"Sister Qing is going to stay in the maternity room."

"Marven Ye, I'm a little scared!"

Ye Chen held the star fruit's hand and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Star fruit snuggled in Ye Chen's arms and didn't speak.

Soon, the nurse came and said, "Su Qing, go to the delivery room!"

Immediately afterwards, a nurse came to push Su Qing.

After Su Qing entered the delivery room, Xue Sumei started walking around.

He frowned, and the expression on his face was very worried.

The star fruit is not much better, holding Ye Chen's hand tightly and refuses to let go...

Ye Chen also knew that at this time, there was no need to say anything, just wait quietly.

Time passed by minute by minute.

I don't know how long it took, the nurse came out and said, "She gave birth, she is a big fat girl, seven pounds and nine taels, mother and daughter are safe!"

Hearing this, Xue Sumei's hanging heart fell.

Carambola's hand also loosened, and said to Ye Chen, "Ye Chen, did you hear that Sister Qing has given birth?"

"Seven pounds and nine taels, almost eight pounds!"

Ye Chen smiled and nodded, and said, "I heard it, it's great!"

Afterwards, Su Qing was pushed out of the operating room.

The child was sent to the intensive care unit.

Back in the ward, Xue Sumei asked, "Qing'er, do you... feel any discomfort?"

"Do you have anything to eat"

"Tell me and I'll do it for you!"

Su Qing shook his head and said, "Auntie, no need, I don't want to eat anything now."

"Where's my child?"

"I want to see you!"

Ye Chen said: "Sister Qing, don't worry, because the due date is earlier, although the child weighs seven pounds and nine taels, it will still be placed in the ICU for a while."

"If there is no problem, I will be released by myself."

Hearing this, Su Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

She was really afraid that something would happen to the child.

Star Tao walked in front of Su Qing and said, "Sister Qing, I just glanced at the child."

"Very cute, you can rest assured!"

Su Qing nodded.

After staying in the ward for a while, Ye Chen left.

Today, Carambola wants to stay with Xue Sumei and accompany Su Qing.

Ye Chen, come back early tomorrow morning.

When I came out of the hospital, it was already late.

After Ye Chen finished eating, he bought some supper and some more nutritious food, and sent him to the hospital.

Then go home.

When we got home, not long after entering the door, the doorbell rang.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,


Chapter 071--759 The inexplicable task


After opening the door, Ye Chen saw Fang Yifan and Lin Leier.

Ye Chen asked curiously, "Why did you two come to my house?"

In normal times, Ye Chen didn't have much contact with Fang Yifan and Lin Leier.

However, Ye Chen remembered that when he was at school last time, Fang Yifan fought with Ji Yangyang for himself.

Based on this matter alone, Ye Chen's attitude towards Yifan should be better.

Fang Yifan said with a smile, "Brother Ye Chen, I have something I want to talk to you about, can I?"

Fang Yifan's eyes were full of anticipation.

He admired Ye Chen very much.

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