"Even, at the back, we will launch it."

"At that time, if you want to find a job, you can directly submit your resume online."

"That's why our headhunting company was founded."

"It's just to let more students stop worrying about work."

"I have reached a consensus with your school on this matter."

"The school also gave me your information."

"Of course, you can rest assured that the information does not involve privacy."

"Privacy information, when you finally go to the interview, or even successfully join the company, you can teach it to your own company."

"All I need is your name, gender, mobile phone number, major, interests and some winning records."

"that's it."

"So, you don't need to worry about it."

"The reason I'm here today is to tell you all."

"My headhunting company will be established soon."

"When the time comes, if you want to work, you can come directly to the company to find it."

"As for the name of the headhunting company and Ye Chen's words, the students below started to discuss.

The things that Ye Chen just said were really the first time they heard.

Before it was changed, they didn't even dare to think about this kind of thing.

"I'm suddenly looking forward to this headhunting company, it sounds really good."

"I also think so, the most important thing is that it is very convenient."

"Yes, yes, this is about to graduate. There are too many things to do. With this headhunting company, we can save a lot of things."

"I didn't say, when the headhunting company is established, I will be the first to look for a job."

"Damn, this Ye Chen seems to be about the same age as us, and he has already achieved so much in his career."

"Yes, people are more mad than people, when will I be able to do this."

"Don't think about it, such people are always in the minority."

When Xiang Zhen and Qian Beibei saw Ye Chen, the love in their eyes seemed to overflow.

Qian Beibei laughed like a nympho, and said, "Ye Chen was so handsome when he spoke just now."

"I never thought that Ye Chen would be so powerful."

"We're all still worrying about our jobs, and he's already done that."

"Seriously, if possible, I really want to work in Ye Chen's headhunting company."

"In this way, I can see Ye Chen every day."

Xiang Zhen, who was beside him, felt somewhat uncomfortable when he heard Qian Beibei say this.

However, Qian Beibei's words also came into her heart.

She also wanted to go to work in Ye Chen's company.

She made up her mind that after the headhunting company was established, she must try her luck.

If it succeeds, it will be beautiful.

Xiang Zhen said lightly: "Babe, tell me, is the gap between us and Ye Chen too big?"

"He's messing around now."

"We're still here: school in class, worrying about work."

"You said, why is there such a big gap between people and people?"

Qian Beibei put his arm around Xiangzhen's shoulder and said, "the people next to you just now didn't say it."

"People like Ye Chen are destined to be only a few."

"More, it's ordinary people like us."

"Even if we sigh and feel sorry for ourselves, we will not be able to make up for these gaps."

"Because some things are doomed from birth."

"There's nothing we can do to change that."

Hearing Qian Beibei's words, Xiang Zhen felt somewhat uncomfortable.

However, I have to admit that these words are very true.

The gap between her and Ye Chen, not only did not shrink in her heart, but it became bigger and bigger.

Is this an intellectual problem? Yes, but not all.

Some things are really decided at birth.

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