Although Ye Chen in front of him was young and arrogant.

But that didn't stop him from excelling.

That kind of...confidence in the face of wind and rain.

If you were ten years younger.

It is possible that he will not be overwhelmed by Ye Chen's charm.

After looking at Shu Qing next to him, he looked at each other.

The two nodded while making eye contact.

"If there is one thing, I swear here, this must be the last problem we have.

I don't know how much you know about Little Lux milk powder, it is one of the customers that Shu Qing is responsible for now.

As for what problems we encountered, Shu Qing, you are the main person in charge of this, please explain it to President Ye and Wei Zhe."



Chapter 071--759 Plagiarism

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Chapter 071--759 Real Tang Youyou

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That night.

The organization held a grand 200 million dollar contract from Tang Zheng this time.

It is a good opportunity to inspire all employees! It is still deeply involved in scandals.

If you don't have a stimulant.

It will inevitably lead to detachment and lead to instability of people's hearts.

it's good now.

Tang Zheng's business.

Not exactly explained to everyone.

It is still unshakable for the entire Shanghai stock market! In the future, it will still be trusted and relied on by those big companies! Ye Chen and Wei Zhe are not people yet.

But in this work, the two of them also made great contributions.

As one of the largest projects of this project.

The two are certainly eligible to join this time.

Many young leaders know Ye Chen and Wei Zhe.

There are even many well-informed ones.

also know of the two of them.

There will be a partner who will be the future! So the two don't seem out of place in this party.

on the contrary.

There were also many people toasting Ye Chen back and forth.

Especially Ye Chen.

As an emerging aristocrat in the Shanghai market.

Many people know his name.

As for Wei Zhe, although everyone who does this business has more or less heard his name.

But compared with Ye Chen.

That is the difference between Yinghuo and Haoyue.

So the employees standing around Ye Chen.

It is obviously much more enthusiastic than Wei Zhe's.

Ye Chen naturally refused to come.

The wine glass in his hand is raised high and then falls with love.

Although there have been more than ten rounds of toasts.

But he didn't even finish a glass of wine.

Naturally, everyone would not let Ye Chen finish drinking all of them.

Instead, they exchanged a few words of understanding with each other.

So I was integrated into this party! Everyone present is a fine person.

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