Chapter 73 I will cruise the global airspace directly! The Nano Zeroer mecha is unveiled!

At this moment, even though the test of the Pioneer mecha has come to an end, but, the people who returned to the Zero Military Test Base, still had fear on their faces, and the shock in their hearts could not be calmed for a long time!!

Looking at the Pioneer Proton Mecha that has once again transformed into a suitcase-like shape, for a moment, all of Chen Lao and others could not help but swallow their saliva.

This thing!

But it is a real super killer!!!

Especially Xu Lao, who was looking at the Pioneer mecha with greed at this time.

If this is in his own air force combat team, each group will arrange a set of such a single-soldier combat mecha.

Then, with the Zero fighter jet to perform tasks in the air together, then I will cruise the global airspace directly at that time!! When

Xu Lao thought of this, he almost got himself excited!

At that time!

I will directly ride on the faces of Lao Mi’s shoe uppers and output them head-on!!


“Brother Lu!”

“This thing! It’s so powerful!!”

“Hahaha! It’s so cool!!!”

Zhang Dayong was still in an extremely excited state at this moment!!

“That’s right! Brother Lu!!”

“What about the other mecha?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s attention was focused on him again.

Seeing this, Lu Li smiled softly.

“Just completed”


“The materials needed for this mecha are extremely rare!”

“Rare, even for me”

“It cannot be mass-produced either.”

Lu Li took a deep breath.

Nanofluid mecha!

This is completely not of this century, or it is no longer a product of this era!


In the next thousand years, no one may be able to develop it!!

At this moment, everyone looked at Lu Li expectantly.

Lu Li turned around and went straight to the giant nano-tweezers optical system Ark behind him. At this moment , those nanofluid substances have completely disappeared.

Instead, there is a black watch.

Yes, it is a watch suspended in the gravity field.

After opening the transparent cover,

Lu Li slowly took out the black watch.

Then, he put it on his wrist.

At this time,

Chen Lao and others who gathered around all looked at each other.

Where is the mecha?!


What is this?

Academician Liu coughed lightly at this time, and then asked carefully:”Engineer Lu”

“What about the other mecha?”

Seeing everyone’s confusion,

Lu Li smiled and raised the black watch on his wrist.

“This is the other mecha!”

“Nano-Zero Mech!”

“Using cutting-edge technology! Made with nanofluid energy-gathering technology!”

“At present, even I”

“With the existing resources, we can only do our best to build this set.”

Lu Li took a deep breath and said.

At this moment, everyone was confused.

They couldn’t understand!

They couldn’t understand at all!!


At this moment, Mr. Xu raised his right hand.

Then he said in confusion:”Isn’t this just… a watch?”

Everyone looked at Mr. Xu!

Mr. Xu asked the question they wanted to ask the most at this moment!

“Good question!”

Lu Li clapped his hands lightly!

“Next, let me show you!”

“What is the real crystallization of cutting-edge nanotechnology!!”

Lu Li laughed.

Then, standing on the platform, he clicked the”watch” on his wrist.”


“Bio-gene spectrum entry……”

Then, the”watch” on Lu Li’s wrist suddenly emitted a faint red light.


“Biological gene spectrum input is complete!”

Seeing this, Lu Li looked at Chen Lao and the others in front of him, and then said with a smile:

“”Nano Zeroer, start!”


What happened next was something that Chen Lao and the others would never forget in their lifetime!!

The watch that was originally attached to Lu Li’s left wrist suddenly twisted and changed strangely. It instantly turned into nanofluids!

Then, maintaining the characteristics of the nanofluid state, it began to climb and cover Lu Li’s entire body!!

The whole process took less than ten seconds!!

“Ding! The Nano-Zero Mech has started up!”

“”Ding! Current mode: patrol status.”

And now!!

On the base, a set of extremely sharp, cold, and deep mechas suddenly appeared!!

The nanofluid stopped flowing instantly when it was covered! Suddenly, it turned into a deep black mecha armor!!

It covered the surface of Lu Li’s body!!

The Nano Zero Mecha did not take other colors.

Pure black!!

And deep black! Terrifying black!!

At first glance, people will have a daunting idea in their brains!


Absolutely cold!!

This is an absolutely cold and emotionless terrifying machine!!

Chen Lao and others began to stagnate.

Looking at the mecha mask, the pair of eyes emitting faint blue light.

They only felt endless despair!!

This made them know!

At present!

All the most advanced weapons that humans can use!!

They can never break this Nano Zero Mecha!!



Chen Lao and the others’ breathing stagnated for nearly a minute! After the feeling of suffocation surged into their brains, they began to breathe again!!

In front of them!

Just the Zeroer Mech transforming into a nanofluid state was enough to shock them to the point of forgetting to breathe!!

Everyone, all looked at the Nano Zeroer Mech on Lu Li!

Looking at this technological mech that seemed to come from the future.

For a moment, everyone didn’t know how to speak.

Their scalps were numb, their breathing was stagnant, and cold sweats were pouring down!!!

“Holy crap!!!”

“Brother Lu!!!!”

“You are so handsome now!!! Oh my god!!!”

Zhang Dayong was the first to come to his senses, and then he shouted excitedly!!

The whole person immediately entered a state of excitement!!

Lu Li looked at Zhang Dayong in front of him.

A smile appeared on his face

“Of course!”

Then, he took a step and controlled the Nano Zeroer mecha on his body and walked towards the bottom of the platform.

Just when the mecha was moving,

Chen Lao and others below could feel a repressive aura coming towards them!

This was the aura from the cold steel mecha!!

When everyone came to their senses

, Academician Liu was trembling at this time and asked carefully:

“Lu Gong”

“How does the performance of this mecha compare to the Proton Vanguard mecha?”

Lu Li originally wanted to use the word”crushing”.

But then he thought, after all, these two sets were made by himself.

If he said it that way, wouldn’t it feel like he was fighting himself?

Lu Li thought about it and said:”Well… the performance of all attributes is probably twenty times that of the Vanguard mecha!”

“Moreover, the functional devices that the Vanguard Mecha has, my Nano Zero has them too.”

“My Nano Zeroer has the functional devices that the Vanguard Mecha does not have!!”

“In short, it’s just one sentence!”

“Whatever the Vanguard Mecha can accomplish, I, the Zeroer, can accomplish!”

“What the Vanguard Mecha couldn’t accomplish, my Zeroer can still accomplish!!”

Lu Li had already lowered a lot of performance, and then said.

At this time, after hearing what Lu Li said, Academician Liu and others couldn’t stand up!

They all fell to the ground!

Everyone began to mutter to themselves.

“Twenty times! Twenty times the performance!!”

“Just a set of pioneer mechas is terrifying enough!”

“This, this, this is twenty times more powerful than the Vanguard Mecha!!”

Academician Liu’s pupils were about to collapse!

Is this still the technological level they can reach?!

I’m afraid!

Just that set of extremely fluent nanofluid state technology is enough for today’s humans to study for a thousand years?!!

Is Lu Li still a human?


Academician Liu shook his head fiercely!

He is definitely not a human!

He is a god!

The god of technology!!!

At this time,

Lu Li released the state of the Zeroer Mecha.

Immediately, a sci-fi scene was once again staged in front of everyone’s eyes!

The nano-mecha covering Lu Li turned back into black nano-fluid.

It was smooth again. The watch was on Lu Li’s arm.

It returned to Lu Li’s wrist and turned into a black watch again.

Everyone’s pupils were trembling!

Who could have thought of this?!

That black watch turned out to be a set of extremely brutal and terrifying sci-fi mecha?!!

Originally, after seeing the pioneer mecha before, Chen Lao and others would not have thought that there would be another mecha that could make them look so shocked.

But now, they found out!

They were wrong! They were so wrong!!!

Every step Lu Li took was madly challenging the bottom line of their cognition!!

“Lu Li!!!”

At this time,

Mr. Xu, the Air Force Commander-in-Chief, suddenly seemed to have thought of something.

He rushed to Lu Li and his face turned red. Just as he was about to speak,

Lu Li stopped Mr. Xu’s action.

“I understand, I understand!”

“You want to ask if this thing can be put on the assembly line, right?”

Lu Li smiled and pointed to the Vanguard Proton Mech box on the desktop platform.

After all, Lu Li has always remembered this.

As for those so-called flying combat mechs in the United States…

Lu Li almost vomited!

That thing, can it be called a mech?!!

And the reason why Mr. Xu was so excited at the moment was only this matter.

Mr. Xu opened his mouth and didn’t say anything.

The next second, he was completely shocked by what Lu Li said!!

I haven’t said anything yet.

This genius understands it?!

No, I just want to ask if I can authorize my Air Force Department to use the Vanguard No. 1 Mech and the Vanguard No. 2 Mech!

Good guy!!

How did it suddenly Then it will be put on the assembly line?!!

At this time.

Li Lao and others were instantly excited!!!

On the assembly line?!!

They are so damn familiar with this!!!

All the advanced technologies that Lu Li has created so far can be put on the assembly line!!

The Zero Fighter Super Factory, the 99 Modified Magnetic Storm Atomic Tank Factory, the Guzheng Saber Forging Factory!


His fucking controlled nuclear fusion device, this terrifying device.

In Lu Li’s place, it can all be put on the line for production!!

After all, not far away from the next door.

Is a super giant nuclear fusion factory!!

At this moment.

Xu Lao moved his throat.

He said dryly:”Then…

can it be put on the line?

“Of course I can do it!”

Lu Li smiled.

Then he looked at Chen Lao and others in front of him.

“I can tell you very clearly”

“The Pioneer Proton Mecha assembly line has begun construction!”

“Estimated completion in three weeks!!”


What the hell!!!

What else can’t he put on the assembly line?!!!

After hearing Lu Li’s definite answer,

Chen Lao and the others felt numb again!!

They had already decided!!

They just sat on the ground and digested what Lu Li said!

They just couldn’t get up!


After getting up, they would still fall down!!

They couldn’t stand steadily! They couldn’t stand steadily at all!!


The next morning, after a night of calm,

Li Lao and the others were slightly relieved.

The mecha demonstration yesterday had given them too much visual shock and mental impact.

They needed to take a good rest!

Otherwise, they really didn’t know how many times their little hearts could withstand such shocks.

At the moment,

Su Jingming and Yang Zhenkun found Lu Li.

“Lu Gong”

“You see, this is the installation process of 100 nuclear fusion centers in 1034 cities in our country.”

“Now, it has been completely completed”

“All the military engineering sites on Mr. Li’s side have been completed.”

“You just need to plan the next step.”

“We can now start the final phase of the Dawn Project!!”

Su Jingming became more and more excited as he spoke, and at the end, he stood up excitedly!

“No problem.”

Lu Li looked at the nuclear fusion installation point plan on the engineering drawing.

Then he smiled brightly!

“One hundred and twenty controlled nuclear fusion devices were also completed a few days ago.”

“Just transport all these devices to these points.”

“The final project of the Dawn Project has been successfully completed.”

“”Good! Good!”

Su Jingming said excitedly, and then he coughed lightly.

“Um, Engineer Lu, so far, we haven’t named these nuclear fusion device sites.”

“You see……”

After all, the credit for this controlled nuclear fusion device belongs to Lu Li from beginning to end!

This kind of naming process must be done by him personally!

Hearing this, Lu Li took a deep breath. He had already thought about this problem.

Immediately, he puffed out his chest and said proudly:”Name them all after famous mountains!!”

“Our great restoration of the country, with famous mountains all over the land!!”

“If it is close to Mount Tai, it will be named the Mount Tai Nuclear Fusion Base, and if it is close to Kunlun, it will be named the Kunlun Nuclear Fusion Base!”

As soon as these words came out!!

Su Jingming and Yang Zhenkun both trembled all over!!

“Good! Good!!”

“This method is good!!!”

Su Jingming nodded repeatedly!

This naming method is not only calm but also domineering!


At this time, the military cell phone on Yang Zhenkun’s waist rang.

Yang Zhenkun calmed down, took out the phone, and saw the caller.

It was the Navy General Pang Lao!


Yang Zhenkun asked immediately after answering the phone.

On the other end of the phone,

Pang Lao’s rough voice suddenly sounded!

“His grandma’s legs!!”

“Finally got that thing shipped here!!”

“Lao Yang! Where are you guys?!”

“I brought the aircraft carrier here!!!!”


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