August 23.

Early in the morning.

Blue Sky Military University.

In the stadium, the freshmen were fully armed and gathered.

A mobilization meeting for the oath of marching on foot is being held.

On a high platform.

Zhou Yun, dressed in military uniform, held the microphone and said aloud: "Dear freshmen, from now on, our school will hold a comprehensive field exercise for seven days and seven nights, marching 280 kilometers on foot.

The comprehensive field exercise focused on more than 30 subjects, including marching on foot, emergency avoidance, armed raids, battlefield rescue, camping and cooking, passing through poisoned areas, rapid search training, reading and using maps, hunting and annihilating combat training in mountains and forests, and positional offensive battles.

Let all freshmen accept the grinding and sharpening in the simulated combat environment, practice techniques and tactics under unfavorable conditions, temper endurance, temper strong skills, and sharpen the bloodiness of soldiers.

The more difficult the environment, the more it can test everyone's style, and the purpose of training is to wash everyone's arrogance and squeamishness, and the style can win the battle.

Every training is a tempering, can train your excellent style, train your courage and perseverance, and train your iron bone!

As president of the Blue Sky Military University.

I will accompany you to participate in this comprehensive exercise! "

Sonorous words fell.

The freshmen were stunned.

What's the situation?

The principal is warming up ?!

In their established impressions.

Principal Zhou Yun had fair skin, polite manners, and shining eyes, and looked like a scholar.

Who would have thought.

This time, Principal Zhou also joined them in the arduous 280-kilometer walking march.

Many freshmen even secretly gritted their teeth.

Principal Zhou has all participated in the march on foot, then if they can't hold on to themselves, it will be a shame!

"I announce! The field comprehensive exercise of Blue Sky Military University officially began! "

With Zhou Yun's order.

The curtain of the comprehensive field exercise was opened.

The freshmen who were fully armed, while shouting slogans, began to practice in an orderly manner.

Inside the stadium, there was a lot of shouting.

"Compared with ideas, styles, will, unity, honor, and security, the brave win when they meet in a narrow way!"


On the march.

The freshmen of the Blue Sky Military University walked through the city, attracting the attention of passers-by.

Tens of thousands of freshmen marched in full arm, and the visual effect was very shocking.

Many passers-by even picked up their mobile phones to take photos and videos.

The disturbances from the outside world did not affect the new students.

The military uniforms on their bodies are like a barrier, even if they are in a busy city, they are not affected by passers-by.

The freshmen shouted slogans while fighting the scorching sun and the heat.

After leaving the city.

The school's guidance and dispatch group organized large troops to specially select the steep mountain road march, the mountain is high and densely forested, and the weeds are overgrown.

Two days before the exercise.

The school has successively organized pistols, automatic rifles and multi-posture switching shooting, 5 km armed cross-country, 10 km armed rush, mountain and forest land search and suppression, crossing the blockade area, extreme crawling and other subjects.

Two days down.

Some students had their faces and skin scratched by weeds, blisters and even blood blisters on the soles of their feet, some freshmen's shoulders were also crushed by weight-bearing suits, and some students had fever and leg cramps.

Along the way, the school's logistics team accompanied the whole process on foot to ensure that once there was an emergency, it could be effectively dealt with in the first time.

The school's female military doctor climbed the mountains, climbed the mountains, and slept in the wind and food with the team.

They also made full use of the rest time on the way to pick blisters for the new students, teach the new students self-help and mutual rescue techniques for the war wounded, carry out medical patrol activities, immediately set up temporary medical centers every time they arrive at the station, and timely disinfect the camping environment, effectively ensuring the health of the new students during the training activities.

The freshmen who were fully armed, none of them complained of fatigue, and they all persevered.

They didn't want to get into the shelter bus to rest and were laughed at by their peers.


The next few days.

Positional offensive battles, warehousing defense battles, counter-ambush battles, encounter battles, emergency avoidance, passing through poisoned areas, passing through enemy blockade areas, camping for cookouts, constructing field fortifications, and other subjects are carried out in succession.

Whenever an end point is reached.

Although the freshmen are physically tired, they still maintain a neat and standardized order, and never forget to maintain the image of soldiers.

After nightfall.

The new students got up and began to rest to recharge for the next day's march.


August 29.

Late afternoon.

Blue Sky Military University, 280 kilometers of trekking in the wilderness, all over.

The freshmen were very weak, but everyone's eyes were very determined.

They sit on the ground and rest and enjoy this rare time.

Principal Zhou Yun, looking around at everyone, took the microphone and said, "Students, I am very happy that you have successfully completed this field comprehensive training.

During this exercise, all new trainees can obey orders, obey commands, and strictly abide by discipline.

Seven days and seven nights of 280 kilometers on foot.

One day it was pouring rain.

Wet weather and muddy roads are all obstacles in front of you.

However, it inspires your blood and courage, and everyone wears a raincoat and walks with firm steps towards the end.

When marching at night, passing through villagers' residential areas.

All the students walked lightly, one by one.

After the break, not a single confetti was left on the pavement.

In particular, the female trainees who participated in the training were even more resolute, and they completely transformed into a female warrior in the training, showing a tenacious fighting style and perseverance.

In the face of pain, no one cried out for fatigue, and on a long march, no one was left behind and shed tears.

The land under your feet will become your wealth in the future.

I am proud of everyone from the bottom of my heart!

With your youthful blood, you break through the cocoon into a butterfly, and the eagle sharpens its wings; Break through yourself, deeds speak louder than words.

Come on, all new cadets! "

The voice fell.

The scene resounded with thunderous applause, which lasted for a long time.


After Zhou Yun's speech.

All the new students at the scene sat on the floor, chatting while resting.

"Did you find out? The principal's physical strength is better than ours! "

"I found out a long time ago! These days on foot marches, I haven't even seen the principal sweat! "

"Principal Zhou is really powerful! Looking at his politeness, I didn't expect his physical strength to be so much better than ours. "

"That's a must, President Zhou is a high-achieving student who graduated from the National University of Defense Technology, and he can be literate and capable of martial arts!"

"A soldier like Principal Zhou is the pillar of the country!"


The freshmen were talking.

Enter the theatrical performance session on the spot.

They either sing and dance, or say crosstalk to perform sketches, and they will practice the sound and color.

Suddenly, a new student shouted, "Principal, come!" "

As soon as these words came out.

All the freshmen were booing, all wanting to watch Zhou Yun's theatrical performance.

Facing enthusiastic new students.

Zhou Yun hesitated, but still walked to the middle of the venue and said, "Let me sing a song to everyone, the song is called "Weishan River". "


The freshmen quickly applauded and cheered.

Zhou Yun took the microphone and slowly began to sing.

This song was originally called "Navy Version of Stepping Mountains and Rivers".

He felt that it was more appropriate to call it "Weishan River".

"Golden sands and white waves roll waves, and thousands of miles of sea frontiers are guarded.

The waves crashed on the shore, and how many storms surged up.

The prosperous world is prosperous, and safety is waiting for me.

It's a bumpy time, but the training is endless.

When I was at the shore defense border pass, beach islands and reefs, I held a gun and guarded the sea and sky.

Even if the sun is cold and windy, what about loneliness?

Who saw that ten thousand ships were firing in unison, the momentum was as mighty as a break, and the sea was stormy.

And I moved when I heard the order, the momentum was like a rainbow, and I always broke the sky ~~"


The song is a cappella and has no melody.

However, from the song, the freshmen heard the artistic conception of the navy stationed on the coast for decades.

Cooperate with Zhou Yun's singing.

The great hero, the naval sentiment of serving the country and the people, mobilized all the newborn emotions.


Zhou Yun's singing continued to sound.

The cold wind tore his cheeks and hid his worries.

Looking at the battleship armor, he stubbornly wore it, and did not hesitate to be old~

The wind and waves have passed a thousand sails, only my original intention is not forgotten.

Between the laughter of life and death, may the mountains and rivers be unharmed!

When I dived to the bottom of the sea and rushed to the sea and sky, I held my sword and competed with the waves.

Despite the undercurrent, what about the danger?

Who saw the tip of the knife dancing, a beautiful song, sea and air sword shadows intertwined.

And I act jointly, Chengzhu is in Hungary, and a roar breaks through the sky ~~"


This is the moment.

The scene was completely boiling, and the sound rushed straight into the sky.

Xia Guo Navy, deep sea sword!

One year of the army, ten years of the air force, a hundred years of the navy, strong to the sea!

Principal Zhou completely sang the spirit of the navy and the beautiful vision of wishing that the mountains and rivers would be unharmed.

The emotions of the new students were completely mobilized.

They had never heard such an imposing song before.

Presumably, this song is an original song by Principal Zhou.

This wild exercise.

They originally felt that Principal Zhou's physical fitness was very good, but they didn't expect Principal Zhou to sing so well, it was simply civilized and martial!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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