"Hello, is this Mr. Wei Zhe, at exactly 12:[-] this morning, Ms. Tian Lu posted a video about your illegal imprisonment.

This video has a bad influence and spread widely, and now we need you to accept our cooperation.

Please, before 9 am tomorrow, when our bureau is under investigation, the address of our bureau is"

Hang up the phone in hand.

Wei Zhe took a deep breath.

The successive bad news made Wei Zhe's head a little confused.

But as a gold PR consultant.

Wei Zhe has also dealt with many similar cases.

he knows.

The more this time, the more you can't panic.

Although I knew that what Tian Lu and Purple Poison said were all lies.

But the public didn't know it was true.

As for what Wei Zhe is thinking now.

What is the reason.

How could Tian Lu and Purple Poison lie together! Don't they know it's illegal to do so, especially Purple Poison.

Before, I had slightly intimidated him that it was illegal to take pictures secretly.

Isn't he afraid that he will shake it out! Unless there is an interest behind it that can make them crazy.

Even this benefit is much more than what he promised to Tian Lu and Purple Poison! Think of this.

Wei Zhe felt a chill in his heart.

People who can spend so much money on Geng Yue and even himself.

He must be someone of high authority.

Geng Yue's words as a host.

More or less, they will make enemies with people.

But Wei Zhe found out from Tian Lu's words.

It seems that Tian Lu is not targeting Geng Yue.

But yourself! For a while.

Wei Zhe couldn't help thinking of his opponents over the years.

I thought about each other's name one by one and ruled it out one by one.

Wei Zhe couldn't imagine it.

In the end, who is willing to spend tens of millions of dollars for the other party himself.

Suddenly a man's figure flashed through Wei Zhe's mind.

But after shaking his head.

Wei Zhe excluded Ye Chen.

I've only seen each other once.

Although the process was not pleasant.

But the other party shouldn't be a lunatic.

Scratched his head.

Wei Zhe sighed again.

"Who the hell is going to mess with me Wei Zhe!"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,


Chapter 071--759


The next morning.

Ye Chen came to his company early.

Just entered the office a while ago.

Zheng Qiudong knocked on the door of his office.

With a smile in his eyes.

Zheng Qiudong came directly to Ye Chen's side and whispered.

"Mr. Ye, everything you asked me to do has already been done.

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