Anyone who knew him would admit it.

Not to mention his peers, he was someone much older than Ye Chen.

None of them are as good as Ye Chen.

Ye Chen has already left many people behind.

Thinking of Ye Chen, Qian Beibei also sighed.

In Qian Beibei's eyes, Ye Chen is like an insurmountable mountain.

Not to mention shoulder to shoulder, even the courage to climb mountains, Qian Beibei made a big decision before deciding.

As for Xiang Zhen, he didn't even have the courage to climb a mountain.

Qian Beibei put her head on the chair and said dejectedly, "Sometimes, it's a trouble when the person you like is too good."

"Xiang Zhen, do you think so?"

Xiang Zhen also nodded helplessly.

The person you like is too good, it's really a very uncomfortable thing.

Because, when you are around him, you will always lower your attitude unconsciously.

Every moment I feel that I am not worthy of each other.

Xiang Zhen, Qian Beibei, and even star fruit are all in this state for Yue Yechen now.

The two helplessly continued to swipe the forum posts.

Early the next morning, Ye Chen was woken up by Andy's phone call.

After connecting, before waiting for Ye Chen to speak, Andy said directly, "Marven Ye, do you have time in these two days?"

Ye Chen thought about it and found that he had nothing to do in the past two days, and said, "I have time, what's the matter?"

Andy said, "Then can you help me take care of Xiao Ming?"

"Yesterday Lao Tan called me and said that there are some more important things to deal with."

"Maybe, I won't be able to go home these two days."

"So, I want to put Xiao Ming with you for two days."

"do you think it's OK"

After hearing what my brother Xiao Ming said yesterday.

Andy's mood became very irritable.

When I look at the file, I can't read it.

Later, Lao Tan called her and said that she had to deal with important things these days.

Ye Chen said, "Yes, no problem."

"You send Xiao Ming here, then go straight to work."

"If you haven't finished processing it in two days, Xiao Ming can continue to be with me."

"I'll take him to school, pick him up."

Can make Tan Zongming call Andy at night.

It must be something urgent.

Maybe, two days can't handle it at all.

That's why Ye Chen said this.

After all, it's also about yourself.

Andy said, "Okay, thank you!"

"I'll send Xiao Ming over in a while."

After Ye Chen said his address, the two hung up.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

Star fruit was cooking in the kitchen, Ye Chen went to open the door and saw Jiang Lai in a hurry.

Ye Chen asked, "what's the matter with you?"

Jiang Lai said, "I don't have time to explain so much. Take care of Jiahe these few days."

"I may not be going home, the company has some important business to deal with."

After speaking, Jiang Lai left in a hurry.

Ye Chen was a little curious now, what happened.

It made Tan Zongming and Jiang Haokun so nervous.

After closing the door, Ye Chen called Tan Zongming.

After being connected, Ye Chen asked directly, "What happened to make you and Jiang Haokun so anxious."

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