Indeed, if you don’t look carefully, you might mistake it for a Raptor fighter jet at first glance.

At this time, after seeing the horrified expression on Mr. He’s face, Mr. Li and Mr. Huo suddenly felt relieved!!

“Lao He, take a closer look!”

“”The F22 Raptor is nothing in front of this fighter!”

Mr. Huo said with great confidence. As soon as he said this,

Mr. He’s eyebrows jumped wildly. He didn’t dare to say that about the quasi-sixth-generation fighter he developed.

Good guy!

Who gave Lao Li and his team the courage?

At the same time,

Mr. Chen’s pupils shrank.

He knew Lao Li and his team’s character.

They would not talk big.

Could it be that the performance of that fighter really surpassed the Raptor fighter of the United States?


Old Chen swallowed hard.

Although Xiaguo has a certain say in the field of air force in the world.


This is only certain.

Not absolute!

If this fighter can really be fully……No! As long as it is on par with the Raptor fighter, the voice of the Xia country’s air force will definitely reach a new height!

Just ask!

How can it not make people excited?!!

“This shape……Sharper than a bird of prey? Even more ferocious!”

“This dynamic fuselage……”

At this time, Lao He calmed down and began to analyze seriously.

Then, he looked at Mr. Li and Mr. Huo in astonishment.

“This is not right.”

“How powerful an engine would it take to have a fuselage of this shape?!”


“Why do your fighter jets have three engines?!”


At this time, Mr. He was completely confused.

The quasi-sixth-generation fighter he was researching was only a twin-engine.

It was difficult to achieve power balance with a three-engine engine!

Mr. Li and Mr. Huo smiled but said nothing.

“Is it a mule or a horse?”

“Let’s take it out for a stroll.”

Mr. Li smiled mysteriously.

Then, the dozen or so researchers behind him immediately debugged all the instruments placed in front of Mr. Li and others.

On the left is the data feedback of Mr. He’s quasi-sixth-generation fighter.

On the right is the data feedback of the No. 0 fighter that Mr. Li and his team brought over.

“First competitive event”

“”Engine power test.”

The instructor’s voice suddenly sounded in the radio channel.

This time, both sides sent their most advanced pilots to test the flight.

The rules of the project competition are very simple.

Directly start the most powerful horsepower!

Whoever climbs to the troposphere at 20,000 meters first, whose fighter plane will win.

“Don’t think that just because your appearance is good, it means your engine is good!”

“”It’s not good if it looks good but is not practical!”

Mr. He said immediately.

Mr. Li shrugged,”Come on.”

Mr. Chen looked at the two people who were arguing with each other, and a smile appeared on his face.

This kind of technological competition is what we want!

“The first item is to lift off with engine power. Start!!”

After receiving the instruction, the instructor immediately issued a command on the radio communicator!

In the middle of the two long runways under the viewing seats, the command light suddenly lit up!!


The next second!

The quasi-sixth generation fighter immediately roared!

It began to adjust its posture and entered the state of runway acceleration!

At the same time.

The Zero fighter actually……Not moving at all?!

Just lying quietly on the track.

No reaction at all.

At this moment, all the cutting-edge scientific researchers who participated in the scoring were stunned.

What the hell is going on?! Is it stalled?


This isn’t on fire yet?!


“Lao Li! Lao Huo!”

“You actually failed at such a critical moment?”

In the audience, Mr. He saw the No. 0 fighter plane motionless on the runway.

He almost burst out laughing.

“What’s wrong? Is the engine broken?”

“Can’t light the fire?”

“Old Li, this kind of thing is not a joke!!”

After hearing what Old He said,

Old Li and Old Huo still maintained a calm expression on their faces.

“What’s the hurry?”

“Let your fighter plane fly for a while.”

At this time, the data values of the No. 0 fighter plane on the instrument in front of him have begun to feedback!

“The status of the Zero fighter is as follows:”

“Current takeoff mode: Vertical takeoff”

“The engine adjustments are as follows:”

“No. 1 Dragon Heart Engine Status: Charge 75%”

“Dragon Heart Engine No. 2 Status: Charge 75%”

“No. 3 Dragon Heart Engine Status: Charge 95%”

“The current power adjustment is:”

“Engine No. 1: 750 kN”

“Engine No. 2: 750 kN”

“Engine No. 3: 850 kN”

“Ding! Adjust the wing attitude!”

At this time,

Mr. He frowned and looked at the engine data fed back by the instrument.

Then he whispered:”I said, Lao Li”

“Even if you haven’t come up with an iterative fighter, you can’t fool me with fake data like this, right?”

And Old Chen’s brows slightly frowned.

The engine power of the No. 0 fighter can reach more than 800 kilonewtons?!

Although he didn’t quite understand the specific manifestation of these data.

However, the power feedback value of the quasi-sixth-generation fighter that was about to take off was only 180 kilonewtons.

One hundred and eighty, and the other more than 800?


The next second!!

A thunderous engine roar suddenly resounded throughout the entire Dongxia No. 01 Military Region!!

“Boom boom boom boom!”

The terrifying roar of the engine suddenly roared!

It was deafening!!!

“Holy crap!!!”

“It took off! It really took off!!”

“Oh my god! Is it really going to take off vertically?!”

“What the hell is this monster fighter!!”

All the cutting-edge scientific researchers in the audience were dumbfounded!!

“It really took off vertically?!”

In the audience, Mr. He swallowed hard and looked at the No. 0 fighter plane that was slowly rising into the air in disbelief.

“But even if you can take off vertically, can your speed be faster than my fighter jet taking off from a normal runway?”

“Moreover, you can only stay at a height of tens of meters, or even less than a hundred meters, when you ascend vertically.”

At this time, Mr. He was a little confused about what Mr. Li and Mr. Huo were doing.

At this time,

Mr. Li suddenly grinned,”Mr. He!”

“Have you ever heard of a vertical sonic boom?”

“What? ?”He Lao’s eyes were full of doubts.

“Hahahaha!!” Mr. Li picked up the radio communicator in a heroic manner.

He said to the pilot of the No. 0 fighter:”Speed up! Come on!!”

“Show them a vertical sonic boom!!!”

The pilot of the No. 0 fighter plane also responded excitedly:”Yes!!!”

Immediately, the pilot in the cockpit pressed the vertical takeoff acceleration without hesitation!

Target, 20,000 meters in the sky!!!……

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