The bell rang suddenly.

Ye Chen opened his phone and saw that it was Jiang Dalin's.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Ye Chen answered the phone immediately.

"Hey, is that Ye Chen? Can you introduce me to a few reliable crisis public relations consultants now?

I just took over a business from the company, which is the sudden death of a Newfez employee that is now causing a lot of uproar on the Internet."

"No way it's so evil"

Hear Jiang Dalin's answer.

Ye Chen was immediately stunned.

Then there was a wry smile.

This little grandfather.

I really have a problem for myself, Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect,


Chapter 071--759 President Xiao Jiang wants to recruit people


Ye Chen didn't know until after chatting with Jiang Dalin.

This is actually still on his own! The case that was originally related to Neufis.

The high-level officials are not ready to hand it over to Jiang Dalin.

Stella even said that this matter can be left to herself.


Some people are just so blind.

Just made some "achievements"

Jiang Dalin.

Then the idea of ​​catching up with the victory came up! He directly threatened to hand over the case to her to handle.

This is also immediate.

All the high-level executives who want to see her good show.

Second all at once.

I agreed to hand over the case to Jiang Dalin! Fortunately.

This girl is also a bit of an eye.

After seeing the intricate case of Neufez.

Jiang Dalin knew that it was impossible to accomplish this task by herself.

So she immediately thought of looking for Ye Chen for help.

Ye Chen, who was not too concerned about the case originally.

Very speechless at the moment.

This Yang Mo incident.

Now it's not just a game between Neufez and Li Jingrou.

Many news media reporters are watching! This is a quagmire! Whoever gets in is unlucky! It is estimated that even public relations consultants like Wei Zhe are not willing to mix in at will.

She Jiang Dalin is better.

If you say you want to go in, go in.

Still too young indeed.

Or maybe it's because he was too good to her.

It made Jiang Dalin swell.

Now Jiang Dalin suddenly came to beg herself.

Ye Chen also felt very helpless.

He scratched the back of his head.

Ye Chen asked Xiang Jiang Dalin with some uncertainty.

"Then what are your requirements for talents?"

Hear Ye Chen's question.

Jiang Dalin can be regarded as coming to the spirit! She had a draft in her heart and immediately expressed her thoughts.

"First, the other party must be a god-level figure in the industry, and he can quickly help me settle the current situation! Second, the identity of the other party must be, at least it can help me shock a group of young people in the company! Third, then It's just that the other party wants to have absolute loyalty to me and that's all for the time being, Ye help me find it."

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