Dark clouds and heavy rain.

Dong Zhuo trembled and stood up.

Covered in rain cement slurry.

“Li Ru!”

Dong Zhuo hoarsely sounded in the rain.


Li Ru was terrified.

In his impression.

Dong Zhuo’s image has always been brutal and arbitrary.

When have you ever seen him like this?

“Heaven knows, you know what is going on today, you know what I know.”

“If a third person knows, don’t blame the original for not remembering the old feelings.”

Dong Zhuo whispered.

Li Ru quickly nodded.

Even if Dong Zhuo doesn’t say it.

He will never tell us about today’s events.

Otherwise, according to Dong Zhuo’s surname.

This little life of his is about to be accounted for.

“Lord, where are we going?” Li Ru tentatively asked.

Dong Zhuo’s eyes were deep, and he did not have the fierceness of the past.

It’s like going through today’s events.

His whole being changed dramatically.

There’s an old saying goes.

When a person goes through an extremely painful experience.

There’s really going to be a metamorphosis.

Some people will allow themselves to fall.

And some people work hard to be strong, and even try to accumulate strength until the snow is shameful.


Dong Zhuo is the second kind of person.

At this moment, he is no longer public.

Instead, it buried today’s shame deep in the heart.

“The mansion can’t go back.”

“Emperor Yi must have secretly sent someone to spy on me.”

“Find a place to stay first, and when my son Feng arrives first, you and I can go back to Xiliang.”

Dong Zhuo said in a deep voice.

“Yes, sir.”

Li Ru bowed down.

Hurriedly supporting Dong Zhuo’s weak body, he staggered away in the heavy rain.


Bactrian Palace, Royal Garden.

The huge pavilion is filled with feasts.

One hundred and eight delicious dishes are endless.

There are also sixty years of dusty daughter red, wine fragrant.

Nie Zheng sat on a dragon chair.

Zhao Gao stooped to his side.

“Your Majesty, this is the high-class daughter Hong, whom Wei Chen specially found, which has been aged for sixty years.”

“Your Majesty is also invited to taste it.”

Zhao Gao smiled flatteringly.

Personally fill Nie Zheng’s glass with wine.

Nie Zheng raised a glass to taste.

A satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Seeing Nie Zheng smile.

Zhao Gao’s eyes lit up.

Hurry up and fill Nie Zheng with wine again.

Then bend over.

Carefully picked up a chopstick of bear paw meat and put it into Nie Zhengyu’s bowl.

“Your Majesty, this dish is made from a pair of three-year-old wild black bear forepaws, cooked in fine broth, simmered for three hours and simmered with alpine snow honey.”

“The name of this dish is Yizhang Qiankun, which means that His Majesty controls the world and is respected for nine weeks.”

“Your Majesty please taste it.”

Have to say.

Zhao Gao’s kung fu of patting horses was definitely above Wei Zhongxian.

A bear paw can be used by him to borrow flowers to offer Buddha’s horse ass.


This slap on the wrist, Zhao Gao really spent a lot of thought.

Nie Zheng had just sent it to the entrance, and the entrance melted.

The fragrant but not greasy aroma of meat constantly reverberates on its taste buds.

“Good value for money”

Nie Zheng’s eyes lit up.

“Your Majesty, the name of this dish is Dragon Flying Nine Heavens, which means that Your Majesty is like the Nine Heavenly Dragons who travel the heavens and the earth and look down on the human world.”

Zhao Gao once again sandwiched dishes for Nie Zheng.

Another dish was named.

Bow down to him again.


Nie Zheng smiled slightly.

Taste the second dish again.

See the smile on Tianzi’s face.

Zhao Gao was also secretly excited inside.

Know that you want to hit the iron while it is hot.

Name the next dish again.

“Unification of the country.”

“Birds and phoenixes.”

“The dragon and the phoenix are auspicious.”

“A hundred flowers compete for glory.”


Zhao Gao reported the name of each dish.

And he told the meaning.

All of them are praises to Nie Zheng.


Nie Zheng put down the dishes and chopsticks in his hand.

Zhao Gao hurriedly sent clean silk papyrus.

The face showed a cautious and humble posture.

“Zhao Gao, you have a heart.”

“But remember, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has only 20,000 taels of silver left.”

“This imperial meal will cost a lot, right?”

Nie Zheng looked at Zhao Gao faintly.


Zhao Gao’s knees were soft, and he knelt at Nie Zheng’s feet:

“Your Majesty has made it clear that Wei Chen will never dare to use His Majesty’s private silver.”

“The ingredients used in these imperial meals were all purchased by Wei Chen at his own expense and in silver to honor His Majesty.”

Zhao Gao prostrated his head in fear.

“So it’s time to reward you?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes were deep.

“Wei Chen does not dare, Wei Chen is guilty, and please ask Your Majesty to punish him.”

Zhao Gaolian prostrated his head.

The trepidation on his face grew stronger.


Nie Zheng could see at a glance that Zhao Gao was acting.

This also made Nie Zhengguan smile.

Vaguely guessed the true thoughts in Zhao Gao’s heart.

“What sin have you committed?”

Nie Zheng pretended not to understand the Tao.

“There are three sins against the subject.”

“Wei Chen, as the chief administrator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, does not know how to share the worries of His Majesty, and the treasury of the Ministry of Internal Affairs cannot make ends meet, which is a crime.”

“When Emperor Xian was alive, Wei Chen had coveted the treasury of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for many years, which was the second crime.”

“Wei Chen’s secret establishment of the Zhongyi Hall and the taking in of many outlaws is disloyalty to His Majesty, and this is the third crime.”

Zhao Gao’s forehead touched the ground and did not dare to lift up, telling his three major crimes.


“So the crime you committed is a goddamn thing?”

Nie Zheng laughed.

“Your Majesty is sorry for your majesty, but if you deserve to die, please surrender your sins.”

Zhao Gao wept bitterly.

Tears couldn’t stop flowing.

It was as if he was really ashamed of the Son of Heaven and was crying and blaming himself.

“Sin deserves death?”

Nie Zheng nodded:

“Well, you really deserve to die for your sins.”

“Cao Qian, pull Zhao Gao out and cut him down.”

Nie Zheng casually commanded.

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