Ye Chen knew why Wei Zhe turned around so quickly! It shows from Wei Zhe's resume.

Although he came from a single parent family.

But his mother was indeed a very remarkable woman.

As a professional painting and calligraphy manager.

She has held numerous art exhibitions in terms of fame and wealth.

They are all very weighty! This time Wei Zhe was able to get out quickly.

Not unrelated to his mother.


Ye Chen never thought to rely on this little activity.

We can beat Wei Zhe to the point where he can never turn over.

The meal has to be eaten one bite at a time, and the road has to be taken step by step.

Under the attack of Ye Chen's warm water boiled frog.

Ye Chen believes that he will be able to kill Wei Zhe soon! Ye Chen is thinking about his next strategy.

Don't wait for him to continue thinking.

"Jingle Bell"

The phone's ringtone suddenly rang.

Only the number is displayed.

The other party is actually an unknown number.

After connecting the phone, a strange woman's voice came from the opposite side.

"Is it Ye Chen?"

Hear the voice on the other side of the phone.

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

But soon.

She remembered who the owner of the voice was.

A playful smile flashed across his lips.

Ye Chen said with a smile.

"It's me, is it Miss Jiang Dalinjiang?"

After the silence of the cage leader.

Just when Ye Chen thought the person on the other side was gone.

Jiang Dalin finally heard a voice.

"That... Thank you for taking me home that night. If you don't mind, can I invite you to participate in the commendation meeting of the Shanghai Public Relations Association? My mother said that as the boss of a headhunting company, you will definitely not miss this feast. of."

There seemed to be a hint of dissatisfaction and helplessness in the words.

Just thinking about it for a moment, Ye Chen guessed it.

It seems that it is Li Ruyue who is showing her power.


Chapter 071--759 Shanghai Public Relations Association


Blue Sky Hotel.

Although it is not the best hotel in Shanghai.

But for a [-] star hotel.

As the award ceremony of the Shanghai Public Relations Association.

This is already quite enough.

Although the name of the Shanghai Public Relations Association does not sound small.

Too bad it's just a private organization.

Supported by Shanghai Public Relations Association.

It is entirely based on the annual fee paid by members every year! Except for the annual awards event.

The so-called Shanghai Public Relations Association.

You can't even do a normal build.

Say it's an association.

The cohesion of the members is not comparable to that of an ordinary club.

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