“Mother Empress Mingjian, tomorrow morning when the court comes, the Emperor will publicly announce that she recognizes you as a mother.”

“And behind the dragon chair, place the phoenix chair bead curtain for you, and everything is arranged by the queen.”

Nie Zheng solemnly said his thing.


Lü Yan looked at Nie Zheng in surprise.

The mind is completely plunged into confusion and confusion.

She felt that Nie Zheng must have bad intentions.

She wanted to refuse.

I felt even more that this was a trap that Nie Zheng had set for himself.

But the temptation to bow to the government is too great.

It made it impossible for her to refuse the offer.

Just as she was struggling.

Zhao Gao’s voice sounded at the right time.

“Niangniang, since Your Majesty has this filial piety, why do you refuse it?”

Lü Yan raised his eyes and looked at Zhao Gao.

But he saw that Zhao Gao gave himself a vague look.

This also made Lu Yan instantly enlightened.

It didn’t matter whether what Nie Zheng said was true or not.

At this moment, I must agree to it.

Who let the lives of the two fall into Nie Zheng’s hands.

As for whether what Nie Zheng said was true or not.

Tomorrow morning the morning will know the truth and falsehood.

As for Nie Zheng’s murder of Empress Xigong.

For the time being, it can only be stopped.

Even if you have the idea of establishing a new monarch, you must temporarily slow down.

Come to think of it.

Lu Yan’s gaze must have been.

Returning to calm looking at Nie Zhengdao:

“Your Majesty, it seems that the palace has indeed misunderstood you.”

“Since Empress Dowager Xigong poisoned Her Majesty and was instead killed by Her Majesty, she cannot blame Her Majesty.”

“However, when the dynasty is early tomorrow, I am afraid that the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu will not give up when he learns of this matter.”

“However, Your Majesty can rest assured that if you really want to recognize the palace as your mother, and let the palace help Your Majesty share the government.”

“The palace will not sit idly by.”

Lu Yan’s words have been said very clearly.

As long as you are willing to be a puppet emperor.

Make good on your promises.

Do as she is told.

I will help you carry this matter.

Nie Zheng naturally understood Lü Yan’s meaning.

“The Queen Mother is assured that she will naturally not make a self-destructive promise.”

“Today the mother and queen are frightened, but it is not the case that the mother is not here, please ask the mother queen to go back to the palace to rest.”

“Tomorrow morning, I will also ask my mother to go to the court with you.”

Nie Zheng smiled.


Lü Yan glanced at Nie Zheng with complicated eyes.

Then he greeted Zhao Gao and walked towards the outside of Weiyang Palace.

Just before Zhao Gao left.

I don’t know if it was intentional or unintentional.

Take a deep look at Nie Zheng.

He looked at Wei Zhongxian, who was bowing to his knees next to him.

A look of horror quietly crossed his eyes.


“Your Majesty, do you really want Lü Hou to bow to the government?”

See Lü Yan Zhao Gao leave.

Wei Zhongxian looked anxiously at Nie Zheng.

Although he cooperated with Nie Zheng to perform a play.

But he didn’t expect Nie Zheng to do such a ridiculous and vulgar thing.

If it is true to let Lü Hou bow to the government.

Whether it was for Nie Zheng or Wei Zhongxian.

All are harmful, but not beneficial.

“How? Are you questioning your decision? ”

Nie Zheng said coldly.

Wei Zhongxian’s eyes flickered.

Hurry up and pray to the head:

“The old slave did not dare, but she was afraid that Lü Hou would bow to the government, and her power would become more and more enormous, and it would be even more difficult for Her Majesty to regain the imperial power.”

Looking at Lu Yan Zhao Gao’s distant back.

Nie Zheng’s eyes rose playfully and he murmured:

“The Manchu Dynasty was full of people with literary and martial skills, and although Lü Yan was powerful, it was enough for her to have a headache.”

Thinking of the Manchu traitors and Lü Yan fighting for power and profit.

Just think about this picture.

The corners of Nie Zheng’s mouth unconsciously outlined a bad smile.


East Palace.

Lu Yan was not yet seated.

He directly waved away all the eunuch palace women.

Only Zhao Gao was left on the side.


Silent and repressive silence.

Lu Yan did not open his mouth.

Zhao Gao hung his head sideways.

Only an atmosphere of extreme oppression is growing.

After a long time.

Lu Yan finally spoke.

“Zhao Gao, what do you think of today’s events?”

Lü Yan’s phoenix eyes were slightly confused.

This sentence is not only asking Zhao Gao.

Also ask her again.

It’s really happening today.

It was beyond her cognition.

And the source of this knowledge.

Naturally, it was Nie Zheng, the big summer.


Zhao Gao’s eyes were gloomy.

Just simply say these four words.

The whole person also became more and more silent.

“We were too careless.”

Lu Yan whispered softly:

“He deceived not only everyone in the inner palace, but also the Manchu ministers of culture and war.”

“A good emperor, a good fourth prince, a good summer!”

Lu Yan’s eyes trembled slightly.

Its voice contains a hint of vibrato.

“It’s not the most terrible thing.”

Zhao Gao’s eyes were deep, and his brow frowned:

“The most terrible thing is his forbearance.”

Lu Yan said, “How do you say this?” ”

Zhao Gao took a deep breath.

Then he spat it out slowly, and said in a low voice:

“Your Majesty is nothing more than the product of a hangover with a palace maid.”

“Logically, in his name, there is no chance of succeeding to the throne.”

“But he deceived all of us and let the Empress Dowager of the Two Palaces and the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu support him to inherit the throne.”

“Moreover, when Empress Dowager Nishinomiya killed Her Majesty’s mother, he was able to endure it like this, and it was only today that it completely broke out.”

“Just this cold and stoic heart makes the subject feel cold.”

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