Let’s Fall In Love on Friday

Chapter 208: Wretched

   Chapter 208

  Huang Xiaoying was stunned, and then reacted: "Oh, oh, it's you. Qiao Li said hello to me, saying that he asked you to bring us something."

   "Yes." Ji Yuanyang said politely, "I am returning from Shanghai to Hangzhou, and I will give you things by then."

   "Okay, then I will give you the address." Huang Xiaoying said.

At this moment, Ji Yuanyang said, "That’s it. Qiao Li has a letter asking you to give it to Qiu Zhiliang, but I want to give it to her personally, so I want to take the opportunity to give you something to ask you. The three have a meal."

  Huang Xiaoying hesitated a little, but still agreed: "Okay, I'll make an appointment for you."

  "Well, whatever you want to eat, pick whatever you want." Ji Yuanyang said, "I'll determine the location then and send me the address. I can probably be there around 5:30."

   "Okay." Huang Xiaoying responded with a smile.

  Hang up the phone, Huang Xiaoying asked Qiu Zhiliang who was at home on vacation today: "Girl, let's eat out tonight."

   After a full sleep, Qiu Zhiliang, who had just woken up not long ago, stretched out in an imageless manner, and responded, “Okay, okay. What to eat?”

"What do you want to eat?"

   "I want to eat J country cuisine." Qiu Zhiliang blurted out.

  Huang Xiaoying’s eyes lit up: "What? Think of a woman?"

   "No!" Qiu Zhiliang immediately retorted, "Who misses her? I just want to eat, okay?"

   "Good, good." Huang Xiaoying didn't pierce, "Then I will find a land, and then I will call Feiyun Hu."

   "Okay." Qiu Zhiliang stretched again, "Then I will get up and clean up."


  When the exquisitely dressed Qiu Zhiliang appeared in the J-style box, Ji Yuanyang happened to face the window to make a call.

Qiu Zhiliang watched Hu Feiyun and Huang Xiaoying sitting together chatting, then put down her bag and asked in a low voice: "Who is this man? Is Hu Feiyun your boyfriend? Should we shut it down by the way? Is this him? A treat? Can you slaughter him?"

  For such a down-to-earth and gossip Qiu Zhiliang, Hu Feiyun has become accustomed to her and gave her a familiar glance: "It's not my boyfriend, don't talk nonsense. In addition, it is okay to check, and you can definitely slaughter him."

   "Oh? What you said is getting more and more mysterious." Qiu Zhijing smiled and took a seat.

  At this time, Ji Yuanyang just finished the phone call, turned around, and saw another girl in the box. He must be Qiu Zhiliang.

  Yes, Ji Yuanyang greets politely: "Hello, I’m Ji Yuanyang, Qiaoli’s boyfriend."

   "Qiao Li's boyfriend?" Although Qiu Zhiliang was full of question marks, her eyes had been put on the lenses for examination, but she had not noticed it herself.

"Yes." Ji Yuanyang originally wanted the three of them to gather the business card, but after thinking about it, he decided not to give it. The matter of handing in the business card seemed a bit too business and polite. "Huang Xiaoying has my contact number, and Qiao Li is not in China. These days, if you need any help, you can always find me."

  Huang Xiaoying saw that Ji Yuanyang and Qiu Zhiliang were a little embarrassed, so she got up and said, "What are you doing in a daze? Sit down and order."

   "Okay." Ji Yuanyang sat down and drank the barley tea in his hand. He couldn't help but feel a little nervous as he watched the three girls on the opposite side whispering through the menu.

  "Why are you staring at us!" Qiu Zhiliang found that Ji Yuanyang's gaze was a bit "wretched".

  (End of this chapter)

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