The new life is a new beginning.

Feng Hao learned some things about the upgrade of the merit spiritual treasure and some things about the Suiren tribe from Suiren.

Unlike the innate spiritual treasures in his memory, the acquired merit spiritual treasures can grow with the accumulation of merit.

For example, Suiren's first acquired fire was actually only of the grade of low-level middle-grade merit spiritual treasure at the beginning, but as the method of drilling wood to make fire spread among the human race, the grade of this flame was gradually improved.

Now it has reached the level of the top middle-grade merit spiritual treasure, and it can be transformed into the level of the top-grade merit spiritual treasure.

The Suiren tribe is currently one of the largest tribes in the prehistoric world.

But even so, the population of the entire Suiren tribe is only a few hundred thousand.

Scattered in this forest.

Suiren told him to stay in the tribe and Suihuo would ensure the safety of every member of the tribe.

He once asked Suiren about the truth of the destruction of the Dangshan tribe, but he looked around and there was a flash of fear in his eyes.

This made Feng Hao feel gloomy.

Even Suiren was afraid of this existence. If it was discovered that part of the spiritual objects they were fighting for was in their bodies, then the Suiren tribe would definitely not be able to stop them.


This game really requires players to survive to the extreme!

There are already many dangers on the surface, and there are more potential dangers.

It's too difficult.

Fortunately, because of his merits, Suiren arranged him in the middle of the Suiren tribe, and dinner was a piece of barbecue the size of half a fist, plus some red and green fruits.

Except for the tastelessness, it was not bad, at least it was full of the original ecological atmosphere.

"Eat it, there is a piece of barbecue every day when the sun is at its zenith, and there is another piece of barbecue at this time in the evening."

"You are still young, you can arrange the rest of the time freely."

Two meals a day, one meal is still this amount.

Feng Hao suddenly felt that it was not so fragrant.

He leaned against the door of the tree cabin assigned to him by Suirenshi, looking at the twinkling fire in the jungle, and gradually fell into deep thought.

It is autumn now. Normally, the prey should be the fattest in this season, but the Suiren tribe can still provide very little food.

He has a special status of merit and is a child, so he can only share such a small piece of meat and a little fruit.

Then you can imagine how much food those ordinary people who are not members of the hunting team can get in the end.

The key is that it will not take long after autumn to enter winter. Although the Suiren tribe has the acquired merit fire to help, it is impossible for Suirenshi to drive the flame for a long time to keep people warm.

In the case of food shortage and lack of warming measures, the human tribe will enter the most dangerous moment every winter.

Food, heating...

These are urgent to solve, and they are also meritorious!

"Food cannot be rushed, and farming technology cannot be achieved overnight. At least we have to find seeds first and wait until the beginning of next spring."

"But inventing some tools, solving the heating problem, and reducing population deaths can quickly improve my status in the Suiren tribe."

Feng Hao had an idea in his mind. After eating the food in his hand, he was almost 60% full. Then he slowly lay down and fell asleep with his ivory sword.

Blue Star.

The game forum is still hot.

Because one day has passed in the prehistoric world, but not much time has passed on Blue Star.

Seeing Feng Hao fall asleep, the viewing screen in front of him dimmed, and a group of excited Xia people still felt unsatisfied and rushed to the forum.

Began to express the emotions that had been suppressed for several years.

The way of expressing is mainly to attack netizens from other countries and show exaggeration of the feeling after getting physical enhancement.

Finally, let's look forward to what Feng Hao can invent in the human race to gain more merits.

A set of combined punches made a bunch of foreigners collectively autistic.


Early the next morning.

Feng Hao was awakened by the noise outside.

He opened his eyes, came to the door of the cabin, and slid down along the vines.

What caught his eyes was a busy scene, but after he looked carefully for a while, he found that the work efficiency of these prehistoric human race was really low and there was no order.

However, he was not interested in intervening, but instead picked up his brush and came to the bamboo forest next to him.

Looking at the big purple bamboos in front of him that he might not be able to hold by himself, Feng Hao

I couldn't help but twitch my mouth.

This made all the netizens on Blue Star laugh.

"Feng Dad's expression is so funny."

"This bamboo is really big, it's worthy of the prehistoric world where everything is big."

"So he wants to cut the bamboo? What is he going to do?"

"Nowadays, the prehistoric human race is full of treasures. As long as there are useful tools, it's a merit!"

"Tsk tsk, the internal test players in other countries haven't returned to the tribe or found a safe zone yet."


Amidst the curious eyes.

Feng Hao raised his brush and drew on the thickest bamboo in front of him.


With a light sound.

The bamboo broke instantly, and the slightly tilted fracture was extremely neat.

With a light push, the bamboo slowly slid down along the tilted fracture and slowly fell to the ground under the pull of other bamboo branches.

He did it twice in a row.

He cut off a large piece of bamboo, and then he took the bamboo and walked towards the small river that passed through the Suiren tribe.

There was a piece of yellow land on the edge of the river.

He put the bamboo down, and moved along the top of the bamboo joint again, and a bamboo tube for holding things appeared.

Then he used the tip of the Danqing pen to drill two roughly symmetrical holes on both sides, and casually pulled a vine to string it up, turning it into a bamboo bucket with a handle.

Feng Hao turned around and took the bamboo tube to the riverside, and immediately drew a large bucket of water.

As the bucket of water came up, a faint golden light rippled on the water, causing a group of powerful Xia people who were watching to shout excitedly.

"Fuck! Fuck! Here it comes again!"

"Golden light of merit! Golden light of merit comes again!"

"This is just a small container, and it's merit?"

"Hiss! If you find the right direction, it's too easy to get merit!"

"I'm crying! I'm really crying. I really see the hope of the revival of Xia!"


They really couldn't think of it, and they were really excited!

Just chop a few times and make a small bucket with bamboo, and you get merit.

This is too careless!

Even Feng Hao, the person involved, was a little confused. So before he came, there was no bucket for fetching water in the prehistoric world?

Too rude!

[You created the first real acquired container in the prehistoric world, and used this bamboo bucket to hold liquid for the first time in the prehistoric world without relying on spiritual power, spiritual objects, divine consciousness and other extraordinary powers, but only relying on ordinary objects!

Gained 6,000 merits! The first acquired container barrel you created in the prehistoric world has received 1,800 merits and successfully evolved into a low-grade acquired merit spiritual treasure (low)! 】

The words appeared before his eyes.

Feng Hao looked down at the bamboo barrel in his hand and found that it was still a bamboo barrel, but after it became an acquired merit spiritual treasure, there was a very large storage space inside.

He looked at the bamboo he had cut down next to him and decided to make a stove for heating and try to make pottery together.

As for porcelain, he really didn't understand it, but pottery should be no problem.

It just so happened that this piece of loess was the best material.

Even if one out of ten could succeed, it would be a victory.

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