Here comes! Look at the reporters who are full of gossip in front of them.

Ye Chen still had time to put on a few looks.

Under the exclamations of reporters.

Ye Chen just got into the ambulance.

I went to the hospital with the paramedics.

It's just that Ye Chen didn't pay attention.

in the crowd.

Jiang Dalin's eyes never left his body.

She was rescued by Ye Chen.

Although I rushed out of the hotel early.

But he was still worried about Ye Chen's safety.

After seeing Ye Chen and Wei Zhe coming out covered in blood.

Jiang Dalin was also a little flustered.

Fortunately, he figured out the cause and effect.

Can't help but.

Thumbs up for Ye Chen's bravery! As for Wei Zhe.

She also had a good feeling.

But compared with Ye Chen who has the blessing of [Young Master Shiru Shuang].

That feeling is nothing.

Until Ye Chen left.

Jiang Dalin was still a little uneasy.

And Stella who brought Jiang Dalin downstairs.

Obviously also noticed Jiang Dalin's condition.

Gently patted Jiang Dalin's shoulder.

Stella asked slightly.

"What are you looking at, are there your sweethearts in those two men just now?"

A shy look flashed across his face.

Jiang Dalin immediately.

Slapped off Stella's right hand.


She remembered again what her mother told her today.

Jiang Dalin looked at Stella curiously and asked.

"Mr. Si, do you think our company can have one more partner?"


Chapter 071--759 Live from Wei Zhe


the following few days.

The eyes of the people were quickly attracted by Ye Chen and Wei Zhe.

One is a talented businessman who has been in the limelight recently.

One is the strongest public relations consultant with a little bit of romance.

The pair made headlines for a woman and her child.

It immediately attracted the attention of a large number of spectators.

For the glorious event of the two heroically rescuing Lin Na's mother and son.

Many netizens raised their thumbs in succession.

I gave a thumbs up to Ye Chen and Wei Zhe! Wei Zhe, who was still a bit windy.

Because this thing has gradually gathered people's hearts again.

Let Ye Chen sigh at the same time that good luck makes people.

Nor did he regret what he did.

If you couldn't stop Wei Zhe from kicking Lin Na at the beginning.

Maybe not today.

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