Lethal Impulse

Chapter 721: , Black Flame Hell

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Chapter 721, Black Flame Hell

After the terrible karma fire burned everything, even the **** could not bear such a temperature. One by one disappeared. And I looked at the dumbfounded man, his voice coldly said: "Now, what can you say?"

"It's really great." The man clapped my hands and looked at me and said: "Your Excellency is so powerful, why don't you join our magic church? Do you really think you can deal with our entire magic church by yourself?"

"What's wrong?" I said proudly.

The man smiled slightly, and then said: "Although I admit that you are indeed a bit powerful, we already know about your magic weapon. Your strength can be dealt with by ordinary people, but it is not effective against us."

"Nonsense, let's stay in my dreams and say it." I finished coldly, the figure had rushed past, and then the cold reverse scale flashed by. However, the man's figure disappeared again.

"Cut, one of these demons runs faster than one." I put down the counterscale in my hand and sneered.

"However, it is a pity that the Demon Church still succeeded. I just looked at it. At least half of the students joined the Demon Church." Li Taiyi said.

"There is no way." I put down the scales in my hand and sighed, "I hope they will get lost, it seems impossible."

"Once you join the magic church, no one can withdraw, otherwise you will be chased by the entire magic church." Li Taiyi said.

"Damn demon." I gritted my teeth and shook my head, then turned around and walked out of the classroom building.

In front of me, I also destroyed a stronghold of the Demon Church, but the stronghold of the Demon Church is not limited to thousands. With my own strength, what can I do? Thinking of this, my voice is very sad.

Soon, the school returned to its original appearance, but the students inside have become crazy one by one. I am afraid that it will take some time to recover.

After dealing with the matter before me, I fell into an awkward situation with nothing to do. After my repeated attacks, the movement of the demon in this city became smaller and smaller. But I did not dare to carelessly.

They were sent to investigate the situation. I sat on the sofa and said indifferently, "I'm so weird, when did the Demon Church appear."

"The Demon Church appeared a long time ago. In the past, it had many names. What is Tianli, Bailian. In fact, they are all branches of the Demon Church. When they arrived, they simply called themselves the Demon Church, and the means became extreme." Li Taiyi said .

"Now that they are uniting with the gatekeepers of the prefecture, it's really getting more and more troublesome." I frowned.

"Not only that." Li Taiyi looked at me, and his voice murmured: "The forces of the Demon Church are all over Southeast Asia and want to destroy it. It is impossible in any case."

"The road is a foot tall and the devil is tall," I sighed and then lay in Liu Ying's arms.

Liu Ying comforted me gently, and then said: "In fact, we don't need to provoke the demon at all."

"Even if we don't provoke, the demon will still find us." I looked up and looked at her face. "Recently, the demon has been recruiting horses and horses. As long as they are escapers, they are basically invited by the demon. If someone refuses, they will basically be killed by the demon. "

Hearing this, Liu Ying frowned: "These demons are really terrible."

"Who said no, we have no good way except passive defense." I sighed and felt very depressed. Recently, my Cangtian organization has encountered a bottleneck in its development. Because I can't recruit any more.

Many people now know that I offended the Demon Church, and several people have chosen to withdraw from the sky. After all, they don't want to be enemies with the Demon Church.

I have no choice but to let it develop.

Now the demon is like a big mountain, pressing on us. But we have no solution to this. Not only that, we also feel that the Demon Church is cooperating with the gatekeeper of the land, spreading fear and despair.

Just then, Ye Jiuzhou came over, his face very gloomy.

"What's wrong?" I looked at him and asked.

Ye Jiuzhou looked at me and suddenly smiled bitterly: "I'm here to tell you a bad news."

"What news?" I looked at him and asked.

"There is news that Huang Tian has also joined forces with the Demon Religion." Ye Jiuzhou said.

"What?" I immediately sat up and said, "If you say that, the demon has already known where we are."

"Yes, I am here to tell you the news." Ye Jiuzhou said.

"In this case, we have to move quickly, or we will be finished." I stood up quickly and said.

But at this time, Li Taiyi shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's too late."

At this moment, a scream suddenly sounded at the door of the villa, and we rushed downstairs hurriedly, but saw a dead body lying downstairs. It is Liu Shufen's.

She fell to the ground, her body and flesh blurred. In front of him, there was a man in black.

"Damn." I rushed angrily and the scales in my hands tore through.

However, at this time, the figure of the man in black backed away.

Just as I was about to rush over, I saw Zhang Mingxuan, with a group of people, slowly came to the door.

"Long time no see." Zhang Mingxuan looked at me and said.

"It's been a long time." I looked at him and said coldly.

"I can't think of it. The young Master Huang Tian turned out to be a running dog of the Demon Religion." Li Taiyi also came over, and his mouth was ironic.

Zhang Mingxuan's face did not change, he sneered, and then said: "Whatever you say, I came here today, you should be tomorrow, all of you have to die here."

"You are so confident?" I looked at him and asked.

"Of course, your eight battle maps and karma are all used up, and now you are totally vulnerable." Zhang Mingxuan said coldly, and then behind him, he followed a few demons.

"Zhang Fan, you destroyed two branches of the Demon Church in a row. Now is the time for you to repay." Next to Zhang Mingxuan, said an old man in a black robe with a tattoo on his face. This old man is the old man who escaped in my hands.

"Then give it a try." I said with a cold voice, holding the scales.

Behind me, Li Taiyi and Liu Ying are all ready to fight.

"It's absolutely unnecessary, you all go to death." Zhang Mingxuan looked at me coldly, then his body floated suddenly, his voice coldly said: "Call the wind and rain!"

In an instant, the sky and earth changed dramatically, and the sky in front of me became very dark, and then bursts of lightning kept falling on the ground.

Seeing this, my face changed a lot, and I hurriedly shouted, "Everyone is spreading out."

"It's too late." Zhang Mingxuan said coldly, and then started to fall. After a series of days of thunder, Yue Feng fell on the body fiercely. Yue Feng screamed, and had no time to react, his body turned into coke.

Seeing this, I was furious, and then suddenly lifted the counter scale in my hand, and it would fall on Zhang Mingxuan. Zhang Mingxuan smiled coldly, then countless days of thunder, just bombarded me.

Seeing this, even if I didn't want to, I had to avoid it. But I can avoid it, and the people behind me cannot.

Just like this, I was struck to death by several thunders in a row. When I saw this, my eyes were red and my whole body was shaking.

You know, these are all my men, but now all of a sudden, so many people died. This makes me simply unacceptable.

"Li Taiyi!" I looked at Li Taiyi suddenly, he nodded suddenly, and then the wind **** clothes on his body flashed, and suddenly, the gust of wind began to roar past.

"You have the wind and the rain, then let you see, my wind and clouds," Li Taiyi finished coldly. The wind-rolling residual cloud instantly launched, and a tornado swept wildly in front of it.

Zhang Mingxuan's face changed drastically, his eyes were astonished. In this way, a tornado swept madly, constantly blowing. People around Zhang Mingxuan, once unaware, were swept by the wind, and then quickly strangled by the violent wind.

Calling the wind and rain for the wind to sweep the clouds!

The two forces confronted each other frantically, and the sky thunder kept splitting on the storm, so the two sky phenomena kept fighting against each other, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

At this time, I have no choice at all, because I can't participate at all.

Soon the wind and rain will be over, and the wind and clouds will end. In front of me, Zhang Mingxuan lost some of his men, and we also suffered heavy losses.

"It's really awesome, the wind is blowing, and it's really awesome." Zhang Mingxuan clapped his hands and then sneered: "Then take the trick. Spread beans and become soldiers, fall down!"

Before he finished speaking, a group of Yin soldiers rushed towards us in this way, and at the same time thundered, constantly swept down towards us.

In front of such large-scale spells, ordinary attacks are meaningless.

It is no longer an ordinary battle, but a battle between spells.

At this moment, I suddenly opened the ghost king wings and flew into the air. At this time, my voice coldly said: "Just let you see, my latest mystery."

After talking about the ghost king wings behind me, it exudes a cold black light. And at this time, I shouted violently: "Mystery, Black Flame Hell!"

Suddenly, a powerful force surrounded by flames suddenly passed through to Zhang Mingxuan.

This is the meaning of the ghost king wing. In addition to nightfall, the ghost king wing has black flame hell. Once it is on display, it is absolutely beyond imagination.

Around Zhang Mingxuan, it instantly became a black flame hell, and the horrible black flame burned wildly. Anyone who was hit by a black flame would turn his body into a scorched black, and then quickly turned into coke.

The Black Flame Hell is expanding wildly, and everyone around Zhang Mingxuan screams. Their bodies are constantly collapsing.

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