Ye Yonglie's face was even more angry.

Seeing the other party seems to be unable to control his emotions.

Wei Zhe quickly pulled away Dong Xiaopeng and Ye Yonglie.

After apologizing to Ye Yonglie.

Then he took Dong Xiaopeng and left the ward! Wait until Wei Zhe and the two go out.

Only then did I realize that Ye Chen and Jiang Dalin were already standing at the door.

Jiang Dalin, who hasn't figured out what's going on.

He asked Wei Zhe involuntarily.

"What happened just now, why did such a big fire suddenly break out?"

And Wei Zhe.

He didn't answer Jiang Dalin's question.

Instead, he opened his phone finder for news.


A hotly searched news caught Wei Zhe's attention.

Anger flashed in his eyes.

Wei Zhe grabbed Dong Xiaopeng's collar and said angrily.

"What's up with this news!"

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Chapter 071--759 The Arrangement of Dong Tianhui


See the news on the mobile phone that Wei Zhe is in front of.

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed.

The eye-catching title of "The deliveryman fell to the ground with money after being hit, but it was to be able to corrupt the money!" was already filled with a lot of abusive comments.

You don't have to look to know who the netizens are scolding.

As for what is written in the article.

Ye Chen didn't even have to look to know it was fake.

I didn't see the "protagonist" in this article

Are you still lying down and facing Wei Zhe's question?

Dong Xiaopeng was also slightly taken aback.

His face changed slightly.

Still choose to be tough.

"What news? I don't know what you're talking about!"

Seeing that Dong Xiaopeng still does not admit it.

There was another sneer on Wei Zhe's face.

I saw that he suddenly opened his own communication probability.

The above is a screenshot of the chat sent to him by an industry insider.

"I only heard last night that there was a sudden change in these days, and they gave [-] yuan to those studios to scold people.

Dong Xiaopeng, tell me, is this avatar your avatar?"

And Dong Xiaopeng.

After seeing the screenshot evidence provided by Wei Zhe.

His face changed immediately.

Unable to explain this time, he had to look to Jiang Dalin beside him as if asking for help.


Dong Xiaopeng didn't even know that Jiang Dalin hated people like him who deceived others the most! And this was still doing something bad! She stretched out her right foot and kicked Dong Xiaopeng's knee.

The good guy almost kicked Dong Xiaopeng to the hospital! Looking at Dong Xiaopeng who was lying in the corner and was crying constantly.

Jiang Dalin spoke unceremoniously.

"I can remind you Xiaopeng, if you dare to cheat again, don't blame auntie, I'm welcome! Do you know that it is illegal to slander others at will!"

And Dong Xiaopeng.

Hearing Jiang Dalin's anger, she just shrank her body.

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