


This is the truest emotion in Dong Zhuo’s heart.

Come down.



This is the posture shown by Dong Zhuo.

As the powerful Great Xia Zuo Cheng Xiang.

Dong Zhuo naturally could not show the slightest fear.

He could look at the hundreds of grimaces behind Wei Zhongxian.

You have to say he’s not nervous or afraid.

That’s pure.

You must know that a few days ago he brought thousands of soldiers and horses into the palace.

It was slaughtered by these terrible killing machines.

See these people again this time.

Dong Zhuo’s heart palpitated.

“Dong Zhuo took the order.”

Wei Zhongxian didn’t want to talk nonsense with Dong Zhuo either.

He took out a holy decree directly from his arms.

Prepare to read the will of the Son of Heaven.

But it wasn’t waiting for Wei Zhongxian to read it.

But I saw that Dong Zhuo was still standing where he was.

There is no intention of kneeling down to receive the holy will.

“Dong Zhuo, kneel down and take the order.”

Wei Zhongxian’s eyes were cold, and his voice was gloomy and terrible.

Viper-like eyes stared at Dong Zhuo deadly.

Dong Zhuo clenched his fists.

The forehead is bulging.

Make him kneel?

He never knelt in the court.

He never knelt before the previous emperor.

Is it not possible to kneel before this castrated dog now?

Although Dong Zhuo knew that it was not Wei Zhongxian who was kneeling.

Kneeling is the Heavenly Son.

But even then he couldn’t accept it.

What right does the Dark Lord have to bring himself to his knees?

“Lord, endure!”

Li Ru lowered his voice to remind.

“Wei Zhongxian, Ben Xiang was seriously ill and could not kneel down to receive the order.”

Dong Zhuo was asked to kneel down and receive the order.

It was a great insult to him.

And that dimwitted prince didn’t deserve it at all.

Dong Zhuo did not heed the dissuasion.

Suddenly, Li Ru’s face turned miserable.

“Dong Zhuo, do you dare to be disrespectful to the Son of Heaven?”


Wei Zhongxian’s eyes flashed.

The momentum of the martial arts master exploded.

A wave of terror surged out from all around him.

The scariest thing is.

Hundreds of grimaces took a step forward.


Pull out the machete in your hand.

The blade shone with a cold light.

It also reflected the vicious and merciless eyes of hundreds of grimaces.


If Dong Zhuo does not kneel.

Just Wei Zhongxian’s order.

The whole Dong Mansion will be covered in a river of blood.

“Wei Zhongxian, do you dare?”

Dong Zhuo roared angrily.

The Five Hundred Western Liang Iron Guards also glared at each other.

The steel knife in his hand was brazenly sheathed, and he swore to defend Dong Zhuo to death.

“Some stinky fish and rotten shrimp, do you dare to show your knife in front of this overseer?”


Wei Zhongxian spoke coldly.

The next moment.

Something terrible happened.

Tsing Yi grimace.

The knife light crosses the sky.

Like a ghost nocturnal.

It’s like a ghost.

Blood sprinkled in mid-air.

Heads were cut off.

It’s just three breaths.

Five hundred Western Liang Iron Guards were in a different place.

They turned into headless corpses and fell into a pool of blood.

The dead eyes widened in horror.

I can’t understand it until I die.

Why are these brave and fierce Western Liang Iron Guards.

There wasn’t even a shred of room to fight back?

Pedal pedal!

Such a cruel scene of blood stars only happened in an instant.

Dong Zhuo was even more shocked and retreated.

Even Li Ru, who was next to him, almost didn’t help Dong Zhuo.

“Dong Zhuo knelt down to receive the order.”

Wei Zhongxian burst out loud and spoke up.

“Lord, get down on your knees.”

After all, Li Ru was a man of letters.

Such a bloody scene frightened him and trembled.

He trembled and advised Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo’s face was livid.

A mouthful of steel teeth clattered.

The forehead is bulging with green tendons.

Both fists clenched.

Nails clasp into the palm of the hand and bleed out of the blood without knowing it.

Once again, I saw the horror of the grimace of the green coat.

Dong Zhuo was both angry and shocked and frightened.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Then spit it out.

After three breaths.

Dong Zhuo opened his eyes slowly.

The whole person is calm and terrible.

There was no longer any emotion on his face.

He, knees bent.

Finally he fell to his knees.

It’s just that Dong Zhuo’s kneeling body is trembling slightly.

It proves that his heart is not as calm as it seems.

Especially the eyes that look down down.

His eyes were filled with humiliation and extreme hatred.

Dong Zhuo knelt down.

Wei Zhongxian smiled coldly.

Only then did he open the holy will given by Nie Zheng and read out:

“Feng Tian’s fortune, the Heavenly Son’s edict said: Dong Zhuo occupies good land, robs the people’s daughters, corrupts the law, and exploits the people, causing the people’s resentment to boil and the crime cannot be forgiven…”

Wei Zhongxian read the holy will aloud.

It can be heard in Dong Zhuo’s ears.

But it made Dong Zhuo’s face extremely angry.


Pure slander!

Pure planting of stolen frames.

Where have you done these things?

When did he occupy the fertile land?

And robbed the daughters of the people?

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