He was sleeping at that time.

It was a hungry and powerless voice that woke him up from the endless abyss.

How powerless was it?

When Huang Cheng, who was in the depths of the universe, heard that voice, he even thought he had heard it wrong.

But the voice was full of greed for something, which had been concentrated to an extreme, and could even float across countless worlds to his ears.

This strong desire still attracted his attention.

He looked for the source of the sound and found a very barren planet.

So how poor are the resources on the planet?

In other words.

Huang Cheng couldn't figure out why such a planetary environment could give birth to civilization.

Because in his eyes, there were 400 large and small settlements similar to tribes on the planet, and they had already reached a certain scale and even developed some technology.

But later he learned that these technologies were not native to this planet, but brought from the Interstellar Peace Company.

No doubt.

This planet used to be very prosperous, which can be seen from the remaining technological buildings on this planet.

However, due to cultural differences, the people of various countries on this planet dislike each other.

The final outcome of dislike between countries and nations is nothing more than fighting, and this is the case for all intelligent life.

But perhaps the beginning of the war is just to fight for a breath, but who will bet everything on their dignity?

Greed began to spread in this sacred war.

And greed became the final winner of this war.

And the warriors who really shed their blood for the sacred have long been buried in endless yellow sand and ruins.

After the war, everything no longer exists, and the environment of the planet has become even worse.

And the group of people who really made a profit left the barren land early, leaving only the miserable people who could not leave the planet.

Interstellar Peace Company will naturally not miss the opportunity to develop such a planet.

But this is not hope, but another round of despair.

Because of the situation on this planet, even if Interstellar Peace came, it would have to pay a price.

The endless wars in the past caused all kinds of radiation to spread across the surface of the entire planet, and the land was cracked and full of venom.

The biological extinction rate was as high as 80%. Except for a few animals and plants that could feed humans, there were no other creatures.

So the people living on this planet at that time immediately signed a series of talent contracts with Interstellar Peace.

Sold their future to this company, which can be called a huge company at the cosmic level.

But Interstellar Peace undoubtedly failed in its transformation because this planet is too barren.

And the sequelae left by the war are very large, and the war weapons left by these war maniacs are still in operation.

In order to deal with these war machines, Interstellar Peace sent a large number of personnel to suppress them, so that the technology on this planet is not good.

Even Interstellar Peace felt it was difficult.

Every day, employees died. In the end, there were too many deaths, and the employees below protested.

But later they had to give up aiding the planet.

When it was time to evacuate, the Interstellar Peace Company didn't even care about debt collection, but fled from this galaxy like a refugee.

Because in their eyes, this planet was not far from death.

They did not provide some transportation such as spaceships for the remaining people to leave out of humanitarianism.

Because just such a project has made them lose all their money, not to mention that the remaining people have been deeply harmed by radiation.

Even if they leave this planet, if they don't get reasonable treatment, the people on this planet will not live long.

And as long as it comes to medical care in this universe, the money involved is definitely not a small amount.

What value can a terminally ill person provide?

The company is not a philanthropist.

Because of the losses caused by this incident, a company executive with a p46 was directly demoted to p35.

And Bu E is a native of this planet.

An ordinary farmer who has not received any education and has no social status.

He was almost starving to death.

Huang Cheng saw him.

At this time, the farmer used all his strength to cut off his own arm with a knife.

Then he put his arm in his mouth and chewed it in large pieces.

But he was crying.

"Distant and unknown existence in the starry sky, please listen to my prayer and give me food to fill my stomach."I pray to you, not to other gods." "I don't pray for the sharp arrow to penetrate all the sins and darkness for me, because I don't hate anything, my enemies are dead, and my past has been buried by the yellow sand." "I don't ask for a thick house and endless wealth, because my family has starved to death, and I have nothing to worry about in the world, so I have nothing to protect." "I don't pursue a beautiful face, because no one appreciates it, and what's the use of beauty if it can't feed me?" "I don't want to have happiness all the time, because I have lost the soul to pursue happiness, and survival has occupied my body, mind and soul. ”

“I don’t want to have endless wisdom, because wisdom is too tiring. Because of wisdom, people will feel hungry, because of wisdom, people will fight, because of wisdom, people will feel frustrated and sad.”

“I want to eat, I want to eat all the time, eat myself fat, I want all the hungry lives in the universe to taste the taste of being full”

When a person’s desire reaches a certain intensity.

The star god will recognize you and give you the power of destiny.

So when Huang Cheng asked to prove why the ordinary old man wanted to get power.

The old man’s eyes revealed crazy greed.

That kind of greed is crazy, but sober.

Or every greedy walker has such eyes.

He told the giant beast in front of him his true thoughts.

“I want everyone in the universe to no longer be hungry, this is my greed. "

The old man's angry roar penetrated the universe, and reached his ears through countless light years.

He smiled.

Then the power of the star god descended.

From now on, there is one less ordinary farmer on this planet.

There is one more immortal old man named Buhungry in the universe.

From then on, whenever the intelligent life in the universe survives the disaster of hunger.

They will sing his name.

Sing the distant ballad.

Sing a dream of being full.

Only hear the happy people sing like this:


Not hungry anymore, not hungry anymore........

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