Because the Feiyang Group is in trouble.

But it will be directly scattered! But fortunately.

Although it is rumored that Feiyang Group changed its president, the dissatisfaction of their president has not spread.

As long as everyone can get the new president within this time.

Then everything is fine.

But I'm afraid that if I can't figure out the other party's quota of 200 million, how to supplement it? The problem has returned to the original point.

Everyone can't help but worry.

Jiang Dalin was even more helpless.

He turned his eyes to Ye Chen's side.

And Ye Chen.

Just after thinking about it for a while.

Just about to speak.


Du William, who has been silent for a while.

But suddenly he spoke up! "I may have some ideas about the 200 million performance quota! I recently met a woman who is the daughter of the owner of a jewelry store in another province. Her family seems to be coming to Shanghai recently. The meaning of the city's development, if the other party wants to launch its own brand at that time, the advertising expenses will definitely not be soft-hearted, and now I have at least 6% confidence that I can get her family's order, which is the investment in this area"


Du William couldn't help looking towards Stella and Jiang Dalin.

He even secretly glanced at Ye Chen provocatively.

It seems to be saying.

"Boy, what's the use of having money, you can eat with your strength!"

And Stella.

Hearing Du William's words, he was stunned for a moment.

But soon there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

Looking at Du William who was on the side.

Stella asked nervously.

"Is this reliable?"


Du William said directly.

"Through my observation these days, the other party is the daughter of the upper class in both behavior and conversation, and she is also very generous. The main reason is that the other party has a good impression of me, so I want to use her to get in touch with the people behind her family. Talk to the company."


Du William also glanced at Stella cautiously.

And as good as Stella.

Naturally, he instantly understood what Du William meant.

good guy.

This is what William Du said about building customer relationships.

In fact, he is going to pick up girls! I don't know whose girl he has taken a fancy to this time.

I'm going to make a lot of money from the other party! And the application for public relations funds Du William said is actually the company paying her to pick up girls! It's a bit "shameless" to hear Du William


Stella's eyes turned slightly.

Then he frowned.

"The company can give you the money, but we want you to issue a military order.

This list only needs to be successful and not allowed to fail, can you do it?"


Hear Stella's request.

Du William couldn't help trembling.

But soon he fulfilled the guarantee! Without him.

Only because of the contact William Du found through these days.

The "Tang's Jewelry"

The daughter of the family seems to be very fond of herself.

Even got myself quite a few gifts! These days.

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