Chapter 75 Su Daji!.

“Zhao Gao, it’s really not easy for you to live until now.”

“Although the miscellaneous family has calculated that you will betray Lü Hou, they are ready to surrender to His Majesty.”

“But I didn’t count you so fast.”

“You really surprised the miscellaneous family.”

Wei Zhongxian’s opening of the yin test was over.

Faced with Wei Zhongxian’s insults and mockery. Zhao Gao did not have any anger. Instead, the corners of his mouth outlined a touch of sarcasm: “Wei Zhongxian, your old dog is still alive, will I Zhao Gao go before you?” ”

“You and I are just each other.”

“You Wei Zhongxian can betray Empress Xigong, and I Zhao Gao can naturally betray Empress Lü.”

“Speaking of which, you only surrendered to Your Majesty a little earlier than I did.”

“Besides being better than me, what are you in my eyes?”

Zhao Gaosen sneered and sneered.


Wei Zhongxian laughed wildly.

The sinister color in a pair of inverted triangle eyes became more and more intense.

“Zhao Gao, what kind of character and surname you are in this thing others don’t know, don’t you know that the miscellaneous family still doesn’t know?”

“Don’t think you’ll be able to rest easy with Your Majesty’s trust.”

“If in the future you have the slightest intention of disobedience, there is no need for Your Majesty to kill you.”

“The miscellaneous family will unscrew your dog’s head as soon as possible.”

Wei Zhongxian’s eyes were gloomy, and he stared at Zhao Gao deadly. His voice is extremely cold.

His eyes were full of killers.


Zhao Gao smiled too.

It’s just that he laughed very cold and cold.

He even walked back and forth beside Wei Zhongxian.

A pair of eyes stared at Wei Zhongxian as cold as a poisonous snake.

“Wei Zhongxian, this is also what I want to tell you.”

“You’d better not let me catch your handle on your disloyalty to Your Majesty.”

“Otherwise, I will throw you into the pot of flies at the first time and let you taste what is the punishment of ten thousand snakes.”

Zhao Gao said this, slightly stunned.

The expression on his face was vicious and cruel, and he continued, “Wei Zhongxian, you old man must remember.” ”

“My name is Zhao Gao, and I will climb to the highest level step by step.”

“Don’t think that if you rule the East Factory now, you can be a blessing to me.”

“In the days to come, I hope you can always get the favor of Your Majesty, otherwise….”

Zhao Gao did not continue.

But the meaning is already very obvious.

Step by step, he will gain the favor of the Son of Heaven. Until Wei Zhongxian was completely covered.

In the future, Wei Zhongxian once lost His Majesty’s favor.

He Zhao Gao would have asked Wei Zhongxian’s dog for the first time.

“Wei Zhongxian, you and I walk and see.”


Zhao Gao threw off his sleeve.

Stride toward the outside of the temple.

Wei Zhongxian’s face was gloomy, and his eyes were cold and frightening. This moment.

Wei Zhongxian’s heart was very regretful.

Regret why he didn’t take the risk and eliminate Zhao Gao early. With the strength of his martial arts master.

It was easy to kill a Zhao Gao.

But now Wei Zhongxian knew that his regret was useless. Zhao Gao had already gained the trust of the Heavenly Son.

If only I had killed him at this moment. This is disloyalty to the Son of Heaven.

Think of Nie Zheng’s thunderous wrist. Wei Zhongxian couldn’t help but snort.

The idea of killing Zhao Gao had just arisen in his heart, and it also disappeared. But Wei Zhongxian knew it clearly.

He was indeed inferior to Zhao Gao in some aspects. Just to greet the Son of Heaven, sneaking around and patting on the horse. I can’t hope for myself.

If you say that you are the only place to be stronger than Zhao. Then there is only loyalty to the Son of Heaven.

But Wei Zhongxian could clearly see it in Zhao Gao’s eyes. This guy seems to be really very loyal to the Son of Heaven.

And this also made Wei Zhongxian feel a great sense of urgency in his heart. Zhao Gao was definitely his worst enemy.

If only it really gave him power.

Then I have absolutely no good fruit to eat.

“Zhao Gao, you must not be caught by the miscellaneous family.”

“At one time, the miscellaneous family only needs one chance to leave you dead.”

Wei Zhongxian whispered viciously.

… The other side.

Ministry of the Interior.

Zhao Gao just sat down.

The gaze is deep and terrible.

Don’t look at the verbal dispute he just had with Wei Zhongxian. It was as if he had some upper hand.

But Zhao Gao’s heart was equally urgent.

He felt the threat that Wei Zhongxian brought to him. This old dog followed His Majesty first.

Although he would not openly say bad things about himself to His Majesty. But definitely keep an eye on yourself at all times.

Once he had a handle in his hand. Wei Zhongxian would definitely make a big fuss and put himself to death Zhao Gaotai knew Wei Zhongxian.

Zhao Gao also understood that Wei Zhongxian knew him very well. The two had been fighting in the inner palace for so many years.

The other party has long been regarded as a life-and-death enemy.

“No, I want to become an official of the CRRC government as soon as possible.”

“Only by showing my Zhao Gao’s talent before Your Majesty can we meet Wei Zhongxian’s suppression.”

Zhao Gao murmured.

Then he looked up at the eunuch next to him and said, “Do spies from all over the world have a reply?” ”

The eunuch quickly knelt down and said, “Your Honor, spies from all over the world are stepping up their search for beautiful women in the world, and at most it will not take more than half a month, there should be a letter.”

“Half a month?”

Zhao Gao slowly shook his head.

The eyes are cold and terrible.

I can’t wait that long.

“Pass on my dictation that they must complete their tasks in seven days.”

“Otherwise, if you are a day late, you will kill one of their families.”

Zhao Gao said sharply.

“Yes, sir.”

The little eunuch broke into a cold sweat and hurried to take the order.

Great Xia, Jizhou City.

A tea shop.

A two-storey tea shop.


A Zhongyiguan man.

I was sitting in a tea shop on the second floor drinking tea. He gently flicked the tea cup.

It’s like you’re sipping tea.

But a pair of eyes always stared at a luxurious mansion opposite the tea shop. Sioux House!

A plaque with gold characters on a black background and a silver hook painted in iron.

Two simple words announce who the owner of this mansion is. Su Huo.

Hou of Jizhou.

Marquis of Jizhou in Bactria

Generations inherit titles.

It can be said that in this Jizhou city. Su Hu is the earth emperor here. But none of that matters.

What was important was that the dead soldier of this Zhongyi Hall did not care about Su Hu this person. What he really cared about was that there was a daughter under Sue’s knee.




It’s Su Daji.

There is a legend in Jizhou City. Just a legend.

As for whether it is true or not.

No one can be sure.

But this legend has been circulating in Jizhou City.

This is also the reason why the dead in the Chungyi Hall appear here. Legend: Su Dai already has a pair of beautiful eyes that seduce the soul. When he was a child, he sneaked out of the house to have fun.

Just the street she walked.

All the men who saw her were discouraged.

And several of the men were actually killed alive by him. Even the women who had seen her were all sluggish.

For many months, he was immersed in his unique charm and upside-down posture. Legend.

Some of the people who had seen Su Da’s own face were crazy. Some people have mysteriously disappeared.

And since that day.

The people of Jizhou City never saw this daughter of Su Hu again. Even if someone had been curious about Su Daji’s face.

He had been secretly spying on Su Mansion from a distance.

But only one woman could be seen wearing a white veil. Playing music in the courtyard of Su Province.

You can’t see how it looks. But despite this.

It was just the figure of Su Daji’s fuqin music.

It also makes those who peep into Su Fu look confused and unable to extricate themselves for a long time. And the legend about Su Daji is getting more and more divine.

The whole city of Jizhou can be said to be known to everyone.

Dead soldier of Chungyikan.

His gaze never left Su Mansion for half a second. Because today is the annual temple fair in Jizhou City. Su Daji would only walk out of Su Mansion once a year today. He was strictly guarded by Su Hu on weekdays.

Su Daji would never be allowed to walk out of Su Mansion for half a step.

Her only heaven and earth is the Fuchu Garden and her own boudoir. If you ask the dead soldier of the Zhongyi Hall why he knows.

Because he spent a full ten thousand taels of silver to bribe a maid in the Su mansion. Only then can I hear this extremely important news.

Just a message about Sudaji. It was worth ten thousand taels of silver.

The heart of this dead soldier of this Zhongyi Hall was dripping blood. But he knew it very well.

If he could not complete the task given by Zhao Gao. Don’t talk about 10,000 taels of silver.

Even if he gave him a million taels of silver, he didn’t have the life to spend it. And all his family members will be killed by Zhao Gao. So.

Whether it’s for yourself.

Or for their own family.

This time, he must not fail.

Even if you give up your own surname, you must see Su Da’s true face. Just when the heart of this loyal deceased soldier was flooded.


I saw that the back door of Su Mansion was pushed open by a gap. Only to see a maid lean out and look outside the house. The back door was quickly closed again.

But that’s the same scene.

Suddenly, the spirit of the dead soldiers of the Zhongyi Hall was lifted. The cup of tea in his hand was quickly put down.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, staring dead at the back door of Su Mansion. Crunch!

Not for a while.

The back door of the Su Mansion was once again half pushed open.

Only to see a palanquin carried out by four slaves. Two maids followed on either side of the palanquin.

The palanquin is a very ordinary one, and it is not eye-catching.

The four slaves carried the car and walked quickly, quickly disappearing into the hidden path. But then a butler-like figure stepped out of the back door of the Su Mansion.

He waved.

More than a dozen guards dressed in sackcloth quietly followed. Apparently.

These people were all Su Fu guards. He was instructed to secretly protect the people in the car. Syllable!

The dead of the Chungyi Hall see here. There was a look of determination in his eyes.

He casually slapped down a certain amount of silver on the tea table. Then quickly out of the tea shop.

Secretly trailing behind.

A chance.

He only had one chance.

If you can’t see Su Da’s true face. He did not have to return to the capital himself.

Just cut yourself off in Jizhou City.


Qingyuan Temple.

The voices are noisy and the incense is in full bloom.

A large number of people worship the gods in the temple and ask for signatures. Inside the temple and outside the temple are crowded.

Burnt incense.


Fortune telling.

The noise of the hustle and bustle is endless.

Only to see that the palanquin of Su Fu finally came to the temple fair. But it’s far from the crowded places.

Carry the palanquin into a secluded and separate temple. An old Taoist monk had been waiting outside the temple for a long time.

See the arrival of the Sioux palanquin.

“Immeasurable Heaven.”

The old Daoist’s eyes lit up and he hurriedly made a nod.

“The Miaoyuan Dao has been polite, I don’t know if there are any idle people in the temple?”

A maid stepped forward and asked.

“Please rest assured that the poor road has long since eliminated irrelevant personnel.”

“Your lady is assured to pray to God for a signature.”

The old Taoist priest spoke.

But his eyes kept staring at the palanquin parked outside the temple. There was a faint hint of excitement under his eyes.

You must know that he has presided over the Qingyuan Temple for forty years. In the whole city of Jizhou are famous Taoist people. But in this decade.

His Daoist heart collapsed completely.

The only wish of the year.

It is to wait for the arrival of the people in the car.

Although it is impossible to see the face of the woman in the car. But it was only the white veil that covered the face.

It already haunted his soul and made it difficult to sleep day and night.

“Thank you Captain Miaoyuan.”


A natural sound came from the car. It was also when this voice sounded. The car curtain was slowly lifted.

I saw a woman in a wide gray robe walking out of the car. This woman’s face is covered with a white veil.

Although the shirt is wide and does not fit.

But when she appeared in the outside world at this moment. Heaven and earth seem to be eclipsed.

Although no one could see her face.

But it is only the charm of the body that exudes from the world. It is already unsteady, and the mind is roaring. And she was no one else.

······ Ask for flowers… Exactly–Sudae!

When you see the haunting figure.

Although the old Daoist was more than half a hundred years old, his footsteps were staggering, and he almost fell to the ground. To hide his embarrassment.

The old Taoist priest hurriedly supported the temple pillar beside him.

But the eyes were always reluctant to leave the woman for half a point.

“It’s been a long time.”

Su Daji walked into the temple. He nodded slightly to the old Daoist. But it made the old guy’s eyes confused. The whole person is stuck in place.

It was as if the three souls and seven spirits had all been hooked up by Su Daji. At the same time.

More than a dozen Su guards surrounded the temple. They stared cautiously in all directions.

Each guard looked very nervous. Because Hou Suhu of Jizhou had explained to them.

Never allow anyone to approach his daughter. If there is a half-point difference pool.

They all have their heads on the ground.

Inside the temple.

Su Daji lit three incense sticks.

Religiously inserted in the incense burner and then she knelt on her knees on the futon

With their hands folded, they are silently praying to the gods and Buddhas…

Temple, a hundred meters away.

The dead man of Zhongyi Hall was lying on the eaves of a house.

He stared far away at Su Daji, who was kneeling and praying in the temple. He didn’t dare get too close.

Because once too close.

The Su Fu guards will find him as soon as possible. This is extremely dangerous for him, who has only one chance. Whew–huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-

The dead man of Chungyikan was slowly adjusting his breathing. Bean-sized beads of sweat ran across his cheeks. Although he is a first-class master of martial arts.

But the guards of the Su Mansion were all first-class masters. He only had one shot.

The tension in my heart is naturally extreme.

But the look in his eyes revealed an unusually fierce color. If you don’t succeed, you will become a benefactor!


Five black beads appeared between his five fingers. The name of this object is Zhentian Thunder.

The killing power is enormous.

It is also the biggest hole card for him to perform this task. Finally.

He moved!


Like an arrow off the string, like an electric flint.

He exploded with the greatest strength of his life.

The whole person turned into a shadow.

Go straight to the temple where Su Daji is located.

Even the air around him was a tearing sound.

“Protect Miss!”

The Su guards were the first to perceive the crisis. Their faces changed suddenly.

With a loud thud, he drew his saber from his waist. The long sword of Namori Han crossed the long sky. Go straight to the Zhongyiguan Death Soldier to chop up.

“Let’s all die for Lao Tzu.”

The dead soldiers of Zhongyiguan roared madly. Because he has given up his name.

The five Heavenly Thunderbolts were directly thrown out by him. Boom-boom-boom!

The terrible explosions went on and on.

The power of the earth-shaking thunder completely exploded. The wave of terror that exploded.

In an instant, several Su Fu guards were blown away. Billowing smoke also rose at this moment.

Completely lose sight of sight. It was also in this moment of chaos.

The dead of Zhongyiguan frantically rushed into the temple. In the thick smoke.

He could faintly see Su Daji kneeling on the futon.

“Let me see what you look like.”

The dead soldiers of Zhongyiguan roared madly.

One step out, he came to Su Da’s own body. He reached out his palm and jerked off his veil.

A stunning face also appeared in his eyes. Quiet!

Be quiet!

Silent silence.

When I saw this moment of Su Da’s true face.

The Zhongyiguan dead man’s originally vicious and crazy expression turned into sluggishness.

His eyes stared at the shocked look in front of him, which did not look like the world should have a shocking posture. Glamorous world?



….. No!



These words are completely indescribable to describe the woman in front of you. Su Daji’s beauty had already completely destroyed the dead soldiers of Zhongyiguan.

He was completely unable to describe the woman in front of him in human terms. He just watched in a daze.

As if willing to look at it for ten thousand years, it will not feel boring.

“Who are you?”

“Why did you come?”

Su Daji was like a frightened little rabbit. A look of fear flowed from his face.

“You’re looking for death!”


A roar of anger came from behind the dead soldier of the Zhongyi Hall. It was accompanied by a wisp of cold sword light.


A knife down.

The dead soldier of Chungyikan was directly cut off from his left arm.

This sharp pain instantly woke him up from Su Daji’s astonishing countenance. He looked at this amazing face in front of him nostalgically.

But it was still a quick break of the tip of the house. Run for your life outside the temple.

“He saw the lady’s countenance, killed him, and never let him leave alive.”

One of the guards roared angrily.

Although the Zhongyiguan dead killed and injured several Su guards with earthquake thunder. But a dozen people were not injured.

At this moment, all of them were frantically slashing and killing the dead soldiers of the Zhongyi Hall with their swords. Escape!

Crazy escape!

Crazy runaway.


His left arm was cut off.

His body was covered with knife wounds. A lot of blood is flowing.

But he was still on the run.

The heart is even more crazy to tell yourself. I can’t die myself.

Absolutely cannot die.

Even if you can’t escape from Jizhou City.

Before he died, he also had to tell Zhao Gao the news. Because his family is still among Zhao masters.

And today I saw Su Daji’s amazing face. He felt that he had not lived in vain.


The last thunderbolt was thrown out by him. A violent blast sounded behind him. Slightly blocked the Su Fu guards who were pursuing him. In the midst of billowing soot.

The dead soldier was finally temporarily out of sight of the guards of the Su Province. But the blood that flowed from his body fell to the ground.

It also made it impossible for him to hide his tracks. When the smoke clears.

Several of the guards in Su Mansion were livid-faced.

Follow the blood trail left by the dead soldiers of Chungyikan all the way.

“He has seen the lady’s countenance, and he must not let him leave Jizhou City Commander alive.”

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