Zhao Gao’s brain was running wildly.

Seek your last glimmer of life.

In terms of means, he was definitely not under Wei Zhongxian.

In terms of mental chance, he was only higher than Wei Zhongxian.

In terms of his ability to do things, he was no worse than Wei Zhongxian, or even more vicious.

On the patting of the horse, Wei Zhongxian could only eat ash behind him.

But why could Wei Zhongxian get the favor of the Heavenly Son?

Are you going to be cut off by the Son of Heaven now?

This moment.

Zhao Gao was calm and terrible.

And Cao Tian had already come to him.

A hand had already grabbed his robe.


At this time of life and death.

An aura crossed Zhao Gao’s mind.

This aura exploded in his mind like thunder.

Zhao Gao realized!

He finally knew what Tianzi wanted!

The answer is simple!



It is faithfulness.

He was no worse than Wei Zhongxian anywhere.

But only a loyalty to the Son of Heaven is missing.

And this is precisely where Wei Zhongxian is stronger than himself.

It was also the reason why the Son of Heaven would favor Wei Zhongxian.

Zhao Gao really understood.

He finally understood the point.

“Slow down!”

Just as Cao Tian was about to drag Zhao Gao out of the imperial garden again.

Zhao Gao let out a loud roar.

This made Cao Tian shudder.

Zhao Gao was not dragged away at the first time.

But it was also this short period of time.

It gave Zhao Gao the last glimmer of life.

Zhao Gao knelt down and prostrated his head:

“The king wants his subjects to die, and the subjects have to die.”

“The subject is clever enough to think that he can fool His Majesty, and has no reverence or loyalty to His Majesty.”

“The subject is cocooning himself, really damned.”

“Although the minister repents at this moment, it is too late!”

“Since they are all dead, the courtiers are willing to show their loyalty to His Majesty and cut themselves off before His Majesty.”

After Zhao Gao said this, he suddenly stood up.

The look in his eyes revealed a gritty and fierce color.

Cao Tian did not wait for the reaction of Cao Tian next to him.

Zhao Gao suddenly pulled out the saber from Cao Qian’s waist.

A knife was wiped off his neck.

The look in his eyes reveals his fierceness and determination towards himself.

There is a hint of madness and despair.

Zhao Gao was not making a play.

Instead, he really wanted to cut himself off in front of Nie Zheng.

Because he clearly understands.

Since it is death, it is the same everywhere it dies.

Since the Son of Heaven wants faithfulness.

Then he will learn from death.

To show his loyalty to Nie Zheng.

Seeing that Zhao Gao was about to kill himself on the spot.

Cao Tian was so stunned that he didn’t react at all, let alone stop it.

Just when Zhao Gao was about to cut his own throat with a knife.

Even he himself closed his eyes in despair.

A bell rings.

The saber in his hand was shattered by a huge force.

But the throat was still covered with a blood stain.


The blood was shallow and did not hurt his life.

“Your Majesty … Your Majesty? ”

Zhao Gao looked at Nie Zheng.


It was Nie Zheng who saved him.

Snap – Snap – Snap!

Nie Zheng smiled.

Slapping his hands in admiration:

“Zhao Gao, I really didn’t misread you.”

“Your move of putting it to death and being born again has indeed won you the last chance of life.”

Nie Zheng said this slightly.

Looking at Zhao Gao’s eyes was obviously tinged with appreciation.

“Good value for money”

“Zhao Gao, you are really good.”

“It’s not a big deal to be cruel enough to be toxic to others.”

“But in order to show your loyalty to Yuan, you are also cruel and vicious enough to yourself, and you are indeed an extremely vicious and vicious person.”

“This really makes Shuo appreciate you very much, and it’s also the reason why Shuo didn’t want your life.”

Nie Zheng said this with a cold face and continued:

“But you have to remember what I told you today.”

“If you want to be a close confidant of the degenerate, it is best to put away your careful thinking about crooked and evil ways.”

“What you need is a loyal dog.”

“You can only bite whoever you bite.”

“Instead of being clever and defying the yin and yang.”

“If only you weren’t even loyal to being a dog.”

“You should know what will happen to you.”

“Do you remember?”

Nie Zheng’s voice was not loud.

There is no sense of oppression.

But hearing it in Zhao Gao’s ears made him creepy.

Zhao Gao swooped down and knelt at Nie Zheng’s feet.

He knocked his head three times, pointed his fingers to the sky, and said with a serious look:

“Zhao Gao swears to the heavens, to the earth, and to the gods of the heavens.”

“If Zhao Gao is not loyal to His Majesty, he will be destroyed on the same day, and all the worlds will not be able to live forever.”

See Zhao Gao’s serious and solemn expression.

Nie Zheng laughed

“Oaths are the least trustworthy thing.”

“I have never believed in the gods of the heavens and the heavens and the earth.”

“Okay, get up.”

“There are just two things to hand over to you.”

Listen to Nie Zheng and leave it to himself.

Zhao Gao’s face was excited.

He knew that Nie Zheng had accepted his surrender.

You must get things done yourself.

In this way, he could get Nie Zheng’s trust one step closer.

As for betrayal?

No kidding.

Went through this today.

Zhao Gao’s soul was almost frightened.

For his master’s city government intentions, he had learned it.

He finally understood why Wei Zhongxian was so loyal to Nie Zheng.

Where else would you dare to have the heart of betrayal?

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