible for ordinary people, but I... can try it! "

Feng Hao took a step forward.

The merit power that was close to replenishing and reaching 420,000 rushed out, and the earth-clearing pick rose from behind his head, and at this moment the golden light flashed and expanded rapidly.

The accompanying personnel changed their colors and showed shock.

They didn't expect that this new leader who was only six years old could have such a grade of merit treasure.

And Suirenshi and Youchaoshi's faces changed suddenly.

"The leader is going to use the merit power to activate the merit treasure to build the city!"

"How can the merit power be wasted like this!"

"Leader, merit is hard-earned, and it will be exhausted if used, so it cannot be used without permission!"

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