Don't worry about whether there are... children, put what you need to say first, and then say it.

Anyway, just say a few more words.

As for what will happen in the future, who knows.

Star fruit smiled and snuggled on Ye Chen's shoulder.

The two went into the supermarket and bought a lot of things.

After putting things down, Ye Chen left again.

He's going to deal with the headhunting company.

I thought before that, let Jiang Haokun and Feng Teng see how much more powerful Zheng Qiudong is.

Well, I have time today.

This time, they settled on the Grey Whale Restaurant.

At the Grey Whale Restaurant, Ye Chen saw Jiang Haokun and Jiang Lai.

The siblings are in a dilemma.

Moreover, it seems that there is no fight yet, which is even more rare.

Ye Chen stepped forward and said with a smile, "It's really not easy to see the two of you chatting so harmoniously."

Jiang Lai gave Ye Chen a white look and said, "Why is it not easy?"

"You have something in your words, and you mean something!"

"Be careful, I'll knock on your door tonight, so you can't sleep!"

Seeing Ye Chen and Jiang Lai bickering, Jiang Haokun smiled and didn't speak.

Ye Chen saw Jiang Haokun smiling and said, "You just watch from the side and don't say help me."

"You should know what kind of character and temper Jiang Lai has."

"How could I be her opponent myself?"

It's a joke, but it's still open.

Jiang Haokun said with a smile: "When facing Jiang Lai, I don't dare to say anything, how can I help you?"

Ye Chen still knows whether Jiang Haokun loves his sister Jiang Lai.

So, what Ye Chen said just now, Ye Chen didn't expect Kun to help him.

When the three of them were chatting and talking, Tan Ming came.

When he came over, Tan Zongming said, "You two came so early!"

Jiang Haokun said with a smile: "This restaurant, I came to check something in the morning, so I came a little earlier."

This is to give Tan Zongming a step down.

Ye Chen exposed Jiang Haokun in person, "The gray whale is now Jiang Lai's."

"Don't tell me, are you still worried about Jiang Lai?"

Being exposed in person, Jiang Haokun didn't have the slightest embarrassment on his face.

Jiang Lai covered his mouth and laughed.

Now, her relationship with Jiang Haokun is much better than before.

Although there is not too much harmony between brothers and sisters outside, but at least they can usually say a few words.

It's like the two of them had a conversation just now.

If this was done before, it would have been impossible.

At this time, Zheng Qiudong's voice came and said, "Mr. Ye Chen, Mr. Tan, how are you!"

Jiang Haokun glanced at Zheng Qiudong and nodded.

Not to mention anything else, just in terms of appearance, Zheng Qiudong has already met Jiang Haokun's requirements.

This is a face-seeking society.

There is nothing wrong with this sentence! No matter what

How a person is, the first impression of knowing a person starts from the face.

He is handsome and beautiful, and he is always able to quickly gain the favor of others.

Ye Chen said to Zheng Qiudong: "Introduction, this is Jiang Haokun!"

Zheng Qiudong stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, President Jiang, I'm Zheng Qiudong!"

Jiang Haokun nodded with a smile, stretched out his hand, and said, "Hello, I heard President Tan and Ye Chen tell you about you a long time ago."

"Hope, your performance today won't let me down!"

"Let's find a place to sit first. When Feng Teng arrives, we will start today's conversation."

A few people sat aside for a while and Feng Teng came.

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