“Keep reading.”

Nie Zheng Dao.

“Qin Jun, the official Shangshu, is quite literate.”

“The first-hand calligraphy was quite loved by the emperor.”

“This person can become an official Shangshu, and he was also promoted by the former emperor himself.”

“However, according to the report from the spies of the East Factory, this person seems to be loyal and loyal, and his heart is very deep.”

“And secretly formed a party for personal gain, and befriended the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu.”

“I don’t see the idea of rebellion for the time being


“His family property…”

Don’t wait for Wei Zhongxian to finish.

Nie Zheng waved his hand.

He had little interest in this information.

“Others don’t have to read it, talk about Sima Yi.”

Nie Zheng Dao.

“Sima Yi?”

Wei Zhongxian was stunned.

He really didn’t have any impression of this person.

Although he knew the man.

However, Sima Yi had a very low sense of existence in the court.

It was really difficult to get his attention.

Wei Zhongxian quickly flipped through the roster.

Finally found information about Sima Yi.

“Sima Yi, the official Taifu, the elder of the Three Dynasties, was the imperial master of the former emperor.”

“Unfortunately, although Sima Yi held the position of Taifu and was even more famous as an emperor, he did not have any real power.”

“Before the emperor died, he was entrusted with his lone life.”

“Sima Yi is also your master’s imperial master.”

Wei Zhongxian said.

“Keep talking.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes moved slightly.

“Sima Yi lived in seclusion, except for the daily morning dynasty, the rest of the time was in the mansion, and it was rare to see him going out to visit friends.”

“And Sima Yi did not commit any corrupt acts of perverting the law.”

“His mansion was poor, and there were not even more than ten slaves and maids.”

“According to the report of the spies of the East Factory, Sima Yi was the elder of the Three Dynasties, and his protégés and former officials were all over Bactria.”

“Sima Yide was highly respected, and every year a large number of protégés visited him, and he even paid homage to him as a disciple and gave him heavy gifts.”

“But Sima Yi refused to give these gifts, and he was a rare and incorruptible minister of my Great Xia.”

“And there was a student who visited Sima Yi and deeply felt that Sima Yi was not being used by His Majesty, and was indignant about him, saying that the Son of Heaven was ignorant of the talents of people and that the Manchu courtiers were traitors and tyrants.”

“However, Sima Yi was furious and rebuked his disciples for daring to slander the Son of Heaven and expelled him from the palace, thus cutting off contacts.”

Wei Zhongxian said this.

There was also a hint of admiration on his face.

“Your Majesty, Sima Yi is loyal to Bactria and, even more loyal to His Majesty, is a rare loyal subject.”


See the information about Sima Yi recorded on the roster.

Even Wei Zhongxian couldn’t fault anything.

What is Sima Yi not a loyal subject?

That’s big. O great loyalist!

Nie Zheng smiled.

And the laughter is very unpredictable.

A pair of eyes is even deeper.

The heart is a sigh.

Sure enough, it was Sima Yi.

Acted for a lifetime.

Even someone like Wei Zhongxian, who was so sinister and meticulous, had been deceived.

“Zhongxian, have you heard a word?”

Nie Zheng meant a lot.

Saw the smile on Nie Zheng’s face.

Wei Zhongxian was stunned.

I know that Nie Zheng means something.

Hurriedly bowed to Nie Zhengyi, “Please make it clear to the master.” ”

“When the water is clear, there is no fish, and when the people are clear, they commit adultery.”

Nie Zheng muttered.


Wei Zhongxian was shocked.

Nie Zheng’s words vaguely made him understand something.

“Zhongxian, you are a person with a meticulous mind, a poisonous and fierce enough means, and you are indeed a talent.”

“But you have to remember that no one is perfect, and Sima Yi is so perfect that even you can’t pick out any problems.”

“And that’s the biggest problem!”

As Nie Zheng’s words fell.

Wei Zhongxian let out a cold sweat.

Mentioned by Nie Zheng.

He finally understood what his master meant.


I was so careless!

He was completely deceived by Sima Yi, a guy.

See Wei Zhongxian’s look of fear and self-blame.

Nie Zheng said lightly, “Do you know why people’s feet are whiter than their faces?” ”

“Ask the Master to teach you!”

Wei Zhongxian prostrated his head in fear.

“Because the foot is hidden in the shoe.”

Nie Zheng smiled lightly.


Wei Zhongxian’s forehead touched the ground.

All over the body.

It was not that he was afraid that Nie Zheng would relegate his guilt to him.

Instead, he was ashamed.

The master allowed himself to collect information about the Manchu Dynasty’s Wen Wu.

But he was so careless and negligent.

I was ashamed of the trust that the Son of Heaven had placed in him.

“Sima Yi has been hiding all his life, and he will only draw his sword once in his life.”

“Do you understand?”

Nie Zheng said lightly.

“The old slave should die, please Your Majesty to surrender his sins.”

Wei Zhongxian opened his mouth trembling.

See Wei Zhongxian’s ashamed and panicked posture.

Nie Zheng smiled and did not rebuke him.

After all, Sima Yi was hiding too deeply.

Wei Zhongxian couldn’t detect it, and it was reasonable.

See the whole of Bactria.

If you really know Sima Yi, you can say that people are the ones who really know Sima Yi.

It was only himself and the right minister Cao who was worried.

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