One look, it's Andy! After connecting, Andy said, "Lao Tan's assistant said, you asked me to call you back, what happened?"

Ye Chen recounted some things that happened at school.

After listening, Andy said, "It's a bit of a nonsense."

"Is there something wrong with Xiao Ming?"

"Is there anything wrong with the kid who was beaten?"

If Ye Chen is by Andy's side, you can see that Jinzhou has no purpose now.

Ye Chen said: "Don't worry, everything has been dealt with, and there is nothing to do."

"By the way, why did you think of the meeting today!"

Ye Chen is still very curious about today's meeting.

After all, you are part of the company.

In such a secret meeting, he didn't even notify himself.

It's a bit hateful! Andy thought of what Lao Tan said when he just walked out of the conference room.

"If Ye Chen asks, just tell him directly, no need to guess!"

Thinking of this sentence, Andy didn't have any worries in his heart.

Andy said: "You and Lao Tan, didn't you find someone to dig a group of executives over here?"

"Today's meeting, the main discussion is what department these people go to and what to do."

"Also, let's discuss and cooperate with Fengteng Enterprise."

"And, dealing with the Huo family."

If there was a choice, Andy really didn't want to say the last thing.

However, Andy had no choice.

She had to say it! The reason for the war with the Huo family was mainly because of her affairs.

Thinking of this, Andy felt a little guilty.

And some discomfort.

She really didn't dare to think about what would happen if she failed to fight with the Huo family. Of course, in Anti's opinion, the Huo family would definitely lose! It's really tiring!"

"I really didn't expect something like this to happen."

"If I had known, I would not want that inheritance."

"So much has been saved!"

Antti felt that she had come to this point because of her inheritance, but also because she went to the hospital to see that...the so-called grandfather.

Thus, this series of events started.

If you can go back and choose again.

Andy will definitely not want any inheritance, let alone go to the hospital.

She didn't want to let her life become: it's a mess! Ye Chen knew that Andy was a little excited now, and said, "Ante, don't always think that way."

"What belongs to us, we must get it back."

"It's not your fault that you've come this far."

"It's the responsibility of Mrs. Wei, Mrs. Ma, who doesn't know what to do."

"If she hadn't wanted your grandfather's estate, she wouldn't be where she is today."

"No, these things will happen."

"You said, right?"

Ye Chen felt that he could become a psychological and counseling expert.

Earlier, I just enlightened the star fruit, and the effect is not bad.

In the middle, Qiao Yingzi activated something indescribable.

Now, I started to persuade Andy again.

Ye Chen wondered if he would open a psychological clinic too! However, this idea was quickly dispelled.

It is better to go directly to work at Xu Li's than to open it by yourself.

Work when something happens.

When you have nothing to do, you can't say it, or it's fine! Andy said with some pain: "Ye Chen, I understand and understand everything you said."

"But, I can't control myself from thinking about those things."

"Now, in my head, all these messes are going on."

"I feel like my brain is very messed up."

"During the meeting today, I lost my mind several times."

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