It's just that he just walked in.

Ye Chen just found out.

Wei Zhe actually came to Shu Qing's office one step ahead of himself! "Haha, coincidentally Wei Zhe, we actually thought of going together."

Wandering around, he came to Wei Zhe's side.

Ye Chen directly found a chair and sat down.

After looking at Wei Zhe with a smile.

Ye Chen didn't say much.

It's Weizhe.

After seeing Ye Chen's figure coming in.

The pupils in his eyes shrank slightly.

But Wei Zhe quickly calmed down.

Just after a cold snort.

did not speak.

Instead, I planned to see what Ye Chen came to find Shu Qing.

Seeing Shu Qing also looked at herself with some doubts.

Ye Chen didn't hold back either.

He explained his coming directly.

"Since you said that Mingshi Public Relations plagiarized your plan, then since they did it, they would definitely leave clues.

I came here today to ask you to help me recall what happened to you that day and see if there is anything suspicious here, so that I can investigate."

Hear Ye Chen's explanation.

Shu Qing's eyes lit up.

He glanced strangely at Wei Zhehou who was beside him.

Shu Qing said to Ye Chen with a smile on her face.

"Mr. Ye is really a coincidence that you and Wei Zhe thought about it together.

Wei Zhe just came here to inquire about this matter with me, and it happens that your purpose is the same, so I will talk about it together."

I heard Shu Qing's words.

The expression on Ye Chen's face remained unchanged.

If Wei Zhe didn't even think of this.

Then he doesn't deserve to be his opponent.

She motioned Shu Qing to continue speaking.

Shu Qing naturally didn't sell anything.

On how Mingshi plagiarized his own ideas.

Shu Qing also really wanted to know! So Shu Qing's face changed directly: Seriously together.

After showing a thoughtful look.

Only then did she slowly tell what happened during the bidding that day.

It turned out to be before the bid for the Little Lux milk powder.

He Mingshi PR has made three bidding speeches.

At that time, the person sent by Mingshi PR was not Xiao Ya.

But their ace Shen Yingjie.

I don't know what happened in the middle.

Shen Yingjie suddenly withdrew from the bidding.

This was replaced by the current Xiao Ya.

At that time, I didn't know what means Shen Yingjie used.

Every time I preach at the back.

The contents of both are completely confidential.

Only the insiders involved in the Little Lux Milk Powder know the theme and content of their preaching.

So even if the order is different from that of Mingshi's public relations.

But as long as the theme doesn't leak it'll be fine.

But just when Ai Wen personally came to participate in the bidding.

The order of preaching with Mingshi PR has changed! Originally, it was always preaching in the front, but this time it detoured to the back.

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