July 10.

Blue Sky Military University.

Inside the principal's office.

Assistant Zhao Can is reporting to Zhou Yun.

She reported: "Zhou School, starting today, 12,000 non-military students in our school will officially take summer vacation.

They will report on their return to school on August 20, with a total of 40 days off.

As for the holiday schedule for military students, it is from August 10 to August 24, a total of 15 days of vacation.

Some naval students who sail around the world do not have summer vacation.

Some military cadets who need to leave the army and enter the grassroots level for practical study do not have summer vacation. "

Hear this.

Zhou Yun nodded slightly.

He was a military cadet at the National University of Defense Technology and had very few holidays every year.

Just be a cadet.

It's about destined and leisurely holidays.

That's how everyone comes.

Zhao Can continued to report: "In terms of enrollment in the new academic year of our school, the admission list of military candidates has been finalized.

Blue Sky Military University enrolls a total of 1,000 soldiers this academic year.

They will come to our school on August 1 to start a two-month new training.

Military undergraduate student enrollment.

Our school will enroll 9,000 military students this academic year, and they will come to the school on August 071 to start a two-month new training.

Non-military undergraduate student enrollment.

Our school will enroll 12,000 non-military students this academic year, and they will come to the school on September 1 to report and gradually start a half-month military training.

Military graduate student admissions.

Our university has admitted 5,000 military master's degree students and 5,000 non-military master's degree students this academic year.

Our undergraduate students have admitted 3,000 military doctoral students and 3,000 non-military doctoral students.

After the enrollment process for the new academic year ends.

The number of students in our school will reach 60,000! "

The voice fell.

Zhou Yun nodded secretly.

Blue Sky Military University, as a military academy, the classification of cadets varies.

According to the vertical division, it can be divided into cadre cadets, growth cadre cadets, and non-commissioned officer cadets.

According to the horizontal division, it can be divided into ordinary arms cadets and special arms cadets.

According to the division of military status, it can be divided into active-duty military personnel and local students (non-military students).

With the new school year the number reaches 60,000.

At that time, the Blue Sky Military University will be very lively.

Fortunately, the new campus of Blue Sky Military University, which was previously rewarded by the system, covers an area of 100,000 mu and can easily accommodate these students.

Zhou Yun asked: "Assistant Zhao, are the freshman admission notices, follow-up military uniform production, freshman gift bags and other items ready?" "

"It's all done!"

Zhao Can elaborated: "This year's freshman admission notice still adopts last year's specifications.

The notice includes a 10-gram Blue Sky Military University Gold School emblem and a 10-gram Blue Sky Military University Gold Military Sentinel.

In terms of military uniform production, the school-run enterprise Blue Sky Military Uniform Co., Ltd. is intensively producing newborn military uniforms.

It is expected that by the end of this month, all students' military uniforms will be produced.

Equipped with integrated service center aspects.

We have built 8 new integrated service centers on campus.

Students receive their belongings after enrollment, so they don't have to spend time queuing.

Seven-piece mattress sets, custom laptops, ceiling lamps, water cups, gel pen packages and other items in the freshman gift package are in full swing and can be delivered at the end of the month. "

"Well done!"

Zhou Yun praised.

Now all matters of enrollment have been resolved.

Some faculty and staff can also start a pleasant holiday.

The same is true of him himself.

Busy all year long.

Blue Sky Military University can also be regarded as on the right track.

The only regret is that.

That is his grandfather Zhou Linde, who still hasn't woken up.

However, Grandpa has been transferred to the VIP intensive care unit of Blue Sky Hospital, where there are top doctors and nursing teams in his care.


After Zhao Can finished reporting his work, he left the principal's office.

Zhou Yun packed up his things and was just about to go to the Blue Sky Entrepreneurship Department to inspect the school-run enterprises.

His attention, however, was suddenly attracted by the TV in the office.

TV screen.

Military channel, a military school news is airing.

The host broadcast report: "Today, the ranking of military academies in the summer of 2015 has been newly released.

The criteria for judging the list cover multi-dimensional indicators such as the school's comprehensive reputation, talent training, teachers, hardware facilities, software facilities, discipline construction, military quality, school honor, and school history.

The specific list is as follows.

NO.1, National Defense University. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

NO.2, National University of Defense Technology.

NO.3, University of Information Engineering.

NO.4, Academy of Military Sciences.

NO.5, Air Force Engineering University.

NO.6, Army Engineering University.

NO.7, Rocket Force Engineering University.

NO.8, Naval University of Engineering.

NO.9, City Link Ship Academy.

NO.10, Army Armored Corps Academy. "


In front of the TV.

Zhou Yun saw this list and nodded secretly.

The top ten military academies on the list are all famous military academies.

The National Defense University, which ranks first, is the highest military academy in Xia Country.

The positioning of the school is a comprehensive joint command university for the advanced vocational education of the Xia State Army.

The enrollment targets are all active-duty military officers, and high school students are not enrolled.

The second ranked National University of Defense Technology is the highest institution for national defense science and technology talents, and it is also the only 985 university in military academies.

The other military schools on the list are also very famous.

Now Blue Sky Military University.

Perhaps in the fields of school hardware facilities, software facilities, teachers, military quality, and personnel training, it is no worse than these schools.

However, in terms of the school's comprehensive reputation and the school's historical heritage, it is still worse.


TV screen.

The list was followed by military schools and appeared one after another.

NO.11, Air Force Early Warning College.

NO.12, Army Command College.

NO.13, Naval Command College.

NO.14 Naval Medical University.

NO.15, Army Medical University.

NO.16, Air Force Medical University.

NO.17, Blue Sky Military University ..."

See here.

Zhou Yun's eyes lit up.

In this list, Blue Sky Military University has sprung up, ranking 17th in military academies!

267 In other words.

Blue Sky Military University, entered the top 20 of the list!

Last year, when he bound the god-level military academy system.

The main task released by the system is to make Blue Sky Military University rank in the top 20 military schools in the country within one year.

With the list of military academies out.

The main quest of the system has also been announced!

In this regard, Zhou Yun was excited.

The newbie package awarded by the system covers a new campus of Blue Sky Military University, the halo of physical fitness of the military school, and the halo of the learning ability of the military school.

These rewards are too helpful to the school!

Without these, Blue Sky Military University would hardly be comparable to other military schools.


At the same time.

Netizens across the country have noticed this list.

In this regard, all walks of life were amazed.

"Oh my God! Blue Sky Military University was born, ranking 17th in the country's military academy! "

"Blue Sky Military University is not sounding, it is a blockbuster! It's incredible! "

"yes! Blue Sky Military University rose up against the sky and surpassed a number of old military schools! "

"Compared with these military schools on the list, Blue Sky Military University has the shallowest heritage, only one year since its establishment!"

"Principal Zhou Yun has created a miracle! Only words such as miracles, miracles, and bizarreness can be equated with the Blue Sky Military University! "

"Blue Sky Military University is too bullish! It will top the top 20 in the country in one year, if they are given a few more years, won't they be comparable to the National University of Defense Technology? "

"Whether it can be comparable to the National Defense Science and Technology University, I don't know. But the trinity of sea, land and air of Blue Sky Military University will definitely become one of the top military academies in China in the future! "。

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