It was when Nie Zheng sighed inwardly.

The little eunuch Ryan entered Weiyang Palace and knelt down and prostrated, “Your Majesty, it’s time to eat.” ”

“Lord Zhao asked His Majesty if he wanted to eat in the palace or to steer the imperial garden?”

Mention eating.

Nie Zheng’s eyes moved slightly.

Don’t say he’s really hungry.

But Nie Zheng could clearly remember.

He had commanded Zhao Gao.

There are 108 dishes required for all meals.

If you are not satisfied.

But it would take Zhao Gao’s head.

I don’t know how this guy is prepared.

Nie Zheng said, “Drive the Royal Garden.” ”

“Do as you please.”

The little eunuch Ryan hurried to receive the order.

Nie Zheng got up from the dragon chair and strode out of Weiyang Palace.

The dragon was already parked outside the Weiyang Palace.

With Cao Tian a ‘take off’. ’

Nie Zheng rode the dragon straight towards the Royal Garden.


The other side.

Dong Zhuo Mansion.


“God help me, God help me.”

“Emperor Yi, Emperor Yi is indeed a complete Dark Lord.”

“He gave such a will, even God is helping me.”

“When Ben Xiang returns to Xiliang, he can show his fists and feet to recruit soldiers and buy horses.”

“In less than three years, Ben Xiang will kill the king and take the lives of the king and the queen of the demon.”

“Yes, and Zhao Kuangyin, I will kill him.”

Soft collapse.

Dong Zhuo’s face was pale.

Sit up hard from the bed.

The horizontal flesh of the face trembled.

But his face was full of excitement.

When he learned from Li Ru of Nie Zheng’s decree.

Dong Zhuo, who was seriously injured, felt full of energy.

It is even more exciting and difficult to control.

Originally, according to Dong Zhuo’s plan.

If he secretly recruits soldiers to buy horses and hoard grain and grass, he will kill the king capital.

It will take at least five to eight years.

But Nie Zheng’s will was promulgated.

Your own plan can be cut in more than half.

How can this not make Dong Zhuo excited?

“Lord, I haven’t finished talking yet.”

Seeing Dong Zhuo’s excitement was difficult to control.

Li Ru frowned slightly.

“What else?”

Dong Zhuo looked at Li Ru doubtfully.

“Although Emperor Yi allowed the lord to return to Xiliang.”

“But Emperor Yi wants to convey to the lord in the next step, and he needs to transfer the lord’s righteous son Lü Bu to the capital and listen to it in front of the emperor.”

“Moreover, Emperor Yi said that he would make Lü Bu the commander of the imperial court.”

Li Ru spoke truthfully.

“Do you want my son to listen to the Emperor before he is enthroned?”

“Do you still make him the Imperial Commander?”

Dong Zhuo muttered.

Obviously, he was embarrassed by the news brought by Li Ru.

It was a long time.


A burst of laughter and ridicule came from Dong Zhuo’s mouth.

“Emperor Yi, Emperor Yi, you really don’t have self-knowledge.”

“You really think my son came to the capital first.”

“If you allow him to be a former commander-in-chief, will you be able to make him betray me Dong Zhuo?”

“Childish, ridiculous, ridiculous to the extreme.”

Dong Zhuo’s face was full of sarcasm and contempt.

“In this case, let my son Feng Xian be this imperial commander.”

“At that time, my father and son should unite inside and outside and completely take the capital of the king.”

“When Ben Xiang arrives, he would like to see what Emperor Yi will look like.”


Dong Zhuo seemed to see through Nie Zheng’s thoughts.

It was even more like seeing the miserable scene of the future Heavenly Son kneeling at his feet.

“Li Ru, pass on the oral edict of the Xiang Xiang, ask people to fly pigeons to pass on the book, and pass on my son’s previous visit to the capital of the Great Xia.”

Dong Zhuo excitedly commanded.

“The lord is slow, this matter is not so simple in the lower consciousness, and this matter still needs to be considered in the long run.”

Don’t know why.

Li Ru had seen Nie Zheng since the Chaotang.

All the way back to Dong Zhuo’s mansion.

Always distracted.

At this moment, Dong Zhuo wanted to transfer Lü Bu to Wang Du.

This feeling of uneasiness became even stronger.

As a strategist.

Li Ru believed in his feelings very much.

He always felt that it was not that simple.

“Li Ru, you are too worried.”

“My son first regarded me as his father.”

“Do you really think that he will betray his true nature and be loyal to the Emperor?”

Dong Zhuo opened his mouth confidently.

“But Lord, I always feel that Emperor Yi is not so simple.”

“Just as the so-called careful sailing of the ship of ten thousand years, the lord still needs to think twice before acting.”

Li Ru frowned slightly.

“Li Ru, you are too alarmist.”

“You don’t need to persuade him about this, because since the Emperor himself is looking for death, the Emperor has fulfilled him.”

Dong Zhuo could not listen to Li Ru’s advice at all.

Directly ordered the flying pigeon to pass the book to Lü Bu.

Lü Bu was ordered to hurry to the capital of the king.

See Dong Zhuo does not listen to advice.

Li Ru could only sigh helplessly.

I also hope that I think too much.


“Prime Minister, things are not good, Wei Zhongxian led hundreds of people from the East Factory to surround the mansion.”

“I’m going to go out and see you.”

A guard breaks in in a panic.

welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday to read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 to get 500 VIP bonds!

snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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