There is no fear.

There is no awe.

Dong Zhuo just looked directly at Nie Zheng.

The ferocious aura emanating from the body.

Even more faintly towards Nie Zheng.

Faced with Dong Zhuo’s menacing questioning.

Nie Zheng smiled.

It seems that Dong Zhuo is really arrogant.

He didn’t take him as a son of heaven in his eyes at all.

But it doesn’t matter.

After a while, he let Dong Zhuo know what is called the difference between a monarch and a minister.

“Since Your Majesty does not dare to answer me.”

“Then the Prime Minister will answer for His Majesty.”

Don’t wait for Nie Zheng to speak.

Dong Zhuo smiled coldly:

“Yesterday Your Majesty killed Empress Dowager Xigong at Weiyang Palace.”

“I don’t know if what the real thing is saying?”


Stone Breaking!

When Dong Zhuo’s words fell.

It was like a thunderbolt hitting the minds of the courtiers.

The civil and military officials looked shocked.

They all stood still like wooden stakes.

Only his eyes looked at Nie Zheng in shock.

He looked at Lu Yan behind the beaded curtain again.

Empress Nishinomiya is dead?

When the courtiers learned of the news.

Everyone’s heart was shaken.

And for the first time, he focused his eyes on Lu Yan behind the beaded curtain.

As everyone knows.

The two empresses have always been at odds.

Each wants to bring down the other.

The death of Empress Nishinomiya had nothing to do with Empress Lü.

Manchu Wenwu could not believe it.


Empress Nishinomiya had just died.

Lü Hou came to the court with the Son of Heaven.

The new emperor even killed Wang Lang, the elder of the Three Dynasties.

If there is no Lu Hou in the back to support.

Kill them and you won’t believe it.

The new emperor dared to do such a faint and absurd thing.

After all, all along.

In the eyes of the Manchu Dynasty, Nie Zheng was just a weak and incompetent puppet emperor.

Association thinks of this.

Manchu Wenwu finally came to his senses.

All eyes were on Lu Yan behind the beaded curtain.


Inside the beaded curtain.

Lu Yan was calm and waveless.

Because she had expected this to happen.


The crowd was in an uproar.

Look at each other.

All kinds of chatter sounded in the hall.

“Your Majesty, don’t you have anything you want to say?”

Dong Zhuo took a step forward, his eyes narrowed slightly.

“The demon woman of the Western Palace wanted to poison Yu Yuan, and she was killed by Yu Yu yesterday.”

Nie Zheng spoke.

He looked faintly at His Highness the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu and continued:

“Thanks to the fact that the Eastern Palace has been taking more care of the Emperor over the years, she was able to meet with the Qing family alive.”

“Therefore, from this day forward, the Emperor will recognize Queen Lü as his mother.”

Nie Zheng said this.

Get up from the dragon chair.

Bow down to Lü Yan behind the beaded curtain.

The face showed a sincere color.

“The emperor doesn’t need this, this palace regards you as a parent, and naturally can’t see that demon woman harming you.”

Lu Yan responded softly.

Such a scene of motherly kindness and filial piety.

It made Manchu Wenwu feel bad in his heart.

Especially Dong Zhuo.

The face became more and more gloomy and frightening.

There was already a vague guess of what was coming.


What Nie Zheng said next.

Completely silence the courtiers in the Dragon De Hall.

An atmosphere of extreme oppression grows invisibly.

“She was still young and had just ascended the throne, and Empress Lü was the empress dowager of the Imperial Palace who had been crowned by Emperor Xian.”

“From this day forward, Lü Hou will bow to the government and come to the court with Yuan.”

“The big and small things in the DPRK, no matter how big or small, are determined by Shuo and Lü Hou together.”



Death-like silence.

When Nie Zheng’s voice echoed inside the Dragon De Hall.

Manchu Wenwu was speechless in shock.

Everyone’s eyes were trembling.

He was obviously shocked by Nie Zheng’s remarks.



A brutal and rough sneer came.

Only to see Dong Zhuo’s face gloomy:

“Curtain down to the government?”

“Lu Hou, you are so ambitious.”

“Unfortunately, Emperor Shengzu has a testament that the ancient harem is not allowed to participate in politics.”

“Even if you want to pretend to be the name of the Son of Heaven, I am afraid that it is still delusional.”

Dong Zhuo directly tore his face.

A pair of tiger eyes stared fiercely and brutally at Lü Yan inside the bead curtain.

“Dong Zhuo, you are so fierce and powerful, you don’t even pay attention to this palace and the Son of Heaven?”

“Do you want to disobey the will of the Son of Heaven?”


The beaded curtain was lifted.

Lu Yan stepped out.

The beautiful face is cold as frost.

A pair of beautiful eyes flashed with cold light, looking directly at Dong Zhuo.

It exudes a domineering and powerful atmosphere.

Not under Dong Zhuo at all.


Dong Zhuo glared at Lü Yan and said:

“Ben Cheng was the first assistant minister of the previous emperor’s canonization.”

“If the Son of Heaven faints and has no way, Ben Cheng Xiang will be the side of the Qing Emperor to accuse the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and return me to the Great Xia.”

“Is there any resistance to the will?”

Dong Zhuo looked at Nie Zheng suddenly.

The eyes are fierce and aggressive.

“Your Majesty is clear.”

“Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, since ancient times there have been strict orders that the harem should not participate in politics.”

“If the harem is allowed to participate in politics, won’t it be that the yin and yang are upside down, and it violates the instructions of Emperor Shengzu?”

“If Your Majesty really does such a faint and unruly thing, won’t he have to bear the name of the world, and what face will he have to see my ancestors in Bactria ?”

“If Your Majesty insists on doing so, then the Prime Minister will have to choose another wise man and lord with his courtiers.”


Dong Zhuo pulled out his sword from his waist.

Suddenly pointed to the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu Dao:

“Dear meritorious colleagues, if you say something, what you have said is correct?”

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