Lethal Impulse

Chapter 703: , Selling human meat

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Chapter 703, Selling Human Meat

"Are you talking about earning money, is it robbery?" I looked at the mirror ghost and said in amazement. Just now, Jing Gui robbed several ghosts and got hundreds of pennies. Relying on the power of her red ghost, the ordinary ghost is really not her opponent.

"There is no way, I can't go to work, I can only rely on grabbing." Jing Gui said proudly, still holding hundreds of pennies in his hand.

I took a penny from her hand and looked at it. This penny coin started to be cool. Not only that, the penny coin also wrote the bank of heaven and earth. It seems that this is the penny coin of the local government.

"These coins are not ordinary coins. It can enhance the power of ghosts. Only in the capital." Jing Gui raised Yang's hands and said.

"No wonder." I nodded and said, "So we can buy something with Nethercoin."

"That's nature." Jing Gui said excitedly: "Let's go shopping."

So we came to the street and looked around. Soon I found out that everything sold in the ghost market is very weird, and it is not something that humans can own.

The whole market sells a lot of things, there are many things I have never seen. This opened our eyes.

"Is this a ghost's life? There are markets and fixed places." I muttered to myself, my eyes full of wonder. This really surprised me.

The ghost world is so wonderful. It was not as spooky as I expected.

"Of course, ghosts have their own lives." Jing Gui said. Then she looked at us and said, "Okay, let's go buy something."

So we walked on the street, looking for something to buy. But soon I found out that the things here are very strange. A lot of things are horrible and outrageous.

For example, the ghost in front of me. His head was on Tora's neck, his eyes were blood red, and he held a blood-red machete in his hand, and his voice was fierce. Being able to cut people into seven or eight pieces is a gem. "

"This thing is useless to me." Jing Gui glanced and said.

"Then look at this, as long as you buy it home, it will make the family die. At 12 midnight, a ghost will run out of the TV." The ghost continued to sell again.

"I don't need this kind of thing to kill people." Jing Gui said.

"Then look at this call, as soon as you receive the call, you will be ringed by the ghosts of midnight. How about it, like it. It is definitely a must-have for your home travel and murder." Gui said with a sneer.

In his hands, there was a blood-stained phone. It looks like it is going to be sold to Jing Gui.

I widened my eyes and took a step back. Be aware that the evil weapon in front of you will kill people if you are not careful. The polarizer ghost looks very interested. She looked proudly, but after a while, she shook her head and left the stall.

And behind her, the ghost was still shouting: "Don't go, I can be cheaper."

Seeing this, I suddenly asked, "Why do these ghosts sell this kind of thing?"

"That's because for ghosts, the greater the power of the curse, the better for them. And for humans. If you get these things, it's not far from death." Li Taiyi suddenly explained.

"Yes, what our ghosts like most are those that contain curses and spiritual resentment. This is our favorite." Jing Gui said.

"No wonder." I was shocked and said, I really can't think of. In the eyes of ghosts, the more cursed and the more terrible things are actually liked by ghosts. Perhaps this is because ghosts are originally dark creatures.

At this moment, Mirror Ghost took us to continue shopping in this ghost market. This ghost market is full of ghosts selling things. Although the things sold are different, they are actually all horrible things.

"What plants are these?" Jing Gui asked, walking to a booth and looking at the plants that were on it.

"This ginseng needs to be watered with blood in order to bloom. For ghosts, it is a good supplement. This is called a blood complaint. It takes only a dozen people's blood to bloom. It can improve the strength of ghosts." The stall owner was sitting behind the stall, as several family treasures said.

But when I heard this, I felt very strange.

Who would have thought that the ghost actually sold such terrible things, and from the perspective of the mirror ghost, she seemed very interested in these plants.

"These are really good things, I bought them." Jing Gui said.

"Okay, a hundred penins," the stall owner said.

So Ghost Ghost put down a hundred pennies, and then she took away some black-scented fruits, which are Ginseng, a horrible plant that can be watered with human blood.

"It's really unimaginable to sell so many horrible things here." I lowered my head and muttered to myself. I feel that my outlook on life has been subverted. And Liu Ying was pale.

"Who makes this a ghost city, we naturally need to shop." Jing Gui said seriously.

In desperation, we continue to move forward. But at this moment, I saw a small stall, suddenly covered my mouth, and looked like I was going to vomit. The same is true of Liu Ying behind me.

Because in front of us, there is a meat stall. There is meat everywhere on the chopping board of this meat stall. But these meats are not pork or beef, but human flesh.

The stall owner is a greasy man with a greasy face, a fat body and more than two meters in length. He also had a huge kitchen knife in his hand and was shouting: "The best human meat, the freshly slaughtered human meat, absolutely fresh, everyone come and eat quickly."

After he finished speaking, a ghost came and pointed to one thigh: "I want this thigh meat."

"No problem." The stall owner nodded, and then wrapped a leg to him.

The ghosts left beautifully, and the ghosts around them looked at the meat stalls one by one.

"I want this quick meat,"

"I want a piece of breast meat."

The ghosts gathered up one by one, and then pointed to pieces of meat, and soon they bought the meat. At this time, the stall owner said with satisfaction: "Today's business is just right, let's kill another one."

After he finished turning his fat belly, he looked behind him. Behind him are all people with terrified faces, these people are all naked, one by one in a cage.

"It's you, who made you so fat." The stall owner pointed to a fat man in the cage.

The fat man curled up in horror, his voice horrified: "It's not my fault to be fat, I don't want to die."

"Less nonsense," said the stall owner, reaching out his palm and opening the cage to grab the fat man out. Then he raised the big kitchen knife in his hand and chopped it like that. Suddenly bloody, this fat man was cut in half.

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