Let’s Fall In Love on Friday

Chapter 144: Tangled for a second

  Chapter 144 Tangled for a second

   Manager Watanabe’s movement made everyone in the meeting curious: "Watanabe, what happened?"

  Manager Watanabe smiled and said to everyone: “The new customer for small and independent development is coming for a 500kg order. Now she asked me to help her get a quotation. It’s really a feng shui turn.”

Minister Bai Tianshan from the headquarters heard this, grabbed the phone in his hand, turned on the hands-free and praised Qiao Li: "Small! You are amazing! You are the most capable girl I have seen since I worked for more than 40 years. ."

  Qiaoli was a little embarrassed to be praised: "Thank you for the praise and affirmation of the Minister. It is the good advice of Manager Watanabe and General Manager Kojima. I will continue to work hard in the future!"

   Listening to what Qiaoli said, the faces of Manager Watanabe and General Manager Kojima were filled with unstoppable smiles.

   Minister Bai Tianshan said more vigorously: “I must report this to the headquarters, and I must report to the headquarters that our Hangzhou company has such excellent employees.”

  Qiaoli is even more embarrassed now.

   "No, no, I personally want to give you a gift to encourage and affirm your achievements. Tell me what gift you want?" Minister Bai Tianshan continued.

Qiao Li was slightly startled, and then replied without hesitation: "Thank you, Minister, then I'm not welcome. I want a helloKitty doll gift limited to country J. Last time I talked to Wangong of this customer. His daughter likes helloKitty very much, so I want to send styles that are not available in China, and strive to continue to promote our products and increase purchases."

The sales model of Qiaoli Company is different from other companies. There is no rebate return item. Therefore, the implementation of Qiaoli’s new customers is not very smooth. The purchasing and workshop managers of many companies circumscribed and learned that there was no rebate item and stopped. See you soon.

  So Qiaoli cherishes and appreciates Wangong very much. Without his recommendation and promotion, sales work would never have been so smooth.

  So she is ready to give back to customers in her own unique and gentle way.

   "Fine! It's my responsibility!" Minister Bai Tianshan responded altogether, "Also, tell me how you talk about this customer..."

   Before Qiao Li could respond, Manager Watanabe reminded: “Just let Xiao Qiao speak slowly during the evening meal.”

   "Don't come to eat at night, Xiaoxiao." General Manager Kojima snatched, "She still had a high fever yesterday, so the most important thing is to take a good rest first."

   "Yes, yes, yes!" Minister Bai Tianshan nodded in response, "It will be long in Japan, and long in Japan, there will be opportunities to tell me about this in the future."

  Under the care of a few of them, Qiao Li finally hung up the phone.

  The next second she took out the laptop from her backpack, plugged in the mobile network U disk, and waited for Manager Watanabe to send the quotation.

  But when she had just finished these preparations, Qiao Li found that she had arrived.

Qiao Li hurriedly got off the bus. At this time, the sky was pattering with a light rain, Qiao Li struggled for a second-is it now to run home and then send the quotation and other tasks, or wait for the quotation at the bus station first, first Go home after finishing the work?

  One second later, Qiao Li made a decision, and she chose the latter.

  So Qiao Li carried a huge shoulder bag, and then held the computer in both hands, silently waiting for the email to appear.

  Manager Watanabe’s work efficiency is very fast, Qiaoli received the quotation soon, she squatted down quickly, her legs reduced to a computer desk, holding one hand for support, the other hand began to forward the quotation email.

  (End of this chapter)

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