Wei Zhe couldn't help thinking of his opponents over the years.

I thought about each other's name one by one and ruled it out one by one.

Wei Zhe couldn't imagine it.

In the end, who is willing to spend tens of millions of dollars for the other party himself.

Suddenly a man's figure flashed through Wei Zhe's mind.

But after shaking his head.

Wei Zhe excluded Ye Chen.

I've only seen each other once.

Although the process was not pleasant.

But the other party shouldn't be a lunatic.

Scratched his head.

Wei Zhe sighed again.

"Who the hell is going to mess with me Wei Zhe!"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,


Chapter 071--759


The next morning.

Ye Chen came to his company early.

Just entered the office a while ago.

Zheng Qiudong knocked on the door of his office.

With a smile in his eyes.

Zheng Qiudong came directly to Ye Chen's side and whispered.

"Mr. Ye, everything you asked me to do has already been done.

I just got the news that Wei Zhe has been called by the police for interrogation.

Coupled with the video, it is estimated that he will not be able to come out for a while!"

Hear what Zheng Qiudong said.

Ye Chen just rolled his eyes helplessly.

He patted Zheng Qiudong on the shoulder and said helplessly.

"Just talk to me directly about this kind of thing, and even whisper it, making me seem like I can't see anyone.

We can talk about Wei Zhe's affairs, has everything been done with Tian Lu?"

Hearing Ye Chen's question.

Zheng Qiudong then scratched his head embarrassingly.

With a serious face, he answered Ye Chen's question.

"Don't worry, boss, I've already done everything over there.

Purple Poison and Tian Lu have already boarded the plane to Sam Country this morning.

It is estimated that it is already on the plane by now, and the purple poison will not come back in three years.

As for Tian Lu, we arranged for her to live there for a year.

She'll be back home next year."


Ye Chen is very satisfied with Zheng Qiudong's arrangement.


People already know what they want to know.

As for whether what Tian Lu said is true or not, who still cares about this now! Even if Wei Zhe has found evidence that Tian Lu and the purple poison lied.

No one will care about him.

This is the result that Ye Chen wanted.

Since Wei Zhe is standing so high.

Then falling down will definitely hurt more! In a short time, Ye Chen knew that he could not be a good publicist.

But he can bring down Wei Zhe's identity! Maybe he doesn't have the ability of Wei Zhe.

But I have money! With my super power.

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