The old man was so angry that he was in trouble.

"This Jiejiao monk is too arrogant. He is provoking the tribe! Provoking the demon tribe!"

"Go back! Go back and report to the leader immediately!"


The leading member of the Silver Moon tribe turned around and ran, which made the other members of the tribe stunned and showed strange looks.

You are so angry, why are you running so fast?

Damn guy! Too good at acting.

In the city.

Feng Hao felt the other party's breath disappear quickly, and turned to look at the stunned Suiren: "Uncle Suiren, now I need you to go to the Wu tribe for help immediately, and tell them that the Silver Moon Demon Clan is besieging here!"

Suiren was stunned, but he didn't hesitate at all, and he agreed without asking why.

"Don't worry, leader, I will definitely invite the other party over!"

Feng Hao looked at him deeply: "Go quickly and come back quickly, I and the tribesmen are waiting for you here!"

Suiren nodded repeatedly.

Then he directly pushed the merit to control the fire and rushed out of the city.

After he left.

Feng Hao personally climbed the city wall and encouraged them to use the huge crossbows on the city wall and use thunder arrows to fight against the demons.



Walking along the way, Feng Hao finally stopped in front of Mu Sheng and Binding Beast, two direct descendants who were particularly brave in combat.

"You did a good job."

"Very good."

"Now I will give you each one hundred thunder arrows, all of which were made by me personally."

"They are extremely powerful."

"If the demons come again, remember to aim at their masters."

Feng Hao waved his hand casually, and two hundred thunder arrows with talismans drawn by him and infused with a lot of merit floated in front of Mu Sheng and Fu Shou.

Each arrow exuded a heart-pounding wave, and even the fine thunder on the surface could be seen overflowing.

Each of these arrows had the power of a cultivator in the realm of immortals who had reached the realm of returning to the way.

If it were not for the material limitation, the power of the runes drawn by Feng Hao would far exceed the full force of the human immortal realm.

Mu Sheng and Fu Shou looked at the arrows floating in front of them and burst into tears. They immediately knelt on one knee and collected these arrows in the envious eyes of the other members of the tribal combat unit.

"Thank you, Chief!"

"Fight for the tribe, die without regrets!"

Feng Hao patted their shoulders.

Then waved again.

On the city wall, in front of each commander of the battle unit, thirty thunder arrows he had made by himself appeared.

In front of ordinary soldiers defending the city, ten arrows were suspended.

The entire tribe's battle unit had more than a thousand members, and Feng Hao fired nearly 30,000 thunder arrows in one breath.

Each of them was comparable to a full-strength attack by a powerful person who had returned to the Dao.

This was one of the foundations he had created for the Huaxia tribe in a short period of time after he came to the prehistoric world!

After firing the thunder arrows, Feng Hao released the meritorious spiritual treasure of the Holy City of the Human Race, and merged it with the current city silently.

Since there was already a dispute with the Silver Moon Tribe of the Demon Race, he would prepare for war with all his strength.

After completing the basic arrangements, Feng Hao turned around and returned to his residence.

The last time I made a wish for the Four Seasons Pearl, the time acceleration will not end for a few days, so I don’t need to make a wish to maintain it for the time being.

Although his current immortal cultivation and Kanli Breathing Method cultivation are both stuck before the last level of Transcendental Transmigration, it does not have much impact on his overall combat power.

Now his main occupation, the Merit Hunter, has reached LV5, and the upper limit of merit exceeds 10 million, and the merit restored every day exceeds 7 million.

The Merit Hunter’s skills are the biggest factor affecting his current combat power.

He guessed that the leader of the Silver Moon Tribe would definitely react within a day after knowing the news.

So he decided not to use the wishing skill that had been stored for three days again.

The consumption of merit must also ensure that the merit power exceeds 10 million at any time, and then the excess merit restored will be integrated into the Merit Spirit Treasure.

The Holy City of the Human Race is now full of a solemn atmosphere, with a feeling of impending storm.

But Feng Hao is painting with a brush at this moment.

He is painting a portrait.

In the painting, the Master Tongtian is holding the Qingping Sword and stabbing at the Eye of Heaven.

With his current state, painting is not difficult for him at all.

While painting, the scene of the Master Tongtian slashing the sky with a sword keeps replaying in his mind.

A little bit of charm,

It is vividly written on paper.

Since he has raised the banner of Jiejiao, the portrait of the Saint Tongtian can naturally become one of his trump cards.

If he had not seen Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun, Feng Hao would have painted their portraits without hesitation.

At the same time.

The Xuanmen luck in the game system is also one of his strongest trump cards at present.

Reproducing the scene of the Master Tongtian slashing the sky with a sword, Feng Hao exhaled a long breath of turbid air.


He tried to inject merit into the painting.

It actually worked.

After the power of merit was integrated, the portrait, which was already quite lively and full of charm, became even more lively.

The sharp air almost tore the scroll.

Feng Hao stared at the time, stared at his own merit power, and injected merit into it from time to time.

One hundred thousand.

One million.

Three million.

Until six million merits were injected into it, the whole portrait was wrapped in a ball of merit golden light.

He finally felt a cold, deep and majestic breath unique to the Silver Moon demon clan, which was approaching this side rapidly.

This breath did not restrain at all, and even actively erupted, as if showing off.

Feng Hao understood which demon clan strongman of the Silver Moon tribe did it on purpose.

Show off your breath wantonly and show your strength.

On the one hand, it intimidates the enemy, and on the other hand, it is also a test.

If Feng Hao does not compete with it with his breath, the other party will also think that he is strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

After a moment of silence, Feng Hao activated the breath of the Tongtian Master portrait in front of him, which was infused with six million merits.


An indomitable and sharp breath, as if daring to tear the world apart and shatter everything, bloomed from the portrait.

It rose from the city in an instant.

It turned into a direct attack on the soul, and blasted the Silver Moon Wolf King who rushed from the Silver Moon Tribe with anger!

The face of the Silver Moon Wolf King who turned into a human form suddenly changed, and he felt a sharp pain in his brows and the shadow of death emerged in his heart.

It did not dare to hesitate at all, and immediately manifested its extremely huge body, raised its head and howled at the Silver Moon above the sky.


A cold moonlight fell from the sky, and a Silver Moon mark appeared on his brows.

The power of the moonlight is as cold as water, and it is extremely deep.

Feng Hao used the power of merit to activate the spiritual sword that burst out of the power of the statue of Tongtian Sect Master, and intertwined with the Silver Moon mark, and deeply sank into it.

But this sword was deeply hidden with the intention of cutting the sky, and even if it went deep into the quagmire, it still stubbornly moved forward, causing the Silver Moon Wolf King's huge pair of broken ice blue eyes to emerge with a touch of horror and panic.

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