Ye Chen sat directly beside Wei Zhe.

"Is the list all ready to be sent out this morning?"

It was Ye Chen who asked himself.

Wei Zhe just nodded.

It seems that he is unwilling to pay attention to Ye Chen.

The two of them had breakfast in silence.

Knowing that Jiang Dalin came from the door with a sullen face.

Only then did Wei Zhe regain his energy.

"According to our trip to the Bell Ball Company, it's still half an hour, and you'd better finish your breakfast in ten minutes."

In Jiang Dalin's wailing.

Liu Xudong's car also arrived in front of the hotel on time.

Wait until everyone comes to the company.

That's it.

There were far fewer protesters downstairs.

Many people made prayer-like gestures and looked at Ye Chen and his party in front of them.

Under the complex eyes of those around him.

Wei Zhe waved his hand towards the crowd.

"I'll be sending out a list of the staff who have been laid off soon, you can go back and check your mailboxes now.

If you have any dissatisfaction with the decision, you can come to me, and if you agree with the company's solution, you can go to the personnel department to collect money."

Hear what Wei Zhe said.

Everyone just left the place in silence.

The time has come to decide your own destiny.

Can't help but.

The sound of breathing around him was a little heavier.

Sitting in your office.

Charles looked at a message in his mailbox in disbelief.

"Impossible! Impossible! Wei Zhe promised me this liar! Asshole!"

Finished shouting.

Charles' eyes were immediately bloodshot.

As if going crazy.

He actually took out a revolver directly from his drawer! Feilu reminds you: three things to read


Chapter 071--759 The situation is out of control



Chapter 071--759 Charming



Chapter 071--759 Love Suspension Bridge Effect



Chapter 071--759 Angry John



Chapter 071--759 John Goes to Jail



Chapter 071--759 Crazy Wei Zhe



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