Old Chen explained for half an hour.

Only then did the Fifth Army General Officer dispel his doubts.

Then he excitedly said,”

Please make sure that this monster fighter jet is fully armed to all air force bases!”

Then he ended the communication.

In the Fifth Army communicator, several other general officers also ended the communication.

Only the general officer of the Dragon Army District was still communicating.

“Third Brother! Where did you get this good stuff?!”

“This thing is great! Which R&D department made it? It’s so powerful! This thing!”

Above the Longhai Sea area.

At an altitude of 5,000 meters.

More than 70 blue naval armed helicopters are hovering around a huge fighter.

After completing the communication with the other party.

All the pilots and cabin crew in the helicopters were dumbfounded!

Navy helicopter pilot No. 1:”Sucheng Military Industry Department? Brothers, come on! Is this fighter so fierce?””

No. 0 fighter pilot:”Yes! It’s very fierce! The maximum cruising speed is 29 Mach! The person is flying in front, and the soul is chasing behind!”

Navy helicopter pilot No. 1:”At this speed! I’m afraid the soul can’t catch up?”

Navy helicopter pilot No. 2:”Hahaha! It’s really fierce! We were all ready for a big battle before! Good guy! It turned out to be one of our own!”

Navy helicopter pilot No. 3:”Yes! All naval vessels, armed helicopters, and surface-to-air missile units in our Longhai waters have entered a first-level combat readiness state!”

Zero fighter pilot:”I’m sorry to have worried you, brothers. I’ve received an order and I’m going back.”


Zero fighter began to adjust its attitude and accelerate in the air.

It began its return journey.

“Third brother! Third brother! This fighter plane is fierce!”

“Quick, quick, quick! Which military research department developed this?”

“I want to request twenty! No!! Give me ten!!”

“No, such a fierce fighter jet has a long manufacturing cycle! Give me five! It can’t be any lower!”

“Just give me five of these fighters! I can help our Xia country expand its Longhai waters…….”

In the Fifth Army communicator, Chen Lao saw his old friend in charge of the Longhai Military Region speaking so bluntly.

He immediately stared and snorted.

“Second brother! Watch your words!!”

The commander-in-chief of the Longhai Military Region also found that he was a little excited.

Immediately, he coughed a few times and grinned and said:

“Don’t be afraid of the ball, third brother”

“Look at the Americans, who shamelessly build offshore bases on the high seas every day.”

“They shamelessly say they are conducting free maritime patrols every day, but their freedom has numbed the freedom of the Gobi Desert!”

“What a bunch of fuckers.”

“The third one!”

“Please, brother!”

“I guess I haven’t asked you for anything in all these years, brother?”

“I want to get five of these fighter jets for my Longhai Navy Defense Department!”


“I also fly the banner of freedom of navigation at sea, and I drive my fighter jet to other places every day! Hahaha!”

At this time, the commander-in-chief of the Longhai Military Region seemed to have seen the horrified expressions of the U.S. Freedom of Navigation Fleet at Sea.

“The third one!”

“Please come to the big military exercise in three months!!”

“We must load this type of fighter jet onto our aircraft carriers!!”

“I beg you, brother!”

The chief of Longhai Military Region said very seriously.


At this time, Mr. Chen swallowed his dry throat and glanced at Mr. Li behind him.

After all, this fighter was tinkered with by Mr. Li and his team.

Mr. Chen didn’t know the specific development cycle.

“We will try our best! Try our best!”

Old Li coughed.

After all,

Lu Li was in charge of the main fighter plane factory.

And in the past twenty days, it seemed that they had been setting up the assembly line and had not yet officially entered production.

Old Li was really unsure of the specific time.

Old Chen nodded slightly, and then said to the Fifth Army communicator:

“Second brother, you heard it too.”

“The Academy of Military Science will do its best.”

In the Fifth Army communicator, the commander-in-chief of the Longhai Military Region nodded.


“Don’t be too hasty about this matter!”

“After all, the R&D and manufacturing process cannot be sloppy just because of the rush to meet deadlines.”

“It’s okay! I’m not in a hurry! At worst, I can go and slap the US in the face in two years, hahaha……”

Chen Lao smiled bitterly and said,”Okay, Lao Er”

“I will inform you as soon as I have new progress.”

Then the two sides ended the communication.

Mr. Chen calmed down for a while.

But when he thought of the advanced fighter, his heart beat faster uncontrollably.

“Lao Li, Lao Huo”

“Which genius developed this fighter jet?”

Mr. Chen smiled and looked at Mr. Li and Mr. Huo.

Upon hearing this, Mr. He was shocked and said:

“General Chen, this level of fighter jet”

“I’m afraid it’s not some genius, right?”

“I feel……At least a super scientific research team of more than 10,000 people is needed to develop it.”

At this time,

Mr. Chen said confidently:”Old Li, Old Huo”

“Is that so?”

He remembered clearly what Lao Huo said about”that kid”!

“this……”Mr. Li coughed lightly and looked at Mr. Chen’s sharp eyes.

He could only smile bitterly.

“Nothing can escape the eyes of General Chen…….”

“This fighter plane, indeed……It was not developed by our Academy of Military Science.”

Hearing this, Mr. He was stunned!


“Wasn’t it your Academy of Military Science that came up with it?”

“Which department is that?”

Mr. He said in disbelief.

“Not which department……But, a folk super genius……wrong!”

“It should be said that it is a super technological monster!”

Mr. Li thought for a while, took a deep breath, and said

“Right!” Mr. Huo immediately echoed in a low voice,”That boy is so scary!”

“I even doubt if he came back from the future.”

Mr. Chen’s eyes were bright and sharp.

Mr. He beside him said blankly:”No”

“Lao Li! Lao Huo!”

“Why are you talking more and more mysteriously?”

“What happened?”

Old Li took a deep breath and began to narrate the extremely absurd but true events that happened in Sucheng over the past month!

At the same time.

Sucheng Military Industry Department!

A hideous giant tank was speeding madly on the muddy road!!!

“Brother Lu!!”

“This thing is cool!!”


Zhang Dayong showed his head on the left hood.

Feeling the strong wind blowing in his face, he shouted excitedly!

At the same time, there was also a head on the right hood.

It was the Minister of the Soviet Army Tank Military Industry Department, Zhou Gaolang!

“Crazy! I never thought of that!”

“Tanks can actually race!!!”

At this moment!

This land-based tank with a murderous look is running like a wild beast!

At a speed of 150 kilometers per hour!

It roars forward!

Wherever it passes!

Smoke and dust are everywhere, and the roar of the engine resounds through the sky!!……

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