Sitting in a reception room.

Outside is the New Fes department.

Countless programmers with less hair are sitting at their workstations.


Line by line of code was typed out.

Look at the hardworking New Fes employees outside.

Ye Chen's heart was also filled with emotion.

If you hadn't crossed over.

Will he also be one of them? After the silence.

Ye Chen picked up the coffee in his hand.



I still became the group of people I hated the most! It feels so good to be rich! Wait until Ye Chen finishes drinking the coffee in his mouth.

He then continued to cast his gaze on the employees in front of him.

It was just Ye Chen's main gaze.

But it concentrated on an ordinary-looking middle-aged man with a little belly! A shaggy beard and an old-fashioned red sweater.

If it weren't for his aura, he looked pretty strong.

It is estimated that Marven Ye would never guess that he was the black tea he was looking for! It was the red sweater that set off his identity a bit.

After all, there is also a scarlet letter in his name, not silently drinking the coffee from his mouth.

I don't know how many rounds were added.

Wait until the waitress in Newfez had to get off work.

Ye Chen got up and left the reception room.

Under the resentful eyes of the waitresses.

Ye Chen finally looked at Black Tea, who was still testing the game.

After Shi Shiran left the headquarters of New Feis.

Ye Chen also casually ate a meal around.


Ye Chen directly contracted the Opinion Cafe opposite New Fes.

Around 7pm: time.


Ye Chen's target appeared! Look at the black tea wearing a tea white coat walking out the door.

There was a slight smile on Ye Chen's mouth.

Go straight out of the cafe where you are staying.

When the black tea is about to leave.

Ye Chen knocked on his car window directly.

Open the windows.

Only then did Black Tea realize that it was Ye Chen who came to find him.

Because the relationship has been met this morning.

At this time, the black tea also seemed a little panic.

In front of this man... even Gu Kailei was a little afraid.

Why did he come to find himself and Ye Chen.

It has nothing to do with the psychology and activity of black tea.

Ask them directly.

"Are you free? If Mr. Hong doesn't mind, let's have a meal together"


Chapter 071--759 Crying Black Tea



Chapter 071--759 Solicit Black Tea


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