Let's Manage The Tower

(17) Points and lines

Donovan and Adele were very open to the information from the examiner.

"... is that true?

"It's true. Even so, I'll leave it up to you two to decide."

Kaiseki has just spoken about the magic equipment used by Isaac, the second ranked fighter.

Donovan and Adele were only partitioning the crown on the boulder, and soon noticed the anomaly.

"Is it a magical instrument that can replenish magic?... I knew it was my first time selling anything on the crown."

"Yeah, me too. I've thought about it many times when I was in active service."

Adele nodded to Donovan with a bitter smile.

"Well, whatever that nonsense is, it's definitely weird. You didn't just come here to talk about it, did you?

Donovan has already heard that Isaac lost to Kouchi yesterday.

When Isaac, who was less known as an adventurer, suddenly got three of those magical objects and fought, he immediately suspected that he was getting the route.

The examiner replied bitterly to Donovan's expression, which he just said might have a clue.

"Yeah, well. Incidentally, a nobleman named Dames seems to be wandering around with such an attitude..."

"Hmm? Oh, well... no way!?

It was Donovan who tried to answer the words of Kaiseki with a bitter smile, but he felt what Kaiseki wanted to say and made his face convulse.

Adele, who was listening to the same story next door, had the same face.

Well, that's how it is.

"Really... ah... I don't have that kid."

Donovan sighed and threw up against the aide who was laughing bitterly.

Adele leaned her neck as she watched Donovan.

"But Mr Dames is the Count of the Dominant Empire. If the magic equipment Isaac used was, as you said, a National Treasure Magic Equipment, I don't think it would be that easy to lend..."

Well, I guess so.

I also heard from Mitsuki that Dames was a countess.

It is not strange to have about one, but I don't think that there are enough resources to lend to others at the same time.

Adele nodded meaningfully when she insisted.

Donovan was the first to realize the intention of the examiner.

He slapped Adele on the shoulder and shook his neck.

"Should we look into it from there?

That's what Donovan said, and Adele's face turned hazy.

"Yes, you were right."

If we only rely on information from other people, we will be in trouble when we need it, or when the examiners are gone this time.

It is up to the Crown to scrutinize the information provided and analyze its details.

Donovan nodded as he watched Adele reflect, and saw a lot of study aid.

"By the way, I need to talk to you about something, but will you do the research for me?

Kaiseki returned a bitter smile to Donovan, who asked him to do exactly the right thing.

It is the Crown's job to ask for information from the right people.

It is clear from what I said earlier that the examiners have such abilities.

It is only natural that the Guild Master, Donovan, should directly request a study aid.


Donovan shook his neck straight to the examiner who refused while shaking his head.

"Oh, I see. I can't help it."

As for Donovan, I definitely wanted him to take the examinations, but I don't have any other parties I can ask for.

I knew that the examiners had come to Sechun for some purpose, so I took it for granted that they would refuse.

I added that I had thought of such a donovan.

"Maybe we should talk to HQ."

"Huh? Why?

What happens within a branch is an unorthodox law within the crown that attaches a piece to the branch.

Beyond that, relying on the HQ is beyond the reach of the branch.

Nothing, it does not reduce stocks as a branch manager, but if you can, the means you don't want to use will be the same for any branch manager.

However, each branch manager has personnel who can rarely turn to headquarters for help.

Donovan definitely intended to contact HQ if he decided he couldn't handle it.

That's why I'm listening to you, too.

Speaking of which, I am asking this to make sure that Kaiseki has the same ideas as myself.

Such Donovan's thoughts were not known, and Kaiseki answered with a shrugging shoulder.

"It's a simple prediction, but if all three of the magic tools I used were in the National Treasure Class, it wouldn't be strange if more than the Marquis were moving."

I didn't say anything more about examinations.

If the opponent who can move the country's army is moving poorly, it is not something that can be dealt with by the current branch alone.

It is implicitly advisable to have a back cover for the HQ when this happens.


And Donovan nodded in a double sense to the words of the examiner.

One is that the examiner was convinced by guessing what he dared not say.

The other thing is that I understood that the examiner had enough ability to think this through properly.

An adventurer known to Donovan as Kou is said to have worked hard to set up a branch in Seychun.

This was a great opportunity to see with your own eyes what kind of power that person possessed.

And the purpose was fulfilled.

From Donovan's point of view, Kou didn't think he was just an adventurer.

Speaking of which, I associate myself from the name Kou (...) to some existence, but I will not confirm it any further.

What a thing to do with a god who didn't touch him.

Besides, once we have all the information we have, we can predict who the mastermind is and what he's trying to do.

Strip the topic with the aim of higher-ranking in combat battles and uphold the rights of the most important material in the Gazenrun Tower, Aeris Water.

Kou is doing the same thing when he built the branch, so Donovan won't know.

In other words, it is your role as Branch Manager to think about what to do as a Crown.

When I saw Donovan thinking about that, I wondered if this would be okay.

"Now, if you'll excuse me."

"Oh, sorry to bother you. You're going back to the tower, aren't you?

"Yeah, I'm not done yet."

I see. Feel free to tell me anything you want. I'll get it ready as soon as I can. "

The Donovan's words are a gesture of utmost gratitude to the examiner who provided the information.

The examiner nodded once and accepted it honestly.

"Yes, I understand."

That being said, the examiner took a seat.

Donovan, who watched Kaiseki and Mitsuki go to the tower from the window, told Adele who was standing by.

"Oh, my God, you're just gonna stay a few days and bring me this much."

"It made it easier for me to prove it."

As for the branch, there was a lot of movement regarding the matter of < Aeris' water >, but I didn't see any doubts inside.

Thanks to the information that Kaiseki brought me, what I was looking at in pieces was connected by lines.

As Adele said, the investigation was no doubt easier once the objectives were narrowed down.

"In the meantime, I'll leave the blurry choice to you."

"I understand."

That's what Adale said and left the room.

It will be to get to work soon.

Donovan, who dropped it off, checked his schedule to get to HQ.

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