After taking the document, Tan Zongming looked at it.

Just looking at it, you probably understand what it means.

After closing the document, Tan Zongming looked at Andy in disbelief.

He never thought that Andy was He Yunli's granddaughter.

He Yunli's Daming, Tan Zongming has heard of it.

That's a national treasure-level painter.

It is no exaggeration to say that every piece of He Yunli's work can be sold at a very good price.

Even if there is a storm in my heart.

Tan Zongming will not show it now.

This is his qi qi kung fu.

After reading the will, the lawyer's expression became a little abnormal.

Brows furrowed.

If the will in front of you is true, then things will not be easy to handle.

Mrs. Wei felt that something was wrong with the lawyer, and hurriedly said, "Don't believe it."

"This will must be false."

"I've taken care of the old man for so many years."

"I haven't heard of any granddaughters at all."

"This will must be made by Wei Guoqiang."

"For the sake of wanting to own the estate."

The lawyer frowned.

If the truth is what Mrs. Wei said.

Things will take a big turn.

At this time, Tan Zongming said, "I think that Mr. He Yunli should have expected such a thing to happen."

"The will should be notarized."

"We can go check it out."

This is a good way.

As long as it can be found, it does not prove that there is no problem with the will.

Lawyers also know that this is a good idea.

However, how to do it.

He still had to ask his client Mrs. Wei.

After all, you are just a businessman.

Some things are still inconvenient for him to do.

You need the agent to speak.

Hearing that she was going to the notary office, Mrs. Wei was a little flustered.

She knows what's going on with her.

If it does go to a notary public, it will prove that the will is true.

Then she is really done.

Therefore, you must not go to the notary's office! Mrs. Wei's heart is full, and she continues to mess around, "What to check."

"This will must be false!"

"No need to check at all!"

"I have been taking care of the old man. I know best what his condition is."

"It's impossible to go to a notary office at all!"

His expression was fierce.

However, the tone was very unconvincing.

The lawyer heard it too.

He also had some guesses in his mind.

However, since the money has already been taken.

To do things for people.


Chapter 071--759 Wei Guoqiang's Pressure

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