Lethal Impulse

Chapter 728: ,Death Valley

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Chapter 728, Death Valley

Kunlun Mountain, originally desolate here, but now there are people everywhere, a large part of them are escapers, although these people are very concealed, but I can see at a glance, this group of people is like me It is the same kind.

The escaped person is the name of our group. We escaped from the spiritual event, but we will suffer endless spiritual pursuit. Therefore, behind us, there will always be a shadow, as long as you look carefully, you can definitely see it.

So there is no doubt that all the people around me are escapers. Some of this group of people are acting like a group, but some are acting alone. There are also some people, a group of several people.

One by one, they didn't speak to each other, they seemed very silent.

Tao Ran whispered next to me: "The people here are so strange."

"It's no surprise that the escapers are a weird group, and the people inside are not surprising." Li Tai glanced at him with a calm voice.

"These people feel very wrong to me, like a lone wolf." Liu Ying frowned.

"Leave them alone, be careful." I mumbled to myself, and looked around.

The entire Kunlun Mountain is already full of escapers. The people inside are strange, but I soon found out that there is no demon and Huang Tian here. When I secretly wondered, Li Taiyi said: "Magic weapon The ruins have always been in the hands of the six teams of Secret Service. Although they will not monopolize on the opening day, as long as they are their enemies, it is estimated that they cannot enter the magic ruins.

"It's really domineering, but I like it." I said with a smile.

"Without the hindrance of demons and Huang Tian, ​​we can be sure and find more magic weapons." Shi Deye said.

"That's true, but the demon taught them that since they know that the ruins of magic weapons are open, I'm afraid they won't be reconciled." Su Yumo said.

"That's not something we can think about." I said lightly, and then took them to the Glengrass Canyon.

The Lengle Canyon is famous in the world and is one of the five famous death valleys in the world. In the valley, there is Kunlun Mountain in the south, and Qilian Snow Mountain in the north blocks the cold wind of the Northland. The entire valley is located in the middle and upper reaches of the Narangler River.

It is called Death Valley because it is extremely strange here.

Herdsmen living in Kunlun Mountain would rather let cattle and sheep starve to death on the Gobi Desert because they did not have fat grass to eat, rather than let them enter the deep, ancient and quiet valley of Kunlun Mountain. This valley is the Death Valley. The valley is covered with the fur of the wolf, the bones of the bear, the steel gun of the hunter, and the lonely tomb of the barren hill, conveying a breath of death to the world.

And no one knows, this is the place where the magic weapon ruins are opened. Once the magic weapon ruins are opened, then for us, it is a great opportunity.

Just when I was cranky, we came to Death Valley. At this time, I saw many people in the six groups of Secret Service, including Sun Huanchen.

"So you are here too." Sun Yu came over at this time.

I nodded and was about to speak, but saw him excitedly: "This time the ruins of the magic weapon are opened, it is definitely a rare opportunity. I just want to get one or two magic weapons from it."

"Then it depends on the ability." I looked at him and said lightly.

"Well, that's it." Sun Yu waved excitedly, then turned and left.

When we walked into Death Valley, there were also other people here, and my body backed away, taking Li Taiyi with them and hiding in an unobtrusive location.

And in our sight, an infinite number of escapers. It looks like at least one or two thousand people.

This is really a terrible number, and it is enough to show how many people escape in this country.

At this time, Long Lao came to a boulder and began to speak slowly: "Old rules, everyone has their own skills after entering, and it doesn't matter if they kill each other. But after they come out, they must not happen.

"And our six teams of special services must go one hour in advance, then you can go in. Then the time is up, the ruins of magic weapons will be opened, everyone please step back."

After he finished speaking, in the valley in front of us, there was suddenly a dark passage, which gradually emerged. This channel seems to appear out of thin air. When the passage appeared, all the people around were excited.

However, this is the site of the six teams of Secret Service, so no one dared to act rashly.

In this way, the members of the six groups of secret agents first entered the channel. After this, we could only watch, but no one dared to defy the rules of the six groups of Secret Service.

After all, the Secret Service Group 6 is an official organization. Except for the demon Huang Tian, ​​no one dares to openly confront such a person who regards the rules as nothing.

I also don't care about it, so I squinted and waited for an hour.

However, at this time, a roar sounded: "Your special six groups are really overbearing, but I am not convinced by Zhang Mingxuan!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw Zhang Mingxuan walking with a group of people. Zhang Mingxuan walked at the forefront, handsome and cold eyes.

Long Lao's eyes looked at him, his eyes unabashedly disgusted: "You collude with the demon, and dare to come to death."

"Haha, even so, how can you treat me?" Zhang Mingxuan sneered, and then beside him, the demons came one by one.

"This is the site of our six teams of special services. It's still your turn." Long Lao snorted coldly, and then a group of people stood in front of Zhang Mingxuan. This group of people is the elite of the six groups of Secret Service. In their hands, there are more or less one magic weapon.

For a time, Zhang Mingxuan and the six groups of Secret Service confronted each other, and did not compromise with each other.

My eyes looked coldly at Zhang Mingxuan, but I didn't plan to rush past.

Zhang Mingxuan's voice said indifferently: "Your Secret Service Group 6 is too domineering. The ruins of magic weapons do not belong to you, but to everyone."

"Even if it belongs to all of you, what does it have to do with your demon religion? You wantonly act, everyone will be blamed." Long Lao said with a somber face.

"Haha." Zhang Mingxuan laughed loudly, and then shouted: "We escaped, should have a higher status than ordinary people. Isn't it? If we are not fighting evil spirits, with ordinary people's power, not die early In the hands of evil spirits? "

"For this, let's enjoy, what's the big deal? Don't forget that it is our sacrifice that keeps the evil spirits from devouring the world. We already have stronger powers than ordinary people, and naturally they must override them. on!"

His words caused an uproar. Although the escaped people around did not speak, their eyes flashed, but they secretly agreed with his ideas.

"Yaoyan confuses the people, kill them for me." Long Lao burst into rage, yelling at Zhang Mingxuan.

Then the members of the six groups of Secret Service rushed over at this time, and they attacked Zhang Mingxuan.

The tokens shone, and in a blink of an eye, the people around Zhang Mingxuan were bombed to death one by one. I have to say that the six teams of Secret Service are still very powerful. Their background is not what most people can imagine. The magic weapon that everyone has is not ordinary.

For a time, the people around Zhang Mingxuan were dead and wounded, but only he looked calm, looking at the scene in front of him, he sneered: "Since this is the case, take me a few strokes."

"Call for wind and rain."

"Flying sand!"

Two super-powerful spells were used by Zhang Mingxuan. In an instant, the sky changed, and the sky was constantly thundering and falling, in addition to the yellow sand, the scene was really shocking.

Even the escapers below were stunned at this time. You know, most of them are some common magic weapons, why have you ever seen such a powerful magic weapon.

At this time, someone suddenly shouted: "This is a heaven-level magic weapon. Only a heaven-level magic weapon can have this kind of power."

"Heavenly magic weapon, what is that?" I couldn't help asking.

"The magic weapon is divided into heaven and earth. Among them, the heaven-level magic weapon is the most powerful magic weapon, which has the power to steal the sky and exchange the sun. The sky book in Zhang Mingxuan's hands is the heaven-level magic weapon."

"Then the magic weapon in my hand, is it a heavenly weapon?" I asked involuntarily.

"No, only the power to change the weather and nature is called heaven. The magic weapon in your hands, even the ghost king wings, is not a heaven-level magic weapon." Li Taiyi said.

"Aren't my seven-star lamps counted as heaven-level?" I asked shockedly. I still knew for the first time that the magic weapon also had such a level.

"No, the seven-star lamp in your hand is at most a top-level magic weapon." Li Taiyi said.

"It turned out to be this way." I suddenly woke up, no wonder I have not been Zhang Mingxuan's opponent. It turns out that although my magic weapon is powerful, it is far behind Zhang Mingxuan. No wonder I lost to Zhang Mingxuan several times.

"Then Yuyu Pei, what kind of magic weapon?" Tao Ran asked suddenly.

Who knows Li Taiyi shook his head, his face calmly said: "I don't know, Dan Yuyu Pei is not in the category of magic weapon. If it is a complete Pisces Yu Pei, it is stronger than any magic weapon. After all, it can copy everything."

Just before we talked, the wind and the rain would suddenly fall, but at this time, one of the six secret service groups suddenly came out, and he shouted violently: "The wind and the waves are calm."

Suddenly, the surrounding wind and rain suddenly disappeared, and even the flying sand was gone.

Zhang Mingxuan was slightly surprised, and then said: "I can't think of your Secret Service Group 6 also having heaven-level magic weapons, which is really amazing."

"However, I am not interested in playing with you anymore." After he finished speaking, numerous black people suddenly appeared around him, and these black people were demons.

Long Lao's face changed greatly, he could not help shouting: "Zhang Mingxuan, what the **** are you doing?"

"The ruins of the magic weapon have been in charge of your six secret service teams, and now it's our turn." Zhang Mingxuan laughed wildly.

"It's up to you, too!" Long Lao shouted, and then there were more and more people in the special six groups.

Seeing that a war was about to begin, someone suddenly shouted, "An hour is up, everyone go in quickly."

The people around me woke up like a dream. Then one by one rushed towards the passage.

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