Don’t say that Manchu Wenwu was shocked.

Even Lü Yan looked at Nie Zheng with the same shock.

Thirty million two million silver!

That’s not a small amount.

During his lifetime, the emperor collected these silver pieces every year.

Almost not even the dignity of the Son of Heaven is gone.

He even personally issued an edict pleading with the kings of the major clans to reduce their grain salaries.

It also depends on the faces of Dong Zhuo and Zhao Kuangyin.

Lu Yan couldn’t think of a broken head.

How Nie Zheng took out thirty million taels of silver.


“Zhao Kuangyin.”

Nie Zheng lazily sat back on the dragon chair.

He looked faintly at His Highness’s Terracotta Marshal.

“The subject is here.”

Zhao Kuangyin’s eyes moved slightly, and he bowed down to Nie Zheng.

The heart is also thinking.

I wanted to see how Nie Zheng could allocate more than ten million taels of silver to himself.

But what Nie Zheng said next.

Directly let Zhao Kuang Yinlen be on the spot.

Nie Zheng asked lightly, “Zhao Kuangyin, are you the Great Marshal of the Terracotta Army?” ”

“Your Majesty, the subject is the Great Marshal of the Terracotta Army.”

Zhao Kuangyin groaned inwardly.

I don’t know why Nie Zheng asked knowingly.

Don’t say that Zhao Kuangyin is confused.

Manchu Wenwu and Lü Hou also looked at Nie Zheng with strange eyes.

Zhao Kuangyin ruled the world for many years.

Why did the Son of Heaven ask such a nutritious question?

“Zhao Kuangyin, are you a waste?”

Not waiting for the crowd to come back.

Nie Zheng spoke again.

But also because of his words.

Full of dead silence.

The atmosphere freezes in an instant.

The expression on Qunchen’s face was already stiff.

Lu Yan was even more stunned on the spot.

As a party, Zhao Kuangyin’s expression was sluggish.

I suspect that my ears have heard wrongly.

He looked at Nie Zheng with an incredulous look.

“What about asking you again, Zhao Kuangyin, are you a waste?”

Nie Zheng’s voice turned cold.

A pair of eyes stared at His Highness Zhao Kuangyin.


Great insult!

This was an insult to Zhao Kuangyin’s red fruit.

Zhao Kuangyin finally heard clearly.

He knew he hadn’t heard it wrong.

The sluggish look turned into a touch of anger.

Originally, the appearance of Ru Ya Junxiu was full of anger.

But he put up with it.

“Your Majesty, this commander commanded a million troops to conquer the north and south, which is not a waste!”

Zhao Kuangyin endured the anger in his heart and returned to the road.

The next moment.

Something amazing happened.

Only to see Nie Zheng casually pick up the Yantai on the dragon case.

He slammed into His Highness’s Zhao Kuangyin.


Yantai slammed into Zhao Kuangyin’s body.

The ink in it soaked Zhao Kuangyin’s handsome robe.

As the Yantai fell to the ground.

Then came a strange noise.

The Yantai also shattered to the ground.

“Since you are not a waste, but a great marshal of my great warriors and horses in Bactria Province, then why is the grain of the million army coming to the court?”

“What do you, the Great Marshal of the Terracotta Army, eat?”

“Even this matter can’t be solved, what is the use of raising this kind of waste of yours?”


Nie Zheng took the case.

The fierce eyes glared at His Highness Zhao Kuangyin.


Zhao Kuangyin was stupid!

The civil and military officials were stupid.

Lu Yan behind the beaded curtain was also stupid.

Full of dead silence.

The crowd was silent.

Everyone opened their mouths and looked at Nie Zheng with their eyes clicking.

Feel like you’re dreaming.

And it was an unawake and absurd nightmare.

Time passes by minute by minute.

No one spoke.

Zhao Kuangyin looked sheepishly at Nie Zheng on the throne.

Nor did he recover from the shock.

What does Emperor Yi say?

Let me figure it out myself?

What is the use of raising this waste yourself?

Zhao Kuangyin really suspected that he had heard wrongly.

Dozens of minutes have passed.

Zhao Kuangyin finally came back to his senses.

His eyebrows were slightly cold.

I will open my mouth to refute it.

But when he saw Nie Zheng’s fierce eyes.

Zhao Kuangyin was shocked.

In the rush of his mind, he chose to keep his mouth shut.

Zhao Kuangyin is very smart.

At this moment he became a bird of prey.

The best option is to shut up.

After all, it was not his own grain to Nie Zheng again.

The kings of various clans were also asking for money in the imperial government.

And before the bottom card of Emperor Yi is identified.

Standing still is the best choice.

See Zhao Kuangyin silent.

Nie Zheng smiled coldly.

Once again, he set his sights on the bodies of the two soldiers.

“Pass on the will of the Emperor, this year’s grain salaries let the kings of the various provinces prepare for it themselves.”

“The reason that they were given the high-ranking official Houlu was to let them relieve their worries about the degeneration, not to let them add to the blockage.”

“Not only is there no grain salary this year, but every year’s grain salary in the future will also be solved by the kings and envoys of the various clans on their own.”

“If anyone has any objections or dissatisfactions, he can personally come to the king to ask for it.”

Nie Zheng said coldly.

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